Intestinal obstruction: symptoms in children


Intestinal obstruction: symptoms in children
By origin
intestinal obstruction is congenital and acquired and can develop
Under the following circumstances:

  • The defects of the intestinal development in the form of atresia or
  • Incagination of the intestine;
  • Spicy intestine chuck or as a result of infringement
  • blocking the intestines of a cool ball or
    foreign body;
  • Closing of the intestine of the intestine.

Picture of the disease depends on the level of obstruction. With high congenital intestinal obstruction
Symptoms in children appear soon or immediately after birth: it
Stubborn vomiting, in the vomit's masses, an admixture of bile is found, marked
Lack of or delayed stool. It is noticed that after vomiting the bloating disappears
And there is some relief. With low congenital obstruction on
The foreground is such signs as a stool delay, the bloating of the abdomen and
Strengthening peristaltics, then joins vomiting with bile.

various forms acquired by the main sign of intestinal obstruction in a child during late diagnosis is considered
Perforation of intestines with the development of peritonitis.

Intestinal obstruction: Mechanical and dynamic

Practical activities Children's surgeons face various types of acquired
Intestinal obstruction:

  • Favoric obstruction has a bright clinical
    Picture, reminiscent shock and toxicosis at an early age. Catching occurs
    Abdominal pain, stubborn indomitable vomiting, enhancing peristaltics. Soon added
    pronounced intoxication with abundant vomiting, the so-called «Kalova Vomot», Intestinal
    Peristalistics weaken. Later the stages of the disease are characterized
    multiple vomiting, moderate bloating and abdominal asymmetry, lack of
    Intestinal work. Diagnosis in this case is carried out using
    Traditional X-ray method, and the most informative diagnostic criterion
    It is customary to be laparoscopic examination of the entire abdominal cavity.
  • Intussusception — This combined impareness type
    in children with elements of the infringement of the mesentery and the closure of the intestine invaginat, in
    whose quality is part of the intestines. Depending on the place
    The locations are distinguished by sublicatical and thick-current invagination. Typical
    Symptoms of such a form are represented by parotid abdominal pains that
    Start suddenly against the background of general health. In this case, the attack may also
    Suddenly end, as it began, but repeated after a while already
    with strengthening vomiting, which is associated with the impairment of the mesentery of the intestine or with full
    obstruction of intestine. The temperature and chair in the child remains normally, later
    Time from the rectum appear mucous membranes with blood.
  • One of the most frequent unpretentious forms
    Intestinal intestines — Dynamic, may look like
    spastic or paralytic. Develops more often in children in postoperative
    Period, characterized by repeating vomiting, progressive bloating,
    Stool and gases, intoxication. The stomach is soft, the peristalsis is weak,
    High standing diaphragm provokes difficulty breathing. Treatment with such
    The form of obstruction is directed to the fight against the adamius of the intestine.
  • Obstructive obstruction in most
    Cases due to coprostase, otherwise — closing the intestinal lumen kalov
    masses occurs in children at different ages. The main reason is considered a violation
    Conditions and diet of food contributing to the formation of calmic stones. Differential
    Diagnostics is carried out with intestinal tumor.
  • Rarely found view of the intestinal
    obstruction — This is a disease resulting from the glitstic invasion,
    When the broaching parasites close the intestinal lumen.

Prevention of intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction: symptoms in children

Intestinal obstruction — This is, first of all, care for the child and healthy
food. Preventive measures suggest:

  • Active and healthy lifestyle of children and their
  • Balanced mode and diet,
    enriched with fiber, fruits, vegetables, vitamins;
  • timely medication;
  • Prevention of infection and destruction
    Glice invasions;

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