Today in fashion to care for his smile. Installation of bracket systems, teeth whitening — Here are the most popular procedures. But the gums we are not used to paying so close attention. Meanwhile, according to the World Health Organization, 80% of the world's population suffers from gum diseases.
Gum inflammation arises due to microbial
Clusters. Reproduction of bacteria in gum tissues — natural process, main
prevent that they start to actively come true, allocate toxins and
Provoke inflammation. Contributes to this, first of all, non-compliance
or bad observance of oral hygiene.
Gingivitis and periodontitis, in fact, two stages of one
inflammatory process. Gingivitis — the initial phase that gives a lot
Unpleasant sensations: redness, dummy swelling, chewing pain,
bleeding, and an even unpleasant smell of mouth. All these unpleasant symptoms
are able «knock out» any representative of the beautiful floor. Not only
The quality of life is reduced: the gums of nose, it can not enjoy food, spars
Mood, uncertainty appears and stiffness when communicating.
If the gingivitis does not cure in time, then in its place
Comes periodontitis. It has even more unpleasant symptoms, and over time
can lead to loss of tooth. The gum inflammation can also indicate the beginning of such
serious diseases like candidyosisistomatitis — appearance in the oral cavity
Painful ulcers.
Remove the inflammation of the gums?
Remove pain and eliminate
Eyefoot with inflammation of the gums will help a unique dental gel
Comprehensive action holoval. The drug removes unpleasant sensations
two or three minutes after applying, and at the expense of the adhesive gel base the holoval
washed off saliva, so therapeutic and anesthetic effect lasts up to 8 hours.
Advantage of drug
In that it acts directly to inflammation: Holin substance
Salician is quickly absorbed by the oral mucosa, having a local painkiller and anti-inflammatory effect. Plus, the holder affects the cause
Inflammation — Eliminates microbes. Included in its composition Cetalconium chloride
Effective against bacteria, mushrooms and viruses.
words about prevention
Prevention of gum inflammation will be the right hygienic cavity care
Mouth. Unfortunately, brushing your teeth twice a day, as fit in childhood
Parents not enough. It is not the fact that the fact of cleaning the teeth is not important, and the technique. Process
must last at least two minutes. We begin to brush your teeth with circular motions,
then spend brushing from above
way down, «Voted» Flap. After that, clean the chewing surface.
It is also important to choose the right toothbrush. Dentists advise you to choose a brush of medium hardness and
change it every two months. Even better if you get electric
Rotating brush. Studies have shown that it removes 98.2% of the route
compared to a conventional brush that removes only 48.6%.
In addition, use
Rinsers after each meal. Every six months attend the dentist
— He will spend professional cleaning of the teeth and will appreciate the state of the gum.