We read the disease in the teeth


  • Teeth about the general condition of your health
  • Teeth about your personal problems
  • Teeth about your predisposition
  • help yourself

  • AND Your dislike to go to the dentist can
    turn around not just caries and periodontosis, but also more serious
    Problems. The white-covered smile has long become a business card successful
    man. But it not only carries information about financial
    the consistency of its owner, first of all, she informs the mass
    interesting details about his lifestyle, nutrition and harmful

    In general, the teeth do not know how to keep secrets,
    and the pilot dentist they will tell not only… All your organism
    will be with his palm. And soWe read the disease in the teeth What benefit do you extract,
    judge for yourself.

    Teeth about the general condition of your health

    that teeth are an indicator of health, know not only modern
    Eskulpy. Enough to remember how in the older times they chose
    slaves. That's right, on the teeth. Now, in fact, nothing too
    changed, although the teeth became significantly healthier compared to our
    Less successful ancestors.

    Perhaps the progress of modern
    dentistry, but the dentists themselves believe that our teeth
    adapted to the lifestyle of their direct carriers.
    That is why many people have appeared with unusual
    teeth. And despite this, the general laws of the body's livelihoods
    Nobody canceled.

    For teeth acts
    One constant rule — Teeth occupy one of the first places in the queue
    to ensure everything necessary. Such a special attitude is no coincidence,
    After all, it is the teeth that limit the main gates for infections — Rotova
    cavity. The old Arab proverb says: «Death comes through the mouth».
    Dentists of the whole world are inclined to agree with this. In needy —
    The most important source of danger, he quickly surrenders to the mercy of viruses
    and bacteria, and they do not ceremony with him…

    Infection quickly
    applies throughout the body, hitting its weakest places.
    So if suddenly your teeth begin to fall apart in their eyes, then this
    it means that your body does not just feel the lack of Ca or K, and
    tolerates real disaster: the metabolism is broken, suffering
    digestive system, fooling endocrine glands.

    Teeth about your personal problems

    The slightest disorder in the structure of the tooth can signal problems
    Certain internal organ. Probability in no way equal
    100%, and are determined in this way mainly chronic
    Diseases. For a long time, dentists could not understand exactly how
    Information from the patient organ is reflected on a specific tooth: from the liver
    — on fangs, from kidneys — on the cutters from the heart — on the teeth of wisdom and t.D.
    In 1940, Dr. Kohl found that each tooth is associated at least with
    5 elements of the organism. How he found out? Exceptionally experienced

    The evidence base was formed
    Later, when scientists find out that the human body is
    Mini-power station, where all organs are interconnected by channels,
    for which the electric current circulates. His value is always
    Constant — 15 microamper. If the value of the current is changed, then this
    Signals about one or another pathology. Why she is obligatory
    will affect the teeth? Yes because they are one of the best
    Electric current conductors. And this information is transmittedWe read the disease in the teethZ
    pain, and subsequently through violations of the conductor himself —

    This is precisely the phenomenon of phantom pain, the tooth has long been
    removed, and discomfort still felt. Again, traced and
    Feedback. Painfully the tooth hurts, and at the same time tingles the heart,
    torments migraine, turns the belly. Just cure the affected tooth, and others
    Painfulness as hand shot. No focus of inflammation, no problems.

    Teeth about your predisposition

    some situations teeth can take on the role of oracle. Sure,
    they will not be predicted to fate, but warning you from possible
    Diseases them are quite forces. A more accurate forecast will do, of course,
    professional, but you yourself can decipher some of them
    Warnings. First of all, pay attention to the color of the enamel.

    You dream of a snow-white Hollywood smile, but the white color of the teeth is not
    is a health indicator (healthy teeth have an ivory color
    with matte glitter). And if nature awarded you with such teeth, then this
    speaks of your predisposition to viral diseases of respiratory

    Pay special attention to blood hemoglobin — he
    may be catastrophically low. Yellow teeth are not always
    indicate your excessive passionate coffee and cigarettes,
    Perhaps this is a signal starting problems with a bubble bubble.

    help yourself

    The relationship of teeth and internal organs can be used not only with
    diagnostic point of view, but also with preventive. And concludes
    Prevention not only in timely sacking of dental holes and treatment
    inflammatory processes. There is a special teeth charging!
    Yes, yes, it is charging that you will increase not only
    the blood supply to the teeth (which is already not bad in itself), but also related
    with them internal organs, and accordingly, their performance.

    Chinese gymnastics. Tightly squeeze the jaws and hold the voltage within 20 seconds. Repeat exercise 5–6 times.

    Fold the jaw so that the upper cutters accounted for exactly above the bottom
    cutters, and now knock them about each other. Such a tapping of teeth
    Repeat several times a day for 30 seconds.

    For this exercise you need a simulator: a thin wand of soft
    Wood breeds, preferably orange, or celery stem. Wand
    need to chew to her complete bundle.

    traditions. Luzgania Seeds — One of the best ways to train
    teeth. The main thing to approach this lesson without unnecessary fanaticism. And ne
    Forget what to provide a decent load to your teeth will help
    Careful firing. Ideally, one bite should have
    Minimum 20–30 chewing movements. Say too much? But Ot
    this you get double — eat much smaller than
    planned, and your figure will tell you a lot thank you.

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