There is such a term - the cognitive functions of the child. This is memory, attention, learning, the ability to perceive information and use acquired skills and knowledge. They can be called the functions of knowing the world. The development of these functions in childhood directly depends on nutrition, including from the provision of vitamins and minerals.

funny. But from a medical point of view — This is absolute truth. If not
Provide a child with rational nutrition and vitamins — Indispensable
participants of all physiological processes, then the study does not occur.
It is noted that parents are closely watching the provision of children,
Especially until 3 years, healthy diet, including vitamins and minerals, but
When the child grows up, starts attending kindergarten, and then school,
goes to organized food, the questions of the vitaminization are departed to the second
regret, the statistics of the provision of vitamins of preschoolers and schoolchildren says that vitamin deficit
(polyhypovitaminosis) suffers from 40 to 80% of children in Russia. And completely
Regardless of the region, the season, the failure of the family and the age of children. Many guys
There is a shortage of several vitamins at once. This is due to the fact that
Modern foods provide only half of the daily rate
Vitamins. The rest needs to be reproduced by vitamin complexes. Vitamin market
Product offers a wide selection. Good alternative for vitamins-drage
are drinks additionally enriched with all necessary vitamins.
20 years such fast food drinks produces our domestic
company «Valetek». Vitamin drinks companies «Valetek» Complete B
preparation, can be used at home and in the children's institution, possess
pleasant taste qualities, children drink them with pleasure.
Pediatricians I
Vitaminologists together with parents and teachers held a series enough
long and detailed examinations in different regions by interconnection
additional vitaminization with vitamin beverages with physical and
mental development.
For example, in
Mordovia For 5 months, kindergartens were examined for 3-6 years and schoolchildren 8-9
years old. In the control groups in kindergarten and school, children received daily
Vitaminized Drink or Vitamin Kisel Patriotic Company
«Valetek», Other guys were on ordinary nutrition without additional
Vitaminization. Specially designed methods have been studied
Vitamins on 4 essential positions — health, performance, fatigue,
Emotional setting.
Health, which was conducted in Mordovia medical professionals of kindergarten and
schools showed reliable
reducing incidence in groups «Vitaminized» Children. And in school
comparison group (where there was no vitaminization) was even fixed
Seasonal outbreak of colds and viral diseases with lots
missed classes.
functions and performance were controlled by a special map where all changes
Estimated in the ballats.

Three months later
All kids kindergartens who drank children's vitamin kisele daily, skills
Accounts and drawing have improved by 17%, speech skills and modeling by 25%, and skills
Appliques and indicators of cognitive development — by 33%. Moreover, reception
The vitamin drink in the kids was associated with delicacy due to the wide
Selecting the tastes of kiselk — Apple, Strawberry, Cherry, Cranberry,
At schoolchildren who
Received for lunch as a third dish Vitamin Drink, during
academic year gradually increased the average
Evaluation score. In the comparison group, unfortunately, performance decreased. TO
The end of the school year in «Vitaminized» Group Number of schoolchildren
receiving only excellent and good estimates were 13% more than in
Control group.
Schoolchildren and preschoolers are experiencing permanent emotional tension — necessary
be attentive, perfected, disciplined, memorize a lot of information,
Perform the tasks of the educator and teacher. It is known that in the first quarter of
many students, especially primary classes, worsen sleep and appetite,
some are noticeably losing weight, and about 20% of the surveyed children experience
Uncomfortable nervous tension. Stressful
The state interferes with the absorption of new knowledge, the insecurity is born and.D.
During the examination
It is noted that additional vitaminization is very positively affected by
psycho-emotional background of children. And kindergartens and schoolchildren became more
balanced and active, less susceptible to stressful situations, more
Children's garden doctors noted explicit improvement
appetite and normalization of sleep, which for preschool is very important. What mom does not know,
As sometimes it is difficult to put sleeping in time or feed the child, and how much
It is serious then affects well-being and mood.
The end of the school year, the test showed that the invitaminated children were tired
faster, their physical indicators were twice as lower than in children who
regularly received vitamin drinks.
way research convincingly prove that vitamin drinks -
beneficially affect the cognitive functions of children, helping them more successfully
learn useful skills, well study at school, with curiosity
Know the world, staying at the same time fun and cheerful.