What is atheroma


  • Symptoms atheroma
  • How to treatment atheroma
  • Prevention atheroma

  • Atheroma - tumor education, which is
    «Bag», having a capsule and filled with thick yellowish masses,
    Often having an unpleasant smell resulting from blockage
    duch of rowing gland.

    Atheroma - occurs in people of any age and both sexes.

    Symptoms atheroma

    What is atheroma
    Atheroma can appear on any parts of the body where the hair grows,
    But the preferential localization of the head of the head, faces (especially lower than the mouth),
    Spin, neck, genital area.

    Atheroma provoke the following factors: bad conditions of the external environment, in
    including an unfavorable environmental situation as well as violations
    exchange character in the very body manifested in blockage
    ducts, hyperhydrosis, increased energous tissue, hormonal
    Violations that, in turn weaken the excretory function

    Often atheroma is the multiple. When examining atheroma
    It is a tumor formation of a rounded shape, soft
    Consistencies in size from 5 to 40 mm and more. Leather over atheroma usually
    not changed, however, in the case of the connection of the secondary infection can
    have a reddish tint. Atheroma moving together with others
    Fabrics, painless. Atheroma can stay small on
    for many years, or increase. Sometimes atheroma communicates with
    the surface of the skin through a small hole through which they can
    Separate atheromatous masses.

    With a long existence of atheroma or with unfavorable
    Conditions can develop a complication - its suppuration with education
    Subcutaneous abscess.

    With the suppuration of the atheroma, pain, redness, edema appear,
    soreness, temperature rise, fluctuation. With the suppuration of atheroma
    can solely break out - it is distinguished by pus with satisfying

    How to treatment atheroma

    If the atheroma is small and does not bother the patient, then you can not delete it. In other cases, surgical treatment is shown. Atheroma remove under local anesthesia.

    Method number 1

    The incision is performed in the place of the greatest swelling of the atteroma.
    The contents of the atheroma are extruded on the napkin. After that capture
    capsule with two clamps and remove it or scrape the cavity

    Method number 2

    Carefully cut the skin, trying not to damage the atheroma capsule.
    Shift the skin from the atheroma, after which, pressing the fingers on the edges of the wound,
    Atheroma is deprived.

    Method number 3

    This method is most often applied. First over atteroma
    produce two fade cuts that should cover
    hole. The edges of the skin is captured by clamps and, carefully
    Pulling for them, branched bent scissors under the atheroma. Divoda
    and cleaning scissors, atheroma deepen from surrounding tissues. Bleeding
    Usually insignificant. After removing the atheroma to subcutaneous tissue
    impose individual resinking seams. On the skin to prevent
    Wound edges applied vertical mattress sutures fine
    Atraumatic thread. Seams are removed after 7 days.

    Prevention atheroma

    For prevention purposes, it is recommended for oily skin as well as
    acne wash the face of hot water with soap, vigorously rubbing the skin with sponge
    Or wash, make steam baths, facial skin cleaning, plastic
    massage. It is especially important to avoid food rich in animal fats and

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