Why do you need unnecessary teeth?


  • Where to look for extra teeth?
  • Than dangerous oversight teeth?
  • Diagnosis of hypertoney
  • What to do with ultra-set teeth?

  • Superflow teeth or hypertone: what is it?Superkone teeth, or hypertone — One of the hereditary deterministic anomalies of the amount of teeth, quite common now. About 2-3% of patients with degree of development of the dental system are unnecessary teeth, in addition to 20 milk or 32 permanent units of dentition. The nature of this pathology is not completely clear, it is believed that its occurrence is associated with a violation of the teeth laying, or rather, with a violation of the mechanism of cleavage of the dental plate, as a result of which it is formed greater than the amount of dentities is formed.

    Where to look for extra teeth?

    Superkone teeth can be found in childhood on a dairy bite, but more often they are detected after changing the teeth in a constant bite.

    Usually, unnecessary teeth appear near the middle upper incisors, molars, premolars, fangs, less often between the lower incisors, premolars and fangs. They can grow in a dental arc, and can be located on the eve of the oral cavity or directly in the oral cavity in the region of the upper heaven.

    Overcomplexed teeth can be similar to ordinary permanent units of the tooth row, but more often have a drop-shaped or spike shape. They can be located separately, to save with constant teeth, to form whole dental conglomerates and dental formations.

    Sometimes oversight teeth «hidden» From the eyes, that is, they are retinated, then they are detected only with radiographic examination.

    Than dangerous oversight teeth?

    Ultra-set units interfere with the formation of dental rows and make it difficult to break permanent teeth. With significant sizes of jaws, the excess tooth does not violate the structure of the dentition, and with a small jaw, it certainly becomes the cause of anomalies of the position of complete teeth, which has negative aesthetic, functional and often psychological consequences for a person.

    In children with anomalies of developing teeth, the appetite is often reduced, they are slower chewing food, often they have broken swallowing, all this becomes the cause of the development of diseases of the digestive system.

    The close location of the teeth, their improper position makes it difficult for self-cleaning of the dentition and carrying out hygienic procedures. This creates favorable conditions for the development of caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal, leading to the destruction of solid teeth tissues and their fallout.

    Holders of extra teeth often whispered. Speech disorders and cosmetic flaws are the cause of ridicule over the child, form a poor and closed personality from it, often affect his mental development.

    Diagnosis of hypertoney

    In most cases, overseas teeth are detected during the rubber of the front teeth. To clarify their quantity and location, X-ray diagnostics are needed, but there is no simple radiography, since the shadows of the extra teeth are superimposed on the contours of the complete elements of the dentition.

    For accurate diagnosis of hypertonet use X-ray inside the mouth with pictures in various projections. With multiple retention of ultriclee teeth, useful information about the mutual arrangement of ultricle and constant teeth gives orthopantomography.

    What to do with ultra-set teeth?

    What to do with superfluous teeth?The approach to the treatment of hypertone differentiated, therapy depends on the location of the extra teeth. In general, the overall teeth are to be removed as early as possible, especially if they violate the anatomy of the dentition, cause painful experiences in the patient. When eliminating extra teeth in childhood, a normal form of dentition is often restored due to the mechanisms of self-regulation of the body, but if you lose time, without subsequent orthodontic treatment can not do.

    Sometimes in order to preserve the functions of the dentition, on the contrary, donate a dystoped constant tooth, while maintaining a beneficially located, anatomically complete overseas tooth.
    If the overseas tooth grows in the place of an unreacted constant, initially determine the degree of its fullness. In the event that the ultramost tooth is stable, has a developed root and more or less anatomically correct shape, but unrealted «Leaded place owner» At the same time, frequent and unpromising, preference gives «invader».

    Removing refined, immersed in the tissue of jaws of ultricular teeth, presents certain difficulties associated with the depth of their occurrence, the incorrect form, proximity to the roots and incidents of constant teeth. However, the rational operational approach to the oversectional teuba, taking into account the results of a x-ray study, allows you to successfully solve these problems.

    In children, ultra-farm teeth are removed under general or local anesthesia, against the background of the action of soothing drugs, in adults — Enough local anesthesia.

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