Apandicitis and pregnancy


  • Causes of the disease
  • Symptoms of appendicitis
  • Diagnosis of appendicitis
  • Possible complications in appendicitis in pregnant women
  • Treatment of appendicitis

  • Causes of the disease

    Acute appendicitis can develop on any time
    pregnancy and often ends with a destructive process as a result
    which occurs purulent melting of a heart-shaped process and surrounding
    fabrics. Such a frequency of appendicitis and flow features
    Diseases are associated with physiological changes occurring in the body
    Women during pregnancy:

    • Because of the growing uterus, the blind intestine and a worm-shaped process shift up
      and the duck;
    • Next to constipation, often arising during pregnancy leads to stagnation
      intestinal content and increase microflora hypother;
    • There is a restructuring of the immunity system, including lymphoid
      The apparatus of the blind intestine;
    • Immune (protective) body forces weakened during pregnancy,
      Changes in the properties of blood occur, there is a predisposition to vascular
      Thrombosis and spasms.

    How the inflammatory process develops? Causative agent
    Diseases is a mixed microflora (intestinal sticks, staphylococci,
    streptoenterococci, anaerobes), which are introduced into the wall of the draft
    The process is directly from his lumen, that is, enterogenic. It
    Promotes stagnation of content in a process caused by various reasons
    (inflection, compressed and t.D.). At the same time, intricultural pressure increases in
    the process and the blood stagnation occurs in the vessels of the wall of the process, which leads to
    deterioration of the power of the process of process and reinforced reproduction of bacteria.
    A significant role in the development of inflammation is played by predisposing factors -
    Nutrition and various options for the abdominal process.

    Symptoms of appendicitis

    Distinguish simple (t.E. catarler) and destructive
    (phlegmonous, gangrenous and perforative) form of appendicitis. All of them
    are the stages of the development of a single process, and for their occurrence
    The progressive course of the disease requires a certain time: for
    Catarial appendicitis - 6-12 hours, for phlegmonous - 12 - 24 hours, for
    gangrenous - 24-48 hours; Later, the perforation of the process, when
    which the content of the intestine falls into the abdominal cavity.

    Apandicitis and pregnancy
    Special danger of appendicitis during pregnancy is due
    Near the reasons: displacement up the heart-shaped process and
    Selinic with increasing pregnancy, decreasing
    Opportunities for the formation of adhesions and restrictions of the inflammatory process in the abdominal

    Appendicitis manifestations in many ways depend on pathological
    Change in the process, as well as from its location in the abdominal cavity. To tech
    pores while the inflammatory process is limited to the process itself without moving on
    peritoneum - a film of connective tissue, covering walls and abdominal organs
    cavities, disease manifestations do not depend on its localization (location in
    abdominal cavity relative to other organs) and expressed pain in the top
    Third of belly, which gradually shift down, in the right half of the abdomen. At
    This may appear nausea, vomiting. Abdominal pain can be insignificant and
    Arrive not only in the right iliac region, but also in other belly departments.
    Often painfulness during the inspection is detected not immediately and localizes
    significantly above the uterus, often the greatest pain is determined in the right
    Lumbar region. Characterist Increased pain in the position lying on the right side,
    Due to the pressure of a pregnant uterus on an inflamed focus. With further
    The development of the inflammatory process appears soreness in the right iliac
    Areas - in the lower parts of the abdomen or higher, right up to the hypochondrium, depending
    from the degree of displacement process with the uterus. Symptoms of irritation of peritoneum
    (soreness with a sharp removal of a hand adultering on the front abdominal
    the wall) is missing in pregnant women or poorly expressed due to the stretching of the abdominal
    Walls. It should be borne in mind that all the symptoms may be undeveloped and
    appear late.

    The development of peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum covering organs and
    the walls of the abdominal cavity) more often happens in a later date of pregnancy, t.
    To. Conditions for the odds of the inflammatory process deteriorate. Under development
    peritonitis increases pulse, the body temperature rises, vomiting,
    Abdominal bloating appears, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.

    Diagnosis of appendicitis

    To diagnose appendicitis, in addition to inspection and study data
    Complaints, apply laboratory, instrumental examination. So, overall analysis
    Blood shows an increase in the number of leukocytes.

