Sincere smile at all times helped people find a common language, attract attention and cause sympathy for others. It's not hard to smile? Even on the contrary, nice — With the exception of several cases...

Smile can cause discomfort? When your gums are not in order, you are not sure
purity of teeth or freshness of breathing. Well, that is, almost always, people will say
shy. And in something they are right: self-confidence depends on
The state of the oral cavity. To whom Mom did not speak in childhood: clever teeth, my hands,
Sydi right? The habit of fixed in our mind. It would seem what
worry? However, the pace of modern life does not allow hygiene
oral cavity so much attention as in childhood. Trips, Stress, Fast Food — and
Once we are surprised to find that the gums are bleeding or inflamed. Important
determine the cause and take action on time. Prevention is equally important. After all
Prevent gum disease is much easier and cheaper than getting rid of her.
Properly selected personal care of the oral cavity will give us this
invaluable help.
The best thing
Apply integrated home care cavity. Does not exist «Magic»
toothbrush or paste, modern means are developed by series to
add and strengthen each other effect.
Tools series «Parodontocid®» with natural
vegetable components (sage, mint, carnation) are easy to use and perfect for maintaining the health of gums and oral cavity.
If in
Eating time or daily teeth cleaning You started to experience pain unpleasant
Feelings, you have a bleeding — it's a reason to consult a doctor. Preventive toothpaste «Parodontocid®», not only retain the purity and whiteness of your teeth, but
and prevent the bleeding of the gums will help them be strong and healthy.
It produces in Germany Dental-Kosmetik GmbH &
Co.KG commissioned by "Moscow pharmaceutical factory" (Mosfarma).
Extracts of medicinal herbs (sage and mint),
included in its composition, warn against inflammation and infection of the gums and
mucous membrane of the oral cavity; sodium fluoride protects teeth from caries. Tooth
Pasta has a pleasant soft taste of mint and carnations, produced in «home»
(100ml) and comfortable «Road» (50 ml) packaging.
Toothpaste «Parodontocid» Recommended
alternate with any other preventive paste after a month of application.
Chronic gum problems, then in the complex with toothpaste it is recommended
use solution «Parodontocid®». It is intended for
rinsing oral cavity (15-20 drops on 1/3 glasses of water) after cleaning teeth and
Enhances the effect of applications.
The solution does not affect the composition of the natural microflora of the oral cavity, which is very
important for health, especially during periods of mass disease. Solution ne
paints dental enamel and seals, does not contain preservatives and is economical in
In working
time or on the road can be used «Parodontocid®»: He will refresh breathing and stop breeding harmful
Microbes. It consists of natural essential oils of Sage, mint and
Carnations. Spray is comfortable to carry with you, it is easily placed in a cosmetic bag, even in
The smallest handbag hees he will have a place. You can use it after the morning
and evening teeth cleaning. Spray irrigates the oral cavity evenly and enhances
Effect of toothpaste.
The state of the gum causes anxiety when wearing dentures or braces.
Try the gel «Parodontocid®»
— It is easy to apply to the damaged area. Gel contains the same natural
Components, as well as allantoin, promoting regeneration of damaged tissue. Perhaps it
exactly what you were looking for — Gel will help make wearing braces or prostheses
more comfortable.
Try the whole series «Parodontocid». In her
Effective, modern means based on natural components: tooth
Pasta, spray, solution and gel. With them your smile will be wide and carefree, but
gums and teeth — Healthy.
There are contraindications, it is necessary
Consult S doctor or familiar with the instructions.