In the oral cavity «Live» hundreds of different types of bacteria. The more we eat sweet, the more intense the teeth and the language will form a flare caused by the accumulation of bacteria. What to do if, despite the right cavity care, gums inflamed and bleed?

Proper oral hygiene, regular visits to a dentist, timely diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane – The necessary part of everyday care of every person about his health.
In the oral cavity «Live» hundreds of various types of bacteria, among which the majority are conditional and pathogenic. The more we eat sweet, the more intense the teeth and the language will form a flare caused by the accumulation of bacteria. The coarse and harder food, the more useful, since, first, does not create a favorable nutrient medium for bacteria, secondly, mechanically cleans the teeth, and is constant reinforcing «Gymnastics» for the gums.
Daily brushing teeth and paste – Mandatory procedure. It is necessary to conduct it twice a day — in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bedtime. If you are worried about the problems with the gums, then the amount of teeth cleaning increase to 3–5 times a day after each meal.
Full oily cavity care takes no more time than making makeup - 10, a maximum of 15 minutes a day. And the benefit of time invested in your health and in the quality of life is difficult to overestimate!
But what to do, if, despite the right cavity care, the gums inflamed and bleed? There is a soreness and burning sensation, discomfort appeared during the reception of hot, cold and solid food. In such situations where signs of inflammation are obvious, it is necessary to consult a dentist. Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (IPPR) create not only physical and psychological discomfort - in the absence of proper and timely treatment, they may have serious consequences and lead to loss of teeth in adulthood.
Despite the successes of modern dentistry, prevention and treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa and today are significant difficulties.
Different diseases of the oral mucosa can have cotton clinical manifestations, which makes it difficult to diagnose and choose an effective treatment method. The lesions of the mucous membrane may be independent diseases that are developing as a result of injuries or activities of microorganisms, and may be one of the symptoms of general general diseases (diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, blood, metabolic disorders, etc.). The most common inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity can be attributed - stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis.
Currently, a promising link in the complex treatment of diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth and periodontal is the use of combined vegetable preparations with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Human acquaintance with therapeutic properties of plants belongs to deep antiquity. In modern medicine, medicinal plants not only have not lost their positions, but they are increasingly preferred in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Medicinal plants are not toxic, they can be used for a long time without side effects.
Vegetable Extracts Stomatofit® and Stomatopit® And demonstrate new features and advantages of phytotherapy. Preparations were developed specifically for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, etc. The variety of therapeutic properties of extracts are due to the combined effect of plant components included in their composition. The combined composition of drugs ensures their integrated effect, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment, regardless of the etiological factor of the disease.
Stomatopit® It is used as rinsing 3-4 times a day, a course of treatment is 10-15 days. The drug helps effectively remove the symptoms of inflammation, reduce the bleeding of the gums and the unpleasant smell.
Stomatopit® And has a pronounced anesthetic effect. The thick consistency of the drug contributes to its deduction on the affected area, which provides a longer therapeutic effect. They need to lubricate the affected areas at least 3 times a day.
The healing properties of medicinal plants and the achievements of modern pharmacology made it possible to appear the preparations that are simultaneously natural, safe, efficient and very convenient in use.
Clinical Studies Stomatofit Preparations® and Stomatopit® A, carried out in MGMS in 2002 and 2009., proved their high efficiency and safety.
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