Diverticulosis of the colon: diagnosis and treatment


  • Diverticulosis of colon
  • Diagnostics and treatment of colon diverticulosis

  • Diverticulosis of colon

    The diverticulosis of the colon is
    a state in which small, size is formed in the wall of the intestine
    up to one or two centimeters at the base bagpowd
    (Diverticulus). The diverticulas are developing mainly in the elderly
    people in high-level countries.

    The main thing
    The role in the wide distribution of this disease plays a decrease
    The number of plant food in the diet and the predominance of meat nutrition
    and flour dishes, which leads to constipation. In addition to constipation, contribute
    Development of diverticulov obesity, meteorism (abundant gas formation),
    Transferred intestinal infections (for example, dysentery), long and random intake of laxative drugs.

    age elasticity of the intestine is significantly reduced. Raising
    Pressure in the intestines (as a result of constipation, meteorism, etc.) leads
    To the protrusion of some of its sites, the diverticulus is formed.

    DDiverticulosis of the colon: diagnosis and treatmentla
    Diverticulosis is characteristic: - abdominal pain, more often in the left half
    abdomen; - stool violations, most often constipation or alternation of constipation
    and diarrhea, - bloating, rumbling in the stomach.

    resulting in stagnation in the intestinal protrusion of carts, arises
    Inflammation of the diverticulus - diverticulitis. When developing inflammation
    The temperature increases, stomach pain, in a chair
    mucus and blood detects, worried about expressed meteorism. Exactly
    The inflammation of the diverticulus most often serves as the appeal of the disease
    Diverticulosis to the doctor.

    Inflammation of divertikulov leads to the development of serious complications:

    • Intestinal bleeding -
      manifests itself with discharge of blood or clots. Worried
      Weakness, decrease in blood pressure, develops pallor.
      Blood isolation accompanying abdominal pains, stool disorders.
    • Intestinal obstruction - Developed by violation of intestinal masses as a result of the narrowing of the intestinal lumes at the diversion point of the diverticulus.
    • Purulent inflammation of the abdominal cavity
      (peritonitis) develops when intestinal content in abdominal
      cavity through the hole in the wall of the diverticula (perforation of the diverticulus),
      forming when the walls of the protrusion.

    Diagnostics and treatment of colon diverticulosis

    The diagnosis of the diverticulosis of the colon is engaged in a gastroenterologist. To identify the disease, in addition to inspection, the analysis of the blood of the feces is necessary to carry out at least two studies: - irrigoscopy - X-ray study of the intestine with a preliminary filling of a contrasting substance with the help of the enema. - Colonoscopy -
    With a special flexible tube (colonoscope) through the rear pass
    inspecting the sector of the intestine with a length of up to one meter.
    Irrigoscopy and colonoscopy should be carefully prepared.

    Divertikulov and complications of the disease are treated in a hospital uncomplicated
    Diverticulosis - Houses. The main task in the treatment of uncomplicated
    Colon diverticulosis - normalize stool. This will allow
    prevent the formation of new protruding and prevent inflammation
    Divertikulov. First of all, a diet is assigned rich in plant
    food, recommended wheat bran. To reduce pain
    In the abdomen prescribe antispasmodic preparations (but-shp and others.) At
    Development of diverticulitis prescribe antibiotics. Treatment of bleeding
    depends on its intensity. Most often use special
    Drugs that contribute to stopping bleeding. At
    other complications of diverticulosis (perforation of the diverticula or narrowing
    intestinal lumen), as well as in the ineffectiveness of therapeutic
    Treatment use surgical intervention. Most often during
    Operations remove the affected sect.

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