How to defeat the smell of mouth


The main source of unpleasant smell of the mouth is bad smelling waste of bacteria, which they allocate when digesting proteins. It is very important to timely and correctly clean the oral cavity - especially after food consumption rich in proteins. After the end of breakfast, lunch or dinner in our mouths remain the smallest food particles, which are stuck between the teeth, and also settle in white raid on the back of the tongue. And since it is precisely in these places and anaerobic bacteria, causing an unpleasant smell, then, not clearing, as it should, mouth after meals, you can make them enough for a sufficient amount of nutrients for a long time.

Follow your teeth

How to defeat the smell of mouthBacteria excreasing products that form an unpleasant smell of mouth, also live in dental, which accumulates on the teeth and on the gum line. In order to reduce this flare, prevent its further accumulation and remove the residues of food, delayed in the mouth and employees of food bacteria, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the teeth and gums with a toothbrush and dental thread. About the dental thread let yourself remind you again. If you are not cleaned carefully and daily gaps between your teeth, where the toothbrush cannot penetrate, it is unlikely to break up with an unpleasant smell of mouth.

If, after all the measures taken, the smell does not disappear from the mouth, - call and sign up for your dental doctor to receive, where you can not only discuss the problem created in detail, but also to carry out the necessary procedures for cleaning your mouth. This may be the best way out, because not all people know how to effectively act with dental thread and dental cheek. After examining your mouth, the doctor will teach you the necessary techniques. If you have signs of the gum disease, the doctor will identify them and offer you the appropriate treatment.

Clean the language

Since most people tend to ignore this procedure, try to make it part of your daily robust care. Very often the use of one this method - without additional measures - helps to eliminate the unpleasant smell. The front of the tongue has a less unpleasant smell than the rear. This is because the front area of ​​the language is constantly self-cleaning - and therefore less bacteria accumulates on it. In the process of movement of the language, its front part is constantly running about the solid sky - it is cleared. Preventing bacterium accumulation. Unlike the front, the back of the tongue during its movement comes only with a mild sky. In this case, it is impossible to effectively clean. The poet of bacteria, causing an unpleasant smell, accumulate mainly on the back of the tongue, and therefore it is this area that needs periodic cleaning.

Use liquid rinsers for mouth

Liquid rinsing agents for mouth, if using them along with regular and efficient cleaning of the tongue, brush and thread teeth cleaning, can also help in getting rid of unpleasant odor. Do not only rely only on rinsers and neglect the other measures listed.

And besides

Drink more water. Oddly enough, but consumption during the day in large quantities of water will also help you weaken the unpleasant smell. With a lack of water, your body will try to keep it, due to which the formation of saliva will decrease, and it will dissolve with less efficiency and flush bacteria and their discharge that form an unpleasant smell.

Rinse mouthwater. Rinse of the mouth with simple water will also help you to loosen an unpleasant time for a short period of time. Rinse also dissolves and washes off the selection of bacteria that harm the freshness of your breathing.

Chew. It will also help you weaken the unpleasant smell. You remember that saliva cleans the mouth, dissolves and washes off the bacteria and their selection. The simplest way to stimulate saliva selection is to chew something. When chewing - anything - your body it seems that you are taking food, and therefore it gives a signal to increase saliva selection. (Saliva is a very important component when digesting food). You can, for example, chew seeds of carnations, dill, mint or parsley. Help the salivation of mint pills, chewing gum and mint lollipops. But: if you prefer these products, make sure that they do not have sugar. Sugar contributes to the growth of those bacteria that can cause caries.

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