Treatment of streptodermia in children

What is the most valuable? Of course, her child's health is a fragile equilibrium of the body so easy to break! The faster immunity of our babies is becoming a light target for various diseases - all and do not list immediately! Today, our site talks about streptodermia, the disease that is most often, unfortunately, «stick» It is to children.

Streptodermia - disease of infectious and allergic origin. It appears when the streptococcal pathogen and its livestock products penetrate the skin through the wound and abrasions that are on it. In addition, streptodermia can be quickly infected if closely communicate with a sick person. It is very difficult to defeat the disease attacked the body of a newborn man, in children older, the process of treatment of streptodermia also takes quite a long time. Adults people meet with this skin ailment much less often, due to the fact that their immunity is tempered enough to reflect the attack on the body of the pathogeful pest.

Causes of streptodermia

Child disease, infections in children, streptodermia, streptococcus

The probability of the appearance of the disease is primarily due to the impaired skin integrity - in order for streptococcal microorganism to fall into the body of sufficiently insignificant fraud or micropores. Another equally important factor is the violation of local immunity (skin immunity immunity) and reducing the activity of the immune system as a whole.

Streptodermia are mainly prone to children - it is in the children's team (nursery and gardens, schools, children's «Circles» For interests) epidemic outbreaks of disease are most often observed. An infected child at the same time can infect his adult relative with whom closely communicates.

You can highlight several main reasons that increase the chances of each of us «patch» Cooked infection:

  1. Violation of personal hygiene rules.
  2. Chronic overwork and defective sleep.
  3. Stress.
  4. States causing immunity reduction (for example, prolonged disease).
  5. The deficiency of vitamins in the body and the insufficient amount of their feed.
  6. Any skin injuries.

The easiest way to penetrate streptococcal infection in the body - contact-household. Malicious microorganism can tide a child everywhere: on dishes, clothes, toys, personal hygiene objects and, of course, in dust. In the summer, insects become carriers of the disease. In winter, there is a seasonal incidence of streptodermia, which keeps up with numerical cases of angina and Scarlay. There is nothing surprising here, because Streptococcus is the causative agent of all diseases.

Symptoms «Children's» Streptodermia

Child disease, infections in children, streptodermia, streptococcus

Streptodermia is difficult to distinguish from urticaria, Atopic dermatitis, Founded deprived, pyodermia and eczema, so the dermatologist asks the patient very detail before putting the final diagnosis.

In the size of the inflammatory hearth and its location, several clinical forms of disease are distinguished.

Streptococcal impetigo It looks like single flushes, which accumulate on the skin of the face, torso, hands and legs, sometimes merging into one big spot. The basal layer of skin is affected, after breaking the bubbles in their place, thin crusts of the gray shade are formed. When the crusts disappear, after them there are bluish-pink spots.

Slim-like impetigo Attacks the skin in the corners of the mouth. This form of streptodermia is known as Streptococcal Zap, as it has the type of linear cracks in the corners of the lips, which are covered with crusts of yellow-honey shades. This kind of snacks disappear without a trace, but tend to appear again. Also, this type of disease can be localized in the area of ​​the wings of the nose and near the outer edge of the eye. The damage to the skin in these places is complicated by a strong itching, sometimes with a saliva, which contributes to the spread of infection to healthy skin. The child suffering from a sliding impetigo refuses to be due to the fact that he painfully open his mouth.

Simple Lisha meets in children most often. The face is covered with peeling pink or white plots. They have a clearly defined oval or round shape. Sunlight has a beneficial effect on fresh rash, but the long-affected skin sections are not evenly sunbathe.

Tournament (streptodermia of nail rollers) is often observed in children who can not get rid of the bad habit of nail. The skin around the nail is inflamed, a horseshoe erosion develops. Flicena filled with serous-purulent liquid.

Streptococcal diallos, As a rule, it is possible to detect in newborns in the field of skin folds - small fluxes are formed there, which can merge into one large affected area. If bubbles open, there remains a wasting surface of bright pink color.

Treatment of streptodermia in children

Child disease, infections in children, streptodermia, streptococcus

The danger of streptococcus is very large due to the fact that the bacterium firmly substantiated in the body can cause the defeat of the joints, the heart muscle and kidneys - medicine known cases of the development of heart, myocarditis, rheumatism and glomerulonephritis in a consequence of not cured in time. Therefore, parents who have discovered suspicious spots on the body of their baby, should apply as soon as possible.

In the epicenter of infection, quarantine is defined - children share at least 10 days (the time of the greatest duration of the incubation period). Throughout the treatment, it is very important to comply with the therapeutic diet, the basis of which is nourishing, but at the same time light food. «Aggressive» Food (oily, sweet, acute, smoked) is prohibited.

When streptodermia is expressed by a single hearth and the child has no symptoms of intoxication, it can be limited to local treatment, applying ointments and creams. Modern medicine offers a fairly wide range of drugs, successfully cope with streptococcal infection: Baneocin, Hyoxizon, Fuccin, Levomecole, Zinc Ointment, Sulfur-Degtyar Ointment. Sometimes there is a need for the integrated use of two drugs, as Streptococcus is able to produce very quickly to produce resistance (stability) to some drugs.

With complicated formations of streptodermia, together with local treatment, therapy is carried out by the grinding drugs, vitamins, UFO blood and affected skin seats. Perhaps the patient will prescribe Antibiotics In injecting form (penicillins, cephalosporins) and anti-inflammatory funds.

During treatment, streptodermia is prohibited in some way to contact with water - healthy skin you only need to wipe the herbal decrains, which have antiseptic and drying properties. It is also necessary to take care that the child wore clothes only from natural fabrics, allowing the skin to breathe.

Treatment of streptodermia provides for the mandatory removal of flicen, which first pierced with a thin injection needle, after which the affected areas are treated with antiseptic solutions (for example, diamond green). The procedure ends with the overlapping of therapeutic ointment and dry dressings. The resulting crusts are lubricated by salicylic vaseline in order to freely remove them.

On the face and in the region, in particular, bubbles are lubricated with lapis (nitric acid silver 1-2%), after which they are treated with tetracycline or strepticidal ointment, rivolool, erythromycin ointment. To take a strong itching, antihistamines are used - Supratine, diazoline and Tueva. To prevent combs and infection of healthy skin sections, nails are regularly treated with antiseptic solutions.

If you turn to a specialist in time and responsibly fulfill all the rules of the treatment prescribed by him, streptodermia will begin to retreat already on the seventh day of therapy.

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