Bursith can be cured


  • Miraculous massage
  • Yoga and hydrotherapy will help to cope with the burse
  • Do not forget about herbs
  • It is important to eat right

  • Miraculous massage

    Bursith can be curedBursts are often cured after rest, but pain and inflammation can be facilitated by drugs. Along with drugs, it is also necessary to use others - the means of so-called alternative medicine.

    One of the most valuable methods of alternative medicine is diathermy, or treatment with deep warm-up, which should be carried out under the guidance of a physiotherapist. It not only removes discomfort and inflammation caused by the bourrsite, but can remove the tension of the muscles, nerves and tendons. At the same time, in the initial stages of the disease, the best approach is to apply ice compress and give the joint to relax as long as possible.

    Injured or strained joint need rest. In a short time, the massage of the area around the affected place stimulates blood circulation and relaxes the surrounding muscles. Massage can also reduce the voltage in the joint zone.

    One of the most important rules when using a massage of a person suffering from a bourgeist is the following: in no case can array directly affected by the joint.

    Yoga and hydrotherapy will help to cope with the burse

    After initial treatment, removing pain and reducing inflammation, after you gave the affected joint to relax, yoga classes - a good way to relax and strengthen the muscles and joints.

    With sharp pains, apply cold on the affected places. Hold 5 minutes, then take a break for a minute. Repeat the procedure 3 times. In chronic symptoms, try alternate hot and cold compresses.

    Hydrotherapists also recommend applying compresses with warm castor oil directly to the affected place.

    For the preparation of the compress, wet a piece of white cotton fabric in castor oil, peel over. Heat a wet fabric, attach to the affected place, covering plastic and closing the old towel so that castor oil does not hit the clothes or other surface.

    Compress can be used several times for which it should be stored in a plastic package or refrigerator. Need to throw out when the compress will start changing the color.

    Do not forget about herbs

    To strengthen blood circulation, reduce inflammation and remove muscle tension, the herbalist can recommend you to take 3 times a day 5-ml tincture: 2 parts of the willow bark, cortex viburnum and celery seeds along with the 1st part of the Zantoxyluma.

    But another recipe: mixes equal parts of the lobelia and cortex viburnum for cooking tincture, which rubbing into the muscles if necessary to remove the voltage.

    It is important to eat right

    Vitamins C, A and Zinc are recommended for increasing the production of collagen necessary for tissues, as well as healing of injured tendons and tissue of articular bags. Vitamin E is considered an effective tool for the treatment of affected tissues. Follow the recommendations of the experimental nutritionals relative to doses and the duration of nutritional intake. Another approach, useful for the treatment of bourssits, may include injections of vitamin B12, which must be appointed by a doctor.

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