Summer, sun and vacation time behind. But not only the beautiful tan will bring vacationers from marine coasts, sometimes they bring and problems for their skin. How to help the skin to recover after solar irradiation? Tips and recommendations in our article.

In the epidermis (external multi-layer skin department) there are special cells - the melanocytes and melanocytes producing and containing skin pigment - Melanin. Due to the presence of melanin, absorbing ultraviolet rays, a peculiar skin, protecting the skin and the entire body as a whole from the damaging effect of solar radiation. Visible result of the invisible work of skin cells is tan.
In Russia, the fashion is still relevant for a strong tan, especially in the field of sports, where the main factor is the beauty of the body, and the Association intensive tan - good health is still considered true. During everyday extreme training, which is experiencing the body, the skin is also subjected to maximum loads. It displays the sweat along with the metabolism products, helps maintain the normal temperature of the body so that it does not overheat during training, and finally, is an external design for the muscles of the entire body. And of course, the tan is also a kind of skin stress.
Frequent visits to solariums, various new tanning methods, the direct impact of sunlight experience the protective mechanisms of our skin for strength, and very often formed gums in the skin defense. Does this mean that we have to take care of our skin more?
- Freckles - small yellowish or brownish spots, more often located on the face, but sometimes (especially in white-skinned blondes) and throughout the body. Almost always the freckles are observed near the nearest relatives, t.E. This is hereditary condition. Caused rays of class uv b.
- Chloasm - larger stains than freckles. Chloa is the result of hyperpigmentation of the skin arising due to hormonal changes in the body (pregnancy, taking contraceptive tablets, menopause, andropause) and manifest after a single or multiple stay in the sun. Coloring chloasm is darker than that of freckles. They are located almost exclusively on the face - in the forehead, cheeks, upper lips, around the eyes, on the nose. There are practically no found on the centuries. According to the theory of the projection of the internal organs on the field of persons, the emergence of a pigment spot at some point, the area of the person speaks of a violation in the work of a particular organ. For example, the appearance of spots in the central part of the forehead speaks about problems in the small intestine, on the naming - the pancreas, on the cheeks - the lungs and t.D. Chloasma caused by rays of class UV B, UV A-rays exacerbate their action.
- Solar burns and its consequences - hyperpigmented and hypocygmented (light) spots on the face and body, of various sizes appearing after the disappearance of bubbles. Cause rays UV B, IR-rays. The appearance of white spots, inclined to growth and merger, on symmetrical parts of the body on the background of a healthy skin serves as a signal for a visit to a dermatologist (to eliminate vitiligo disease).
The task of cleansing agents not only to remove the tempered dirt, but also to clean the skin from its own metabolism - sebum, spent skin cells. The cleansing agent is selected taking into account the skin type: for fatty, problem skin - gel or washbox, for other types - cleansing milk, cream or cleansing serum. But regardless of the skin type cleansing you need to spend twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
There are two ways to purify:
- Applying a cleansing agent onto a cotton disk and wiping the skin of them (as the disks are contaminated), as long as the disk does not see the traces of the mud. This method is somewhat nonhygienic, because when wiping the face with a cotton disc part of the dirt rubbing into the skin.
- Applying a cleansing means directly on hand. Palm should be mixed with water, to the left palm to squeeze a tool, size with a 5-ruble coin, grind slightly between the palms of both hands, apply to the pre-moistened water «Naming» movements.
Wash off with water, if necessary, repeat. Dry face with missing movements.
Restoration of skin injured solar radiation
You can use ready-made whitening creams and masks that contain a whole complex of bleaching substances, vitamins, as well as softening components and substances that normalize skin structure. Whitening products sold in retail trade can mainly be used to eliminate freckles, small non-rigid colored pigment spots. These creams can be applied both on the problem itself and on the whole face. If the bleaching cream is applied locally, then a moisturizing cream should be applied to the rest of the person. Bleaching procedures should be done by courses, but as a result they still do not get rid of stains, but only as possible them.
Alternatively, with a small degree of hyperpigmentation, you can try paraffin therapy, which in addition it moistles well and pulls the skin. But the effect will last long, it is called it «Procedure for output».
However, very often to cope with pigment stains and reduced tone is almost impossible, since home resources cannot penetrate so deep. In this case, you should contact a cosmetologist.
After using cleansing agents, it is necessary to apply a tonic that performs several functions at once:
- removes the remnants of the cleansing
- Reduces pores
- Refreshes skin
- Restores Natural Acid-Alkaline Balance.
Also, tonic prepares the skin to the next, final stage of care.
A cosmetologist can offer both the use of special active programs and the use of hardware impact methods.
The effect is achieved by applying the following tools: vitamin C, koyaic acid, hydroquinone, low concentrations of fruit acids, salicylic acid, etc.D. You need to visit the procedures regularly - 1-2 times a week, course - 1-2 months. The results of these procedures are not manifested earlier than 4-6 weeks.
