Appendicitis: He's so small


  • Young disease
  • What can not be done when attacking appendicitis?
  • ...Without waiting for peritonitis
  • Apandicitis in pregnant women
  • Prevention does not exist

  • Young disease

    Appendicitis — The diagnosis is relatively young:
    The disease always existed, however, 150 years ago about this disease
    Even the doctors knew. Even when the cause of attacks was established,
    Patients were treated with therapists — Appendicitis did not remove. First
    Appendectomy was held in 1888 in England and in Germany. In that
    The first operation was made to remove appendicitis in Russia,
    spent her doctor to.NS. Dombrovsky in Petropavlovsk Hospital, then —
    BUT.BUT. Trojanov in the Obukhov Hospital of St. Petersburg. During
    The next 25 years, there were disputes about the doctors about how best to treat
    appendicitis — surgically or at the therapist, and whether it is necessary to delete
    Appendicitis in the first hours of the disease or only in case of complications.
    In Russia, patients began to actively operate only in 1909, after
    Congress of Russian surgeons.

    At the smallest

    • nausea, vomiting;
    • anxiety, whims, sometimes sleep disorders or drowsiness;
    • weakness;
    • temperature increase;
    • chills;
    • sometimes — headache;
    • pallor;
    • dry mouth, thirst;
    • sometimes liquid chair or, on the contrary, constipation.

    Signs of appendicitis in children from 0 to 4 years

    • Abdominal pain, and the child most often indicates the area around
      navel, and not on the right iliac face of the abdomen, as an adult. Pain
      maybe «surrender» in the genitals, maybe constant or
      Catching. The greatest intensity of pain, as a rule, in the first
      a few hours, then the pain is reduced, but this is not
      Cancels the call of the doctor!
    • The child is not yet clear
      Talk about your feelings? If you observe his behavior,
      You should alert that the baby is folded by the cutter, lies on
      side (as a rule, on the right), pressing the legs to the stomach, heats the legs,
      expresses concern when changing the posture, tries not to move, but
      His expression is suffering, wary.
    • If you try to touch the stomach, the child will not give it to him, will cast your hand.
    • Crocha has several of the listed signs. Follow
      Save diapers with highlights or the contents of the pot to show
      This is a doctor. Then call a pediatrician, and waiting for it to check,
      Whether the child was hurt and there is no chance of chemical poisoning
      means. Remember that and when the baby ate for the last time and before,
      When and how many times he had a chair, vomiting.

    The fact is that
    The listed features may indicate both appendicitis and on
    Other diseases that require and do not require surgical
    interventions. However, in any case, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor,
    Not starting to engage in self-medication and without applying painful means,
    — Consequences can be the most severe. Do not expect that «Self pass»:
    young children appendicitis develops rapidly and during
    Several hours can start peritonitis.

    General rule
    Such: All children under 3 years old with acute abdominal pain should be sent to
    hospital for examination. Under appendicitis masked the mass of others
    Diseases requiring specialist advice: sharp
    Gastrointestinal diseases (dysentery, gastroenteritis),
    Urological pathology, bronchopneumonia, rheumatism, children
    Infectious diseases (measles, scarlet), infectious hepatitis. Everything
    These diseases, as you understand, require immediate diagnosis and

    At preschoolers and schoolchildren

    After seven years, the child, as a rule, is observed the same signs of appendicitis as an adult:

    • acute pain that appears in the upper or middle abdomen and
      moving into its right lower area (constant or
      Catching). This pain does not pass after the child went into
    • In half cases — nausea and one-time vomiting
      (If there was a breakthrough of the walls of a heart-shaped process, vomiting may be
    • The chair is most often normal, but maybe constipation, less — diarrhea;
    • Increased temperature, chills;
    • reduced appetite;
    • Dry crushing language.

    Appendicitis: He is so small
    For appendicitis painting: in the morning — acute sharp pain, nausea, vomiting,
    Increases temperature, pain gives up the right side of the abdomen, the child is not
    gives to touch it, with a sharp pressing is experiencing acute pain.
    However, unfortunately, the share of typical clinical manifestations has
    just 30% of children's acute appendicitis, and the remaining 70% of cases —
    Nepipical. For example, sometimes Appendix is ​​located in another area
    abdominal cavity, and in this case, pain can be at the bottom of the abdomen, in the back,
    In the rectum, in the area of ​​the stomach.

    If any of
    The features above, the doctor should be called no later than 2—3
    hours after the start of the attack. If on sharp pain in the right area
    belly complains your daughter who has reached puberty, then before arrival
    «Emergency» should be able to remember the date of its last
    menses. May need hospitalization, and the girl examines
    gynecologist. However, if there are no nausea and temperature, then this,
    Most likely intermenlar pain.

