Basic principles of treating caries teeth


  • The principle of treating caries teeth
  • Timely appeal to the dentist - the key to successful treatment

  • Caries treatment should begin in the early stages, since the disease does not pass independently, but, on the contrary, only progresses, which leads to even greater destruction of the tooth. As a result, long-term transfer of the campaign to the doctor leads to long-term and painful for patient treatment.

    The principle of treating caries teeth

    Caries treatment is carried out with mandatory mechanical processing of carious cavity with boron. After processing, the cavity turns out a little more carious, but at the same time the main goal of treatment is achieved - the complete removal of defective sites, which can further contribute to the reassessment of caries. Then the cavity processing and filling it with sealing material is carried out.

    Surface and medium caries treatment is carried out for one visit to the dentist. Deep caries usually requires a re-visit to eliminate the possibility of the development of pulpitis. For this, after processing the cavity, there is a temporary seal. If in a week, the pulpit did not develop, then you can put a permanent seal. Deep caries can be treated in one session, but for this you need a lot of experience and, as a rule, the ownership of the electron contraction technology technique. Properly cured caries does not cause the patient in the future hassle.

    Timely appeal to the dentist - the key to successful treatment

    Basic principles of treating caries teethExtremely important to the timely appeal to the dentist for the treatment of caries. The fact is that there is no conformity between the sizes of damage to the tooth crown and the degree of pain. For this reason, patients with deep caries requiring repeated visits fall quite often to the dentist. Such patients also have a high risk of complications in the form of a pulpitte and periodontitis. Such a situation questioned not only the possibility of cure, but also the possibility of preserving a patient tooth.

    So, for the timely detection, treatment and preservation of teeth, in addition to the general events, an active struggle with caries is needed in the form of a regular visit to the doctor and regular cavity. This is especially important for children. Recommended frequency of a dentist visit - 2 times a year. On time the identified pathology and the Sanation of the oral cavity contribute to the right chewing, and this, in turn, the right growth and development, both the teeth themselves and the jaws in general. The correct increase in the jaw is extremely important, since in the process of changing constant teeth may simply not have enough space, and they will be forced to get in the oral cavity «Imagine and in the way». There may be much time and effort to align. Moreover, the caries of dairy teeth will contribute to the permanent caries.

    It is important that the timely sane of the oral cavity is good prevention of the infections of the rotogling and respiratory tract (angina, laryngitis, bronchitis), prevention of diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastritis, ulcers). It is known that effective treatment of gastritis and ulcers of the stomach is possible only with the complete sahanation of the oral cavity and the recovery of chewing function. The cause of such a state is simple. The thing is that bacteria living in the stomach and causing gastritis fall into the gastrointestinal tract from the oral cavity, and multiply in carious teeth. Sanation of the oral cavity is also the prevention of such severe diseases as a polyarthritis, rheumoritis, jade and others. So it turns out that caries is a disease that can affect not only the tooth, but many other organs and systems of our body. Perhaps there is something to think about and turn to the dentist.

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