Treatment of periodontitis


  • Periodontitis
  • Treatment of periodontitis


    Understand that you are periodontitis, simple - sharp
    The pain in the field of the tooth, for this reason, touched it before
    It is impossible, and scary - the tooth suddenly becomes moving. Fine
    there is, accordingly, it is also impossible. There is a feeling,
    What tooth «increased». The pain in it is enhanced when taking warm and hot
    food and calm down from cold. For a full picture scavens gums,
    And often and the lip with the cheek, and all this is against the background of increasing the temperature
    Body. If it came to this, it's very sorry, it really
    periodontitis - inflammation of the fabrics around the root and the tops of the tooth.

    Treatment of periodontitis
    Most likely, it began not yesterday, with the common
    Pulda with all his «Charming». Wiped them, you have achieved that
    The inflammation of the root of the tooth came out of its limits and captured the surrounding
    tissue, causing sharp periodontitis. The condition is quite dangerous
    Complications - osteomyelitis of jaws, purulent inflammation of soft tissues
    Persons and necks, sharp sepsis. Which is not difficult to wait, trying
    It is treated independently - painkillers, rinsing
    Other things will bring only temporary relief.

    Periodontitis may occur as a result of injury - when
    The surrounding tissues are damaged when treating the same pulpitis (removal
    Pulp, after channel sealing), or after sharp progress
    Very solid objects.

    Periodontitis happens and chronic when inflammation of the top
    the tooth develops very gradually, does not give a characteristic pain, and not
    Exacerbate. In the chronic form of periodontitis, everything is weaker, but
    may be accompanied by edema and redness of gums and increase
    Temperatures, in some cases, the presence of a fistula. But condition
    it's not more pleasant than sharp periodontitis. The fact is that
    smoothly multiplying the teeth, various bacteria allocate
    toxins who for many years «poison» organism
    man and cause diseases of the heart, kidneys, joints, etc.

    Treatment of periodontitis

    In any case, periodontitis is subject to complex, sometimes long
    professional treatment - to save the tooth, limiting full
    Removing inflammation and tooth root seal. For this make so,
    So that the pus from the focus of inflammation was able to reach the tooth through the channel
    out. Otherwise, he himself parses his way through the bones and gums, forming
    long non-heal fistula. One of the conditions of favorable
    Exodus - cleansing the root of the tooth from the inflamed pulp. After removal
    Inflammation conduct antiseptic treatment of tissues around the tooth,
    Laying medicine into the tooth and putting a temporary seal for a week or
    more. It is necessary to prescribe and taking antibiotics.
    With a favorable flow, the tooth is filtered, also under
    X-ray control and using good sealing
    Materials. If the tooth is destroyed significantly, treatment has to complement
    tooth restoration or tooth prosthetics.

    It happens that the tooth has to be removed, for example, when
    The root canal is very narrow, and the outflow of the inflamed fluid, and treatment through
    It is impossible. But more often surgical intervention in periodontitis
    comes down to removing the inflamed top of the root of the tooth, which allows
    Save all toes. The same operation is necessary if untreated
    periodontitis led to cysts or cystranslaimers when
    fabric near the top of the tooth are destroyed with the formation of the cavity, which
    may increase and further destroy everything around.

    As you can see, nothing good from periodontitis wait
    have to. Therefore, it is better to do everything possible to do not at all
    deal, especially since it is so simple. It is only possible to periodically
    visit your favorite dentist who captures the teeth
    gums and will save even from the outlined caries, which through the pulpit and
    leads to the development of periodontitis.
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