Who needs plastic surgery

Which of us at least once in life did not dream to fix something in your own appearance? Someone does not suit too wide or long nose, someone do not like hoping ears or excessive roundness of the hips or belly. Of course, the decision takes each self, but our site is ready to share information about plastic surgery.

Who needs plastic surgery
Which of us at least once in life did not dream to fix something in your own appearance? Someone does not suit too wide or long nose, someone do not like hoping ears or excessive roundness of the hips or belly. One way or another, but every person thought about the question: «And not to go to the clinic of plastic surgery?». In addition to the natural fear, many other aspects: the fear of the unsuccessful outcome of the operation, the cost of the procedure, some of the aspects, not to the public opinion, ignorance, in the end. Of course, the decision takes each self, but our site is ready to share information about plastic surgery.

When without plastic surgery can not do?

Word «Plasticism» Translated from Greek «as creating a form», «Molding form», From here it becomes very clear the meaning of the term «Plastic surgery». Plastic surgery is aimed at correcting congenital or acquired defects of body parts, creating or restoring forms.

Plastic surgery leaves its roots in the distant past. So in ancient India, criminals cut off - horror! - Noses, and after plastic surgeons, as we are now magnifying them, restored the nose of the skin of the cheek. Now you can hardly imagine, what was the result of such a procedure. But today, plastic surgeons are creating miracles and are able to fully change the appearance of a person, and fix some disadvantages of its appearance.

The development of plastic surgery is simultaneously in several directions: a decrease in the body from the procedure, achieving the maximum effect, the ability to conduct an operation with as smaller tracks as possible surgical intervention.

When should you contact the surgeon? Ten years ago, to make a decision on the operation, the patient was necessary to consult with a psychologist. Now plastic surgery has become more affordable and turned into a fairly profitable business. Unfortunately, our site should note the fact that the aspiration of the surgeon enriched leads to the fact that he forgets about the oath of hippocratic and conducts enough dangerous operations to the client, which by and large does not need operation. Now consultation of the psychologist in the clinic of plastic surgery voluntarily, again, to great regret of common sense.

Undoubtedly, there are cases when plastic surgery is really able to literally change the human life, eliminating some innate serious shortcomings or defects obtained during accidents and injuries. Then the surgeon is able to practically give a new life to a person, return him confidence and self-esteem. In such cases, it is impossible to diminish the values ​​of the work of plastic surgeons.

When the plastic surgery is unreasonable?

When the plastic surgery is unreasonable
Unlike the aforementioned cases, it happens that a person plastic surgery will not simply bring benefits, but even strictly contraindicated. These are those cases when some external flaw turns simply into a unhealthy desire of a person to his «Correction». Psychologists even gave the name of such pathological looped in physical disadvantage, and most often with imaginary - dysmortophobia.

It is people with such Mental disorder Plastic operations are not just contraindicated, but even prohibited. After all, in fact, the problem of man is not an external, and internal - repeatedly extended problem becomes simply intrusive idea.

Especially prone to teenage dismortophobia. It is in adolescence that a person begins to show an increased interest in his appearance and to respond to some fleeting comments to his address. And also this problem concerns the elderly. At this age, women are trying to return the elasticity of the chest, get rid of wrinkles, get rid of cellulite, and men want to return their appeal, tightening the belly, restoring the sexual function of the body.

The most terrible in this mental disorder is that its manifestation can lead to the sad consequences when human behavior becomes inadequate and can lead to incorrigible consequences, as, for example, to suicide.

It would seem that an experienced doctor can recognize such «client» With most often an imaginary problem and refuse operations, but not always to count on medical ethics. Our site strongly recommends that parents relate to their younger children. As often as possible, they need to say approving words, words of love.

In a situation with an increase in (decreasing) of the breast in women - in ninety percent of all cases, the husband is able to influence the decision of the wife, convincing her that it is such a wife who likes him most
Also, for example, in a situation with an increase in (decreasing) of the breast in women - in ninety percent of all cases, the husband is able to influence the decision of the wife, convincing her that this wife likes it most.

It is worth it to repeat that in some cases, the methods of plastic surgery bring amazing results and really positively affect the human life. But in some cases it is worth thinking over the source of passionate desire to change yourself. In the end there are infinitely many cases, when plastic operations turned around very sadly. Perhaps the most striking example in this question is Michael Jackson - his crazy desire to change his appearance led to the fact that now he has really very serious skin problems in his 47 years.

By the way, the statistical polls in 41 countries of the world show that more than 80% of respondents against surgical intervention in their appearance.

Still, whether a person is given an appearance from God or God also makes mistakes, whether it is worth correcting these mistakes, or learn how to live in harmony with their appearance - the answers to these, sometimes quite complex questions, you need to look for every person yourself.

Selection of Plastic Surgery Clinic

Selection of Plastic Surgery Clinic
If you still decide that you are ready for our beauty to go to serious victims, such as the intervention of a plastic surgeon, then you need to strictly remember the following points:

  • Advertising is not always a display of reality, so the selection of the plastic surgery clinic should not be based on «Collection» Her name.
  • In a fairly good clinic, you will receive a comprehensive advice of doctors, you will be able to view photos with the results of operations held in the clinic.
  • IN «Right» Clinic Surgeon will tell you about all possible consequences and complications of the operation.
  • You should not be limited only to the consultation of doctors, it is also important to know the opinion of the former clinic patients. This can help the Internet where there are many sites and forums necessary themes. Recommendations of your friends and acquaintances can also help make a decision on choosing a clinic.
  • Naturally, it is necessary to check whether the clinic has a state license. She, of course, does not so much significantly affect the end result, but it is capable of protecting your interests if the operation fails.
  • Not the last role in the outcome of the operation has the attitude of the client itself - if he is confident in his desire to change something, if confident in success, then such a positive mood affects the outcome of surgery.

In a fairly good clinic, you will receive a comprehensive advice of doctors, you will be able to view photos with the results of operations held in the clinic
Quite often, people think about the question, at what age can already be resorted to methods of plastic surgery, and at what age it is too early. An unambiguous answer to this question will not be given even the best specialists, because this question is strictly individual. Of course, there are basic age criteria. As an example, our site will take plastic nose. No surgeon will undertake to make the plastic surgery of the nose until the age of 20-22 is achieved - it is at this age that the final formation of this part of the person ends. Also, any good surgeon should warn a childbirth girl about the possible consequences of breast increasing operation.

The desire of a person looks young and tightened quite explained, it is it that underlies the most popular popularity of plastic surgery. Of course, the methods of modern clinics are quite high-tech, which