Reparation methods
Peeling - different in depth process removal of skin cells using a variety of chemical (organic) substances, resulting in cosmetic defects. Along with the pigment stains, small wrinkles will disappear, faces will be tightened, as the skin elasticity will increase. The number of seasis is selected individually.
Enzyme peeling is the use of natural enzymes to reject dead cells, stimulation in the skin of the update processes. Frequency of visits - 1-2 times a week. Course - 6-8 procedures.
Cryerussage - Impact on the skin with liquid nitrogen Plus the use of depgments. Course - 8-10 procedures.
Microderms - the use of abrasive materials rotating at different speeds. Mechanical removal of the outer skin layer (epidermis) occurs. Several Seasov may be required.
Microchlife - supply to the skin of a solid-phase fine filler, more often aluminum chips, also for mechanical removal of skin layers. Deeper impact than microderms. Can be enough single session or 2-3 sessions.
Laser grinding - use of laser radiation for deep skin peeling. May be required from 1 to 2-3 procedures.
Mesotherapy - microinders in the area of the problem space of various drugs.
Home care products
Strengthen the effect of obtaining professional procedures, using houses, in breaks between procedures, the means of so-called home care or special aimed action creams for removing hyperpigmentation phenomena. These drugs need to be purchased only by a cosmetologist's doctor, in retail sale in the trading network they do not come.
For most people, the feeling of joyful self-perception is determined not only by the appearance, but also a feeling of health, energy in every cell of the body. Sports enhance the activity of all processes in the body, metabolism becomes more intense, therefore, satisfying the increasing needs of the body in nutrients with various biodevices, it is impossible to forget about the skin. A modern approach to eliminating cosmetic drawbacks is reduced to the systemic use of antioxidant, enzyme biologically active additives and drugs.
The mechanism of action of these drugs: accelerate the digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Regulate antioxidant protection systems due to the content of bioflavonoids and coenzyme Q. Moderate the state of the immune system, have an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerate and normalize hair growth, nails. Improve skin condition. Reduce susceptibility to sunlight.
Whitening series There are many lines of professional cosmetics. As a rule, they include several funds, each of which complements and maintains the action of the other - these are peelings, milk, tonic, masks, creams, concentrates. Preparations are divided according to the degree of impact on the skin - there are also those that help only lighten the complexion. Home care lines recommended for supporting therapy are attached to the salon series. Each brand uses his way to combat pigmentation. So, in Yon-Ka it is glycolic, dairy, wine, lemon and salicylic acid. In Danne - The same acids plus soybean oil and wheat germ oil. Lacrima Whiting Line Contains a complex of fruit acids and coarse acid. Academie «based» on aha (alpha phantroxy acid), lemon and cucumber extracts. Decleor offers to fight pigment stains with vitamin C, spill essential oils complex, lemon, parsley and whitening plant complex, in which the extracts of the bark of the Japanese white tute tree and grapefruit. Institut EstHederm pigment spots serum contains a patented complex «Hypopigmentenin», Consisting of silk root extract and grapefruit derivative, as well as leaf extracts Tolokanyani, white birch and licorice.
Whitening tools offer not only professional brands. A curious line of bleaching cosmetics under the ISA KNOX brand recommends De Bon. Separations called White Focus include a wash foam, cleansing a mask, cleansing tonic, emulsion serum and intensive whitening treatment. Contain a patented active component of phytoclio - the overwhelming gene, which is responsible for the production of melanin. Under the Darphin brand introduced the bleaching line CLEAR WHITE. She combined cleansing milk, tonic, mask, intense floral complex and finally cream. The active ingredients of these funds are mulberry, fruit acids, vitamin C, chamomile, aloe, lemon.
The problem with single dark spots promises to solve the gel corrector of pigment spots from LIERAC based on a coilic acid. It acts immediately in several directions: illuminates the existing spots of even a decade ago, warns the emergence of new and, importantly, moisturizes the skin.
Russian manufacturers also offer to take advantage of the fruits of their work on the development of bleaching cosmetics. So, the company «Techon» brought a series of cosmetics cosmetics «Your Mightiness». It is based on a vegetable complex, which, on the one hand, removes dead cells of the horny layer, on the other - reduces the synthesis of melanin. A line consisting of peeling, masks, milk, tonic, daytime and night creams and serum, designed for the bleaching course of pigment stains and freckles for 5-8 weeks.
Specialists of the company created a series of products with whitening effect «Floresan». Committed «White Len», It is represented by day and night creams, mask, peeling and hand cream. Fighting with dark spots lead vitamin C, fruit acids, cucumber and tocular extracts.
In general, choose from what. But the most important thing is that you need to remember - the September Sun can be the same insidious as summer. Therefore, in order to avoid the emergence of new spots, high-quality sunscreen should be used. And let your skin will always be beautiful!