What are periodontal diseases


  • Periodontal diseases
  • What are the symptoms of perodont disease
  • What is perodontosis
  • Tumor lesions

  • Periodontal diseases

    Periodontal diseases occur very often, especially among adults.

    Periodonts -
    This is a set of fabrics that surround the tooth and provide its fixation
    in jaw bones. This complex includes gums, periodontal
    Bundles connecting tooth root with bone well, bone tissue
    Alveolar Process and Tooth Root Cement. With various diseases
    Periodonts into the pathological process can be involved any part
    perodontal complex or all periodontal in general.

    The pathological process also happens different: dystrophic,
    Inflammatory or tumor. Among all periodontal diseases 90-95%
    accounted for inflammatory, such as gingivitis and periodontitis.

    Gingivitis - This inflammatory process in the tissues of the gum edge, in which only surface tissues gums are affected.

    Perdontitis -
    This inflammatory process in which all structures are involved
    Periodonta. It is characterized by the destruction of the sewer
    and the progressive degradation of alveolar jaw bones.

    Gingivitis and periodontitis are two interrelated forms of the disease,
    Since the inflammatory process appears first in the tissues of the gums,
    and gradually be involved in it to be subject to periodontal structures:
    Vesty bunch and alveolar bone.

    What are the symptoms of perodont disease

    The disease occurs
    In childhood, in the presence of both permanent and dairy teeth.
    The cause of the early and rapid development of the disease is the defects of the general

    Tactics of specialists are reduced to a more thorough
    Antimicrobial control. However, resistant positive results can
    achieve only by eliminating the defects of the immune system with
    Directed drug impact.

    What are periodontal diseases
    This form of paradontitis occurs selective lesion of the support
    The apparatus of the first permanent teeth. The disease is called
    Actinomycetami bacteria, namely Actinomycetes Comitans.
    In most cases, children occur, whose parents are
    carriers of microorganism.

    The process is accompanied by minimal
    inflammatory response. This type of microorganisms has
    Ability to suppress protective immune responses
    organism, therefore antibodies in such conditions do not have time
    form. Subsequent constant teeth are damaged
    rarely because in time I have time to form and show your
    Protective action Specific antibodies.

    Treatment includes
    active antibiotic therapy - for at least 3 weeks -
    in combination with local interventions. The need is long
    Antibiotics reception is due to the fact that microorganisms are not only
    inhabiting a seashest groove, and in the subsequent - periodontal
    pocket, but also penetrate the deep tissues and bone structures, where
    sufficient persistently persist.

    Specific Microflora: Porphyromonas Gingivalis, Actinomycetes
    Comitans and Prevotella Intermedia. And often takes place
    Their combination. In this case, microorganisms enhance the action of each
    friend, causing tissue destruction and suppressing an immune response.

    Tactics consists in careful mechanical processing of periodontal
    Pockets and intensive antimicrobial therapy (within 3-4 weeks).
    Surgical treatment - patchwork operations - spend only after
    Completion of the full course of antimicrobial therapy, otherwise it

    The most reliable criterion for the effectiveness of treatment
    is microbiological analysis of the contents of periodontal pockets
    and fabric bioptats.

    What is perodontosis

    Based on parodontosis
    Lies atrophic-dystrophic process in periodontal tissues.
    The disease has pretty scanty symptoms and slow flow.
    The reason for its development has not yet been established.

    What leads
    Patients to the doctor? Mostly it is a cosmetic defect expressing
    What is the found of the roots of the teeth. Patients complain about,
    what «gums settles, and teeth become long». In some cases of patients
    worries itching in the gums, as well as pain of nude
    Shek teeth.

    Ethiotropic periodontal treatment does not exist,
    Since the cause of the disease is not established. The doctor holds only
    Symptomatic treatment - with special means (fluorine varnish,
    Fluogel and T.D.) eliminates the increased sensitivity of the teeth, prescribes
    Massage or auto massage in order to correct trophic violations,
    and also conducts sealing of so-called wedge-shaped defects.
    Sometimes vestiboplastic operations are prescribed, but the effect
    from such interventions it turns out to be very short.

    Tumor lesions

    and tumor-like periodontal lesions are among the diseases,
    which are difficult to predict, as they develop only in persons,
    having a tendency to this process. Impetus to the beginning of development
    Process may be hormonal shifts, in particular accumulation
    Somatotropic hormone in periods of puberty or pregnancy,
    The presence of a chronic traumatic factor preceding
    inflammation. However, all this is only additional risk factors,
    provoking the development of similar defeats in persons predisposed
    to this process. Currently, another enough
    Serious factor provoking the development of this kind of pathology:
    Using young people of Anabolikov in bodybuilding
    and professional strength sports.

    Treatment measures
    and prevention consist in eliminating injury, inflammation and, with
    need, in the surgical removal of the resulting tissues (when
    Gum Fibromatosis, Hypertrophic Gingivitis, Epulis, Meshnev
    granuloma). Patients with similar lesions must observe
    Careful oral hygiene, use special
    Antiseptic and antibacterial rinsing.

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