How to cure gingivitis


Treatment of Gingivita

Elimination of the cause is the first and indispensable condition in the treatment of any form of inflammation of the gum mucosa.

The next stage of the treatment of gingivitis is the elimination of local irritating factors. Microbial raid, which contains a huge number of microorganisms, very often serves as the inflammation of the gums.

How to cure gingivitisAdverse actions on the mucous membrane has a tartar due to mechanical exposure. Therefore, in the presence of gingivitis (catarrhal, ulcerative or hypertrophic), carefully remove the dental and dental flare. It is recommended to begin treatment (especially with ulcerative gingivitis) with antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity. To do this, use 1 - 1.5% hydrogen peroxide solution. They irrigate the mucous membrane of gums and interdental gaps from the syringe. You can also use cotton swabs dipped in hydrogen peroxide solution. Then the individual teeth groups are plated with cotton swabs and excavator or special tools remove the dented stone and a soft flare. Considering that when gingivitis, a clinical pocket is missing, the removal of a toothass and dental plaque does not represent a significant difficulty for a doctor and a patient. So immediately process all the teeth. The removal of dental deposits of the gum treatment with a solution of hydrogen peroxide solution is completed, 0.06% chlorhexidine solution, furacin (1: 5000). In the first visit with patients talking about the rules of the mouth of the oral cavity and assign a checkpoint in a week. By staining, the hygienic state is determined, as well as the state of the gum mucosa. In the presence of inflammation of the gums, the teeth cleaning can be performed, and also sometimes use therapeutic dressings containing 3% ointment of acetylsalicylic acid, 5% butadion or 10% diding ointment, etc.

In addition to the dressings, drugs can be used in the form of applications, the duration of which is 15 - 20 minutes.

Local treatment is combined with general therapy aimed at increasing the protective forces of the body and periodontal tissues. For this purpose, a complex of vitamins with trace elements (Undevit), Vitamin C, Galaskorbin, and DR. The treatment of concomitant diseases is important. If gingivitis is a symptom of a general disease (blood disease, allergic, etc.), local treatment cannot give positive results without general impact. In comprehensive treatment, physical methods are used.

An important component of treatment is activities aimed at strengthening the resistance of periodontal tissue resistance, which is achieved by eliminating local irritating factors, including such occlusive disorders such as sedental deformations, traumatic occlusion, etc.

The final stage of treatment of gingivitis - careful oral hygiene. In light cases of catarrhal gingivitis, the correct and systematic care for the oral cavity leads to its liquidation. Mandatory condition is the permanent control from the doctor for the quality of teeth cleaning.

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