How to recognize Krivoshe in a child


  • Where Krivoshoy is taken from
  • How to independently diagnose Krivoshe in a child

  • Where Krivoshoy is taken from

    How to recognize Krivoshe in a child

    Most adult health problems - come from childhood. That is why it is very important that parents pay attention to any deviation from the norm from their child, and the doctors specialists spent the correction of the spine and limbs in time. This happens enough to grow further and formed correctly. Such violations include the third inceptience congenital disease of the musculoskeletal system - Krivoshoye.
    It happens, the child was born healthy. But on one side falls asleep quickly, actively sucks the chest, and does not want and shouts on the other. Then you need to pay attention to how the kid turns the head, whether both sides are equally? Perhaps the underdevelopment of the vertebrae of the cervical and their functional blocking lead to the development of Krivoshei.
    This pathology is dangerous in that it entails the curvature of the spinal column (scoliosis), twisting pelvis, dysplasia and flatfoot. Official Medicine Method against Krivoshi - Operation… Surgeon Crucizes the baby sternum-clarity-cupid neck muscle. But it cannot be considered to solve the problem.
    I have repeatedly brought such well-operated patients. The turns of the head to the side of them are still limited: at a rate of 80 degrees it does not work more than 40-60. It is important to understand that «Manual Pediatrics», Unfortunately, it still does not exist - because it is much more responsible than even manual therapy for adult.
    It is necessary not only perfectly to know the anatomy and the physiology of the child, but have skills, sensitive fingers and… Perhaps intuition. My first patients were five of their own children. The very first patient is the eldest daughter, which 21 years ago diagnosed - Krivoshe and dysplasia. Then my friends brought my children, friends. What I know today and I can do, not one day, it took more than 20 years for this.

    Where do they generally take these violations? Some laid during pregnancy, others - like injury during childbirth. When the crying is blocked in the cervical department, which is most often found in 1-2 vertebrae (generic injury) or 6-7 (the first month of life). In the sublifting of 6-7 vertebrae, as a rule, the negligent parents who do not support the head of the kid, when he still does not hold it. Blocking is dangerous oxygen starvation of the brain. What kind of normal development can we talk? Even if the problems do not seem «Screaming», Over the years, they will be aggravated and be sure to manifest in adulthood.

    How to independently diagnose Krivoshe in a child

    At each age, Krivoshoy is manifested in different ways, every day new problems are added to old problems, and grow as a snowball. But attentive parents can diagnose it themselves for a number of signs.
    • 1-2 month of life. Put the baby on the tummy. There is an increased tone of the muscles of the neck and back. Buttock folds and folds on the legs asymmetrical.
    • 3-5 months. The same thing as in the first case. In addition, no dairy teeth appear on time, the child reacts poorly to sounds.
    • 6-7 months. Grows on the socks on the crib, but the heels do not fall completely. Plaxy, inhibited, susceptible to allergic reactions. Arrives squint.
    • 9-11 months. The head turns only one way, the spine is twisted, the buttocks are asymmetric. Susceptible to colds, dysbacteriosis. Lagging behind in development, walking begins later than his peers. 3-4 years. Put a child on the chair, try to try the neck muscles. It happens, on the one hand, the muscle is tense, on the other - it is difficult to detect it. Scoliosis is drawn on the back, asymmetry is observed on the face. One eye is tracked, squint, worsening hearing and vision.
    • 5-6 years old. Tough muscle tension appears ahead. Krivoshoy has no doubt.

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