Etiology and pathogenesis of caries: the key to understanding


Etiology and pathogenesis of caries: the key to understandingThe name of the disease Caries gives an understanding of the origin of the dental disease, the word translates from Latin as «Ring», and therefore gives an accurate representation of the state of the tooth and solid tissues included in its composition. According to the World Health Organization, more than 98% of the adult population of the planet are susceptible to this disease.

To explain the etiology and pathogenesis of caries, there are many theories based on the following key points:

  • The composition of microflora of the oral cavity;
  • Character and nutrition mode;
  • quantity and quality of salivation;
  • hereditary factor;
  • General condition of the organism.

Etiology, development of pathological processes — Pathogenesis of caries, study the mechanisms of development, causes, conditions for the occurrence and course of the disease. To local factors affecting the state of the dental system, can be attributed:

  • the process of formation during the bookmark of the dental system;
  • defective structure of teeth tissues;
  • the integrity of the pulp of the tooth;
  • The composition and properties of saliva;
  • sticky foodstuffs delaying in the oral cavity;
  • Toothpaste and dental flare.

Ceching roasting caries: frequent pathology

The soft dental flare has a sponge-porous structure, but in penetration of the products of the life of microorganisms, the porosity disappears, the dental plaque is formed, under which the excess accumulation of organic acids occurs. Milk, oil, ant and other acids contribute to the local demineralization of dental tissue, and due to the presence of carieseogenic streptococcal and sucrose, anaerobic fermentation is activated, the pH decreases, and as a result — The emergence of the cervical caries.

Dentists note an increase in the number of patients with this form of the disease. During the development of caries, 4 stages are allocated.

  • Cariosis stain, it can be treated by saturating the surface of the tooth with calcium and fluorine.
  • Surface Stage — Ensures grinding with mineralization, sweeping and sealing of carious cavity.
  • Central Stage — Required carious cavity cleaner, treatment with removal of patients with fabrics, fillings.
  • Deep Stage — The state of lesion of the root of the tooth, when the tooth itself is already impossible.

Caries Prevention Means: Favorable Forecast

Insufficient and poor quality care for the oral cavity, food eating non-enriched with vitamins and microelements, frequent uncontrolled consumption of carbohydrates leads to the fact that cariesel microorganisms producing devastating acids make their business tirelessly — Demineralized sections appear on the surface of the teeth. That is why it is impossible to forget about the prevention of caries, with its help you can completely prevent the development of the disease.

The effect of influencing the means for complex prevention of caries occurs in the case of compulsory dental recommendations:

  • elimination of plaque;
  • Reducing sugar in food;
  • Replenishment of fluorine, phosphorus and calcium deficit.

Prevention of caries can be represented by the following positions:

  • endogenous faulty;
  • Endogenous medicinal;
  • Exogenous faulty;
  • Exogenous medicinal.

In the list of objects needed to maintain the health of the oral cavity, you should mention: anticipaths of toothpastes, brushes, flosses, toothpicks, interdentary stimulants, irrigators. Regular use and use of recommended devices will avoid painful questions like: «How much is and where to pass the caries treatment?»

How much is the treatment of caries? Rhetorical question

How much is the treatment of caries? Rhetorical questionThe standards of treatment of caries are carried out according to the order of the Ministry of Health and social development in dental polyclinics and medical centers using mandatory technologies and the implementation of stages of dental therapy. Due to the observance of these rules, the patient may receive a full range of medical procedures using X-ray diagnostics to identify the deployed pattern of dental health and mandatory observance of consistent professional diagnostics, regardless of how much. The treatment of caries is accompanied by the removal of a soft plaque, purification of solid protesters and tartar with ultrasound, grinding and polishing of dental enamel, fluoroline coating and root canal seals.

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