What is hypergidrosis


  • Increased sweating or hyperhydrosis
  • Treatment of increased sweating

  • Increased sweating or hyperhydrosis

    What is hypergidrosisThe term hyperhydrosis (increased sweating) comes from Latin «hyper», What is heightened and «hydro», What matches the Russian word water. Increased or excessive sweating doctors are called hyperhydrosis.

    At least once in life, every person experienced an unpleasant feeling from suddenly «Scared» And because «Furious» Hands or flowing droplets from axillary depression. And this is normal. That is normal when such states arise in life in response to «Emotional storms». The appearance of the droplets of sweat on the forehead of the driver, who just believed from Kamaz or the wet hands of a woman who took a diamond necklace for several million dollars.

    The human nervous system reacts to the emotions to the rapidity of heartbeat, increase the pressure, bringing the muscles into the tone. And in extreme situations react and sweat glands that begin to highlight sweat. Such states of doctors do not belong to disease.

    Hyperhydrosis - Pathological condition. Intensive sweating can begin even with a small excitement, and even thoughts about hands. It is only worth the suffering hyperhydrosis to think that he will have a handshake, as hands instantly become wet. The appearance of the droplets of sweat on the palms causes fear, which in turn causes even greater sweating. Pathological closed circle, as physiologists say. And to break it yourself without everyone. It would seem a simple and banal problem as hyperhydrosis develops into such a problem as neurosis and depression, which has already been pulled by a whole car problem - failures in personal life, failure at work.

    Treatment of increased sweating

    So far in Russia, many doctors are treated with high sweating with formalin preparations, sedative pills and even hypnosis. Although for 50 years there is a technique for radical elimination of increased sweating of palms and redness of the face. Recognition of the official status of high sweatiness of the palms has reached its peak after in the United States in this disease, the costs of operation began to be covered by medical insurance. In Russia, the Ministry of Health ever recognizes that palm hyperhydrosis - a disabled state, fully excluding the participation of people suffering from him in a number of specialties.

    Speaking of hyperhydrosis, two states should be distinguished - total high sweating and local high sweating. In most cases, I mean local essential hyperhydrosis. This kind of hyperhydroposis accounts for most of cases of the disease. It is still not known why this type of hyperhydroposis occurs (therefore it is called essential). General or generalized sweating may be a consequence of a number of causes (infections, endocrine, tumor diseases, etc.). As a rule, we are talking in such cases, not about local, but about the overall hyperhydrosis, that is, increased sweating from the entire surface of the skin.

    Increased sweating can be not only on the palms, but also in the armpits. Not uncommon is hyperhydrosis.

    Related to hyperhydrosis is erythrofobia. Literal translation means «Fear of being red». People suffering from this state, with the slightest emotions begins to blush face. Often they experience serious difficulties in public speeches and even appeal to an unfamiliar person. As well as with hyperhydrosis, only one thought that a person can redden, leads to the fact that the face begins to intensively bugger.

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