    Before the arrival of the doctor can
    use single painful — Attach to the patient
    Place ice. If the doctor who came to «Emergency», can't completely
    Exclude appendicitis, then one should not refuse hospitalization,
    Because, as we said, appendicitis can be atypical. IN
    This case is diagnosed in the direction: «Acute belly».

    What can not be done when attacking appendicitis?

    • Not
      Apply the heating in the stomach and do not arrange warming baths —
      Heat speeds up the inflammatory process and promotes development
    • Do not put the enema. It increases the pressure on the inflamed organ;
    • Do not give a child painful tools — This «Lubricheet» the clinical picture and complicates the diagnosis;
    • Not
      Come child. In the event that he really has appendicitis,
      This will require surgical intervention, and the operation is made on empty
      stomach. If the child wants to eat before arrival «Emergency», give him
      Sweetened water.
    • Do not let the baby laxative in the hope
      that he goes to the toilet and «All will pass» — laxative
      provokes the gap of appendix;
    • Be sure to call «ambulance»
      help even if you have a medical education and you think,
      that is able to diagnose appendicitis. After all, make a diagnosis
      «acute appendicitis» Often it is difficult to even a surgeon, constantly
      Faced with this disease. Feel free to score «false
      Alarm». Doctors on «Emergency» obligations to come with the slightest suspicion of

    ...Without waiting for peritonitis

    regret, do without surgical intervention in acute
    Appendicitis fails. And if the doctor insists on operations, no need to
    him argue and ask him to try to do «Tablets». Remember,
    that during the inflammatory process the clock arrow works against
    you. Therefore, keep in mind that with appendicitis better unreasonable operation,
    than belated. Usually when diagnosing «acute appendicitis»
    child for 12—24 hours are observed in the hospital before
    Decide on the operation (with the exception of emergency cases,
    requiring immediate surgical intervention), take analyzes for
    confirmation of the diagnosis and exclusion of diseases with similar clinical
    Signs, examine a small patient from different specialists.

    And even
    If during the operation it turns out that the process is not so changed,
    To delete it, all the same operation is necessary: ​​Cherved
    The process can reach from 7—10 to 15—20 cm and inflammatory process
    May cover 2—3 mm, and find it without surgical intervention
    almost impossible. In addition, it is likely that the cause
    the attack was such a disease that is hard to detect without
    Surgical intervention. If a thorough examination in the process
    Operations indicate that the rest of the organs are normal, it is removed
    appendix as a source of attack.

    Apandicitis in pregnant women

    Pregnant women are rare enough, 0.03—1.4% of cases. but
    At the same time, it is the most common surgical disease
    Pregnant women. Most often appendicitis makes itself felt on 35—38th weeks time when the uterus «Pipping» intestine and disturbed outflow of content and blood from appendix.

    In future mothers, it is quite difficult to identify appendicitis, because similar
    Clinical signs can be caused by violations in the body,
    associated with pregnancy. Since for 9 months organs
    shift — uterus «moves» Dome of the blind intestine and worm
    Exactness, Localization of appendicitis pains atypic. Therefore, about B
    Half of cases at the primary inspection stage put the wrong
    diagnosis. In this regard, it is necessary to insist on suspected
    At acute appendicitis, observation was carried out obstetrician-gynecologist and surgeon.
    The earlier the correct diagnosis will be set, the better — and for
    mother and baby. In general, signs of appendicitis in pregnant women are the same,
    What and people «ordinary» (Nausea, Vomiting, Temperature, Pain). However, on
    early pregnancy nausea, temperature and vomiting can be
    caused by toxicosis, and pain may indicate both appendicitis and on
    Emascinal pregnancy, threat of miscarriage. As a rule, for diagnosis
    The doctor appoints a laboratory and ultrasound. At any
    Appneltectomy is carried out by the form of acute appendicitis. With donoshennoye
    pregnancy first conduct a cesarean section, and then from the same
    Appendix is ​​removed by access.

    Prevention does not exist

    Appendicitis — meaningless occupation, since it is often called
    Not obvious reasons: the presence of the inflammatory process in the intestine,
    Reducing immunity, predominance in the nutrition of a baby protein food and
    food rich in carbohydrates provoking a decrease in the intestinal tone and
    contributing to the processes of rotting. Sometimes acute appendicitis happens
    triggered by stomach. Doctors say that in remote
    inflamed appendixes the most frequent find — husk from seeds and
    Small fish bones.

    In order to prevent Germany in
    1930s practiced removal of appendix babies. but
    Modern doctors argue that Appendix performs important immune
    Functions: Appendix — Nothing other as the lymphatic apparatus
    In the nervous regulation of the activities of the gastrointestinal tract, and experience
    shows that those who have suffered the preventive removal of appendix in
    childhood, in the future possess a reduced immunity. So now
    Appendix is ​​removed only if it is inflamed and stops
    Perform your functions. In addition, it is proved that removal
    Neverable appendix is ​​one of the reasons for the development of secondary
    infertility in women due to the adhesive process arising after

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