Children's cryptorchism


  • Cryptorchism in the child
  • What is the danger of cryptorchism

  • Cryptorchism in the child

    The testicles are formed in the abdominal
    Fetal cavities, and before birth (within
    the last trimester of pregnancy) are lowered in
    Midge. Moving eggs from abdominal cavity
    fruit in the scrotum taking place by the so-called «Inguinal canal». In some cases,
    the omission of one or both eggs does not happen in
    In this case, the child has an innate
    Pathology, called «Cryptorchism».

    This congenital pathology
    It is often found: approximately 4%
    Cases. There are several reasons causing
    Cryptorchism, however, it is impossible to warn
    Eggs of eggs in any way.

    It should be distinguished, so
    called «False cryptorchism» and «Cryptorchism True».

    In practice, most
    Patients aimed at urologist,
    False cryptorchism is found, -
    The testicles are capable of drawing into a groin canal (egg «Appears» In the scrotum I «disappear») or
    being in the scrotum slightly above them
    Normal location. As a rule, false
    Cryptorchism does not require treatment - with age
    The child will be corrected. A business - Cryptorchism True. He
    Requires mandatory treatment.

    Parents should not be
    overly concerned that their boy
    born with an uncomplicated testicle, but they should be
    Correctly informed about the possible
    The consequences of this congenital pathology.

    What is the danger of cryptorchism

    Children's cryptorchism
    In boys born with
    Negging eggs increases the risk of infertility,
    unthighted eggs are more susceptible to
    Development of malignant tumors. The thing is
    The fact that the temperature of the scrotum is 2…3°With lower than in
    Abdominal cavity. This difference is decisive
    For normal development of eggs and normal
    Developing spermatozoa (spermatogenesis) in
    Future. If the testicle «stuck» In the inguinal canal - the risk of injury. except
    of that, and psychological
    factor - the lack of eggs in the scrotum can cause
    Certain mental complexes.

    Whether it is false
    or True Cryptorchism, - Consultation
    Children's surgeon is obligatory.

    Cryptorchism treatment may be
    Therapeutic or surgical.

    First you should try
    treat cryptorchism with therapeutic methods, -
    Introduction to the child of the hormone - chorionic
    Gonadotropin. We should not forget that
    The success of this therapy is very limited. Success
    therapeutic treatment is largely
    depends on what level of the testicle
    Located: the closer to the scrotum, the more
    probability of a favorable outcome (about 90%
    data of some clinics).

    If therapeutic treatment is not
    brought the expected result - resort to
    Surgical operation. There are many
    Surgical treatment methods of this
    pathology, depending on the set of factors
    Apply one or another. Usually, the child operates
    aged 3 years. Operation does not carry a threat to life
    Child, complications happen no more than 1%
    Cases and mainly associated with damage
    Vessels feeding eggs or infection in
    postoperative period.

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