    In the initial period of pregnancy, the diagnosis of appendicitis is small
    It differs from those non-empty, but it happens difficult: abundance
    Complaints in women in these deadlines leads to the fact that they are not paid due
    Attention. Characteristic of pregnancy constipation, nausea, vomiting and t.NS. can not
    Considering as signs of appendicitis in the absence of other symptoms.

    The task of the doctors includes to distinguish appendicitis not only from
    manifestations of pregnancy, but also from diseases such as pyelonephritis,
    Urolithiasis, cholecystitis, intestinal colic, gastritis, food poisoning.
    Appendicitis manifestations can resemble such complications of pregnancy as
    Late Gestozing, Threat of Pregnancy Interrupt, Premature Pulling

    To diagnose acute appendicitis in pregnant women
    Time is used techniques such as ultrasound research,
    Doppler study of blood flow in a worm-shaped process and laparoscopy -
    Inspection of the abdominal cavity with the help of special optical devices introduced
    through a small incision of the front abdominal wall.

    Possible complications in appendicitis in pregnant women

    After removing appendicitis in pregnant women in 17% arise
    Obstetric and surgical complications. Among the surgical notes
    Perforation (hole formation in a heart-shaped process), septic shock.
    For some options, the arrangement of the process can develop right-hand
    Pureropneumonia. Among other complications allocate postoperative
    infectious processes, intestinal obstruction.

    Treatment of appendicitis

    Treatment of pregnant women with acute appendicitis on any time
    Pregnancy is held operational. However, even timely operation is not
    always avoids complications. Prevention of complications of appendicitis in
    Pregnancy time is aimed at preserving pregnancy; For this apply
    Tocolics - drugs relaxing muscles of the uterus. For prophylaxis
    infectious complications after appendectomy in pregnant women are recommended
    Antibacterial therapy.

    Maintaining pregnant women in the postoperative period, prevention and
    Therapy of complications of acute appendicitis should be carried out taking into account a number
    features. After the operation, the load and ice on the stomach are observed
    caution in the expansion of the regime in the choice of funds aimed at combating
    the intestinal paresis is a phenomenon in which the intestine does not reap statter, that is «does not work». Used physiotherapy: diathermy (deep warming
    tissue currents of high frequency and high power obtained from special
    apparatus) region of solar plexus (at the beginning of pregnancy) or lumbar
    Areas (at Late Timing), which not only help cope with paresis
    intestine, but also contribute to pregnancy. Also applied
    Reflexotherapy, in particular, acupuncture.

    Prevention of premature interruption of pregnancy after
    The operations consists in a burden of preservation of beddown and in use
    appropriate treatment: patient prescribe soothing drugs, vitamins with
    and e, with tangible cuts in the uterus - candles with papaverine or magnesium
    Sulfate intramuscularly, endonazal (in the nasal cavity) Vitamin electrophoresis

    Apandicitis and pregnancy
    If childbirth came in the early postoperative period, their
    Maintaining is distinguished by special care. In this case, apply tight binting
    Belly, full-fledged anesthesia with wide use of antispasmodics. IN
    birth is constantly carried out by the prevention of intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus. Period
    The expulsion of the fetus is shortened by dissection of crotch or overlay
    obstetric tongs.

    After discharge from the hospital of all pregnant women who have undergone
    Appandycite includes risk risk in the threat of premature interrupt
    pregnancy that may occur after a significant time after

    The fruit in these women is considered as intrauterine
    infection. Doctors carefully monitor its development, the condition of blood flow in
    Placet and Fetal Vessels (Uzp, Hormonal Study, FKG, ECG). At
    The manifestations of the intrauterine suffering of the fetus women hospitalize and spend
    Appropriate therapy: Actovegin, Trental,
    ATP, Cocarboxylase, Folic and Ascorbic
    Acids, 40% glucose, low molecular weight dextre, vitamins,
    as well as Essence.

    No matter how far in time, the childbirth from surgical
    interventions, they are always conducted with sufficient alertness due to
    Increased risk of complications: Anomalies of the generic forces, hypoxia
    Fetal (lack of oxygen), bleeding in postpartum and early postpartum

    After extracting from the hospital, the woman undergoing appendicitis,
    must regularly visit an obstetrician-gynecologist, t.To. She has increased risk of development
    such pathologies of pregnancy as the threat of premature births, detachment
    Placets. The doctor will closely monitor the state of mother health and
    development of fruit.

    In any case, appendicitis is a disease that only is sick
    once in life, and the outcome of the disease depends not only from doctors, but also from
    Your faith and hope for the best.

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