Whiskers of vaginal selection: find and eliminate the cause


Whiskers of vaginal selection: find and eliminate the causeWhiser discharge from the vagina bother most women and are often accompanied by painful burning and itching. If you have already come across this problem, you know that it happens very difficult to recover.

What is the reason for the appearance of whisen intimate selection and how to quickly get rid of this problem?

First of all, remember that the whisen allocations in women appear as a result of two main reasons — This is either breeding into the vagina yeast fungi (vulvo vaginal candidiasis), or excessive growth of lactobacilli (cytolithic vaginosis or other name — Doderelin cytolysis).

Let's talk about each of these reasons.

So the first reason — Growing yeast fungi or candidal milk.

It arises as a result of the fact that mushrooms begin to grow intensively and multiply in the vagina. This is due to the decrease in immunity, or against the background of antibiotics. Also remember that mushrooms in large numbers live in the intestine and in the mouth. Therefore, oral or anal sex can also cause the appearance of candidium thrush.

The second reason is an excessive growth of lactobacillia or lactomomomomomomom.

Paradox of this thrush lies in the fact that lactobacilli — This is a normal vaginal microflora. But under certain circumstances, the lactobacilli is beginning to reproduce overly and their excessive amount causes the appearance of burning, itching and is accompanied by the appearance of blessed curved discharge. The main causes of such an excessive growth of lactobacillius can be a pregnancy, when an increased maintenance of glycogen is formed in the vagina. What other hats lead to excessive growth of lactofloras:

  • raising estrogen levels (female sex hormone);
  • frequent use of capsules or candles with lacto and bifidobacteriums;
  • Excessive use of shower gels with lactic acid content and low pH<4.5;
  • Rare sex life or regular use of condoms.

Now let's talk about how to get rid of these different types of thrush

Quite often, when you are encountered with whitish discharges (thrush), then you immediately try to drink an antifungal drug, including because you see such advertising on TV. But, if with a candidal milk, it can help for a while, then with a lactomomomomer — it is in vain spent money.

One thrush from another distinguish very difficult and even doctors «approximately» never can do it. But at the same time, I want to have a universal remedy that equally helps with candidalous thrush, and with a lactomomomomotic.

To this end, doctors are used by Kandinorm, which due to the double mechanism of action is equally effective and under candidal, and with a lactomomomomotic.

Candinors are produced in the form of a gel and contains in its composition natural components that effectively purify the vagina from candidal (yeast) fungi, and at the same time it can effectively adjust the acidity into the vagina, which is very important in the treatment of lactomomomomoline or dodener cytolysis.

That is why Kandinorm will be effective for any reason for whitish discharge from the vagina, accompanied by burning or itching.

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