Fighting with caries: cleaning and prevention are required!


Fighting with caries: cleaning and prevention are requiredLatin name of the disease of the tooth fabrics «caries», clearly and accurately transmits the state of the tooth, in which the process of destruction of minerals included in its composition and the appearance of cavity. The connections between the organic and inorganic parts of the enamel and dentin are disturbed, the resistance of the enamel to the effects of chemical and physical factors is suppressed, uneven erasing of the teeth occurs with the formation of cavities and pulpitis under the influence of purulent shuttle bacteria.

Fluorine deficiency, increased dental tissue reaction to the effects of acids and mechanical factors, slow development of the disease, appearance of affected dental surfaces, exposure of the root of the tooth involves fighting caries «For all fronts». First of all, it is an individual concern and prevention of teeth health. It should be remembered that sugar — The main source of dental destruction, favorite «delicacy» Bacteria extrachariting acids in the form of a byproduct, destructively acting on dental enamel, with the formation of cavity in the teeth. Without high-quality oral hygiene, the fight against progressive caries is not a full and comprehensive, and the destructive power of the acids will not overcome any gum from caries.

Prevalence of endemic caries

According to the World Health Organization, more than 99% of the world's population are subject to this disease. The endemic, characteristic of one terrain of the caries, is celebrated in the UK, for example, in London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, where the fluorine concentration in drinking water is significantly lower than the optimal norm. In addition, this problem is available in the USA, countries of South America, Africa, in India, Romania, Hungary. This is most often due to the insufficiency or excess of the content of any chemical element in habitat and accommodation. Fluorine, for example, plays a significant role in the development and formation of bone tissue of teeth, serves as a stimulator of numerous biochemical processes. Fluoride's admission to the human body depends on its presence in drinking water.

Long-term positive result can only be ensured in the consistency of the actions against dental diseases warning the formation of carious lesions, endemic, including by enriching the toothpaste and water with fluorine using sodium fluoride or siliconfluoride and administering fluorine-containing products to the diet.

Pain with deep caries: urgently to the doctor!

In the classification of carious lesions 4 stages are isolated, one of which — Deep caries characterized by the presence of deepening in the tooth, pigment, softening dentin and the lesion of the root of the tooth. Food and the impact of hot, cold, causes pain, sometimes unbearable with deep caries, if the pulp is affected.

The most characteristic features at the final stage of the development of the carious process are:

  • short-term pain in deep caries;
  • an extensive carious cavity that does not communicate with the cavity of the tooth;
  • Dental plaques and falling;
  • Painful probing for the bottom of the carious cavity.

Pain with deep caries: urgently to the doctorPaints are characterized by sharpness and short-term, and if they do not pass when the stimulus is eliminated, they are increasingly at night, the likelihood of complication of sharp diffuse pulpitis. This stage can be accompanied by an unpleasant smell of mouth due to accumulation of food residues in carious cavities. In no case should the process can be allowed on samonek, only the doctor can make the correct diagnosis, differentiate from chronic pulpitus forms, assign the necessary adequate treatment by sampling the affected carious cavity, the imposition of therapeutic gaskets and mandatory sealing.

Cheese gums: chew or not chew

It is obvious that the chewing, with all her beautiful «Life History», does not prevent and does not protect against dental diseases. Yes, our ancestors chewed the tar and the sprigs of some trees, allegedly, strengthened their teeth, but who said that it was teeth without carious lesions, and the resorca and juices did not affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of endless chewing? But to believe and trust a timely visit to the doctor, a toothbrush and the medicinal anticarious toothpaste makes sense much more deeply than at this time to wonder: «What a gum will protect and save from caries?»

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