What is dandruff and how to deal with it?


  • Cells-«Jumping»
  • Fat or dry?
  • Tenant with character
  • How to treat dandruff

  • Serious white scales on hair and clothes make you feel
    Uncertain – what if the interlocutor looks not at you, but on your shoulders,
    whitewashed debris «lime»? But before talking about treatment
    dandruff, you need to figure out where it comes from.


    What is dandruff and how to deal with it?
    Cause of appearance
    Dandruff in most cases is inside the body. Like I
    Nice famous acne, dandruff – This is a consequence of infringement

    Why these violations arise? Causes of many. SAMI
    Common – Hormonal imbalance (therefore and dandruff and acne
    most often arise during a hormonal perestroika, that is, in
    age 14-25 years).

    Also affect the exchange processes may be improper nutrition, in
    in particular, if there is too much fat and sweet in your diet, and still
    Smoking, lack of vitamins, overwork, stress. Big role
    Play problems with the intestine: as a rule, 80-90 suffer from them
    percent of people with dandruff. Oddly enough, the appearance of dandruff
    be caused by use… Dandruff shampoo – If he is wrong

    Tell in brief, how exactly the dandruff. Healthy skin
    constantly updated, old cells die off, and new ones are formed.
    Memoric cells of the scalp turn into ordinary dust, invisible
    glaze. Normally travel cells from deep layers of skin on the surface
    takes almost a month, but if you have broken metabolism, this
    The process is greatly accelerated. Cells get up much faster, they
    become thicker, the color changes with transparent on white, besides, they
    Begin to bond with each other. This is the most unpleasant
    «powder», which settles on clothes and instantly spoils you

    Fat or dry?

    Then the disease we
    just described, cosmetologists called dry dandruff. but
    This is not the only kind of dandruff. On the skin of the head we have
    Millions of sebaceous glands. They produce lubricant that does not give skin
    displace. However, if this lubricant is too much (which happens when
    The same exchange violations that lead to dandruff and acne), she
    forms a tight film on the skin, which does not give skin cells freely
    leave their habitat. So occurs fat dandruff – Scales B
    this case is yellowish color, hair becomes dull and hang like
    Soselki. It is very important to determine what kind of dandruff – from
    This depends the choice of therapeutic shampoo.

    Tenant with character

    Another very much
    Common cause of dandruff – Microscopic fungus.
    He constantly lives on our scalp and until time until time we do not
    interferes, but due to different violations in the body of the fungus immediately
    Begins Raman to multiply. It makes the sebaceous glands work
    faster – Begins to form dandruff. Fight fungus to you
    Help shampoos based on special antifungal components (they
    prevent the reproduction of fungus). Before starting to use such
    shampoos, be sure to make sure that the fungus is to blame –
    Otherwise, your time and money will be walked.

    How to treat dandruff

    In addition to the already named shampoos, there are still a lot of funds against
    malicious scales. But before telling about them, recall: fight with
    dandruff as such meaningless. After all, the cause of dandruff – in the body,
    it should be treated. That is, normalize metabolism with
    a special diet (if it is in the intestine), a special regime (if
    to blame nerves) and hormonal drugs. Only sf
    the main cause of dandruff, you can move on.

    Ordinary shampoos with dandruff will not cope, there are special means
    – they are sold only in pharmacies. Also, if you decided to fight with
    Dandress seriously, start from a visit to the doctor-cosmetologist. He will help
    correctly determine which type of dandruff (for this is used
    Video Diagnosis – The doctor considers the scalp under the big
    zoom, and it is simultaneously projected on the monitor screen). Only
    The doctor will be able to correctly pick you shampoo, and this is very important – more
    Initially, we said that the wrong shampoo himself can cause

    So, shampoos against dandruff are divided into:

    • Antifungal shampoos
    • Exfoliating shampoos – They act as a kind of scuffing scrub
    • Floral Extract Shampoos, for example, tar – He is excellent
      Removes excess fat from the scalp, and still slows down the reproduction of the fungus

    Well-proven cryotherapy – Massage liquid nitrogen. Strong
    Cold activates metabolic processes in head skin cells and
    Simultaneously eliminates excess cell layers – skin as

    Massage yourself you can do it yourself. It is quite simple:
    Every evening 10-15 minutes massaging the skin of the head with a finger pads in
    Different areas. Massage well start with combing massage
    Brush – so you immediately strengthen blood circulation in the skin.

    There are also many species of various creams and dandruff lotions – they need to regularly rub into the scalp.

    Do not neglect folk remedies. With dry dandruffs, our moms and
    Grandmothers used a severity of sea buckthorn with olive oil in the ratio
    1: 3 – It is heated by half an hour in a water bath and rub on the night into the skin
    Head. If you have fat dandruff, try to wash your head with warm infusion
    Pijmas. To prepare it, heating 100 g flowers in a water bath in
    10 minutes in 3 liters of water.

    For rinsing good chamomile flowers and marigolds – These plants have disinfectant properties.

    Recall once again: Treat dandruff, you need with your doctor – Only so
    You will be able to achieve a good result in a short time. Good luck!

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