Removal of teeth without pain and injuries


  • Reading to the removal of the tooth
  • Contraindications to the removal of the tooth
  • Removal of a tooth
  • Complications after the removal of the tooth
  • Dry holes
  • How to restore dentition defects after dental removal?

  • Dental removal occurs only when they
    Strongly destroyed by caries, are amazed by the launched periodontal disease
    («Patients gums») were broken so that they can already be restored,
    incorrectly located in the mouth (for example, the removal of the tooth of wisdom
    (submerged) or when preparing for orthodontic treatment.

    the removal of the tooth, the neighboring teeth begins to shift gradually,
    sometimes quite essentially, which can be strongly reflected in general
    condition of teeth. Detection of teeth (even one) can create serious
    Problems with chewing. To avoid these complications, a dentist
    Recommend to replace remote tooth to artificial.

    Reading to the removal of the tooth

    • acute stage of odontogenic osteomelitis of jaws;
    • odontogenic purulent periostites, occasional phlegmons, abscesses, purulent lymphadenites, the sinusites of the maxillary sinuses;
    • Destroyed crown (roots) when it cannot be used for prosthetics;Removal of teeth without pain and injuries
    • teeth are removed in the region of the jaw or alveolar process;
    • Remove
      The teeth are retinated, the teething of which has complicated by accession
      infectious-inflammatory process, development of cyst, tumors;
    • late periodontitis steps at I–IV mobility degrees;
    • radical removal of the tooth together with the tumors of the alveolar process;
    • The fourth of eighth teeth in children and adolescents with progressive macrognaty to delay the growth of the lower jaw;
    • bite anomalies for orthodontic treatment in order to exemplate space for teeth movement;
    • Remove
      teeth nominated from the alveolar edge of the jaw as a result of losses
      Antagonists (Popov-Gordon phenomenon), converging teeth,
      The only tooth remaining on the jaw and preventing fixation
    • teeth removed incorrectly
      Located and oversight, which lead to deformation of the dental
      A number or impaired configuration of the face.

    Contraindications to the removal of the tooth

    • Cardiovascular
      diseases (hypertensive disease during the crisis period, angina
      Period of exacerbation of the disease, rheumatism in the period of exacerbation,
      Septic endocarditis in the period of exacerbation, pronounced decompensation
      Cardiac activity, pronounced violations of the tempo and rhythm of heart
      Abbreviations – Cleaning arrhythmia, paroxysmal tachycardia,
      accompanied by heart failure);
    • kidney disease;
    • infectious hepatitis in acute stage;
    • acute leukemia, agranulocytosis;
    • hemorrhagic diathesis;
    • mental illness during the period of exacerbation;
    • acute violation of cerebral circulation;
    • Acute infections (influenza, acute Qatar of the upper respiratory tract), including high-contagious and especially dangerous;
    • purulent inflammatory processes (abscesses, phlegmons are not maxillofacial localization, grinding inflammation);
    • acute volatile disease;
    • 1, 2, 9 months of pregnancy;
    • Stomatitis;
    • Radiation therapy, carried out about the neoplasms of maxillofacial localization.

    Removal of a tooth

    tooth removal operation The operation field is treated with an antiseptic not
    causing allergies, burn, as well as necrosis mucous membranes
    Mouth. Conduct anesthesia. Then the dentist separates a circular bundle
    from the tooth, imposes a forceps to the root of the tooth, looses the tooth and removes
    his. After removal of the tooth, the wells is carried out, the edges are squeezed,
    To reduce the size of the postoperative wound and the gauze is superimposed
    Ball for 15–20 minutes. A dentist, making sure that no bleeding and
    The hole is filled with a clutch of blood, letters the patient home with
    Recommendations for postoperative care for the wound.

    Recommendations for the care of the wound left after the removal of the tooth:

    • refrain from meals for 2–3 hours after removal;
    • Do not take alcohol, sauna on the day of operation;
    • do not touch the hole with the language and any objects;
    • Do not take hot food;
    • Do not rinse the mouth.

    Complications after the removal of the tooth

    Complications after removal of the tooth and during the process are associated with the state
    patient and accompanying diseases. Most often complications
    manifest in the form of fainting due to psycho-emotional
    The condition of the patient, stress associated with the upcoming operation. More
    Heavy complications after the removal of the tooth – This collapse (vascular
    insufficiency) and shock.

    Local complications during removal
    Tuba – it is a fracture of the tooth, damage to the crown near the standing tooth, dislocation
    Neighboring tooth, pushing the tooth root in the topless sinus,
    Pushing the root in soft fabrics, damage to the mucous membrane
    gums in the area of ​​remote tooth.

    Local complications Removal of teeth without pain and injuriesAfter removing the teeth – This is a moon bleeding and alveolo.

    Dry holes

    from the most frequent complications after removing
    Tuba – so-called «Dry hole». Syndrome «Dry hole» Connected with
    Formed blood clot in the well after removal of the tooth. Availability
    Blood clot in the well is necessary for the healing process. Most often
    «Dry holes» are formed after difficult removal related to
    Significant injury. For example, the removal of the tooth of wisdom
    (submerged), during which the doctor has to be first deleted
    Surrounding tooth dice to get to the tooth.

    It is important to listen to the recommendations of the dentist's doctor relative to
    hygiene and care to the area of ​​tooth removal to reduce the risk
    Education «Dry hole». «Dry holes» more often formed in women
    (especially those receiving contraceptive pills), in people aged
    older than 30 years and smokers.

    Usually «Dry holes» manifest
    in the form of a stupid pain that starts after 3–4 days after removal
    Tuba. It may seem that it applies to the location of the removal in
    The direction of the ear. Often in such cases an unpleasant mouth appears in the mouth
    Taste or smell.

    «Dry Lunka» Must explore
    Dentist dentist. Usually the doctor puts into place where it was produced
    removal of teeth impregnated with drug bandage, which
    Reduces and soothes pain.

    How to restore dentition defects after dental removal?

    The teeth breaks the functions of chewing, speech, the deformation of the bite is developing.
    Sometimes when the rear teeth is removed, the slots are formed between the front
    teeth, which leads to a disorders of aesthetics.

    remote tooth with an artificial way carried out with
    bridge dentures, but even better with the help of implants,
    Removable partial prostheses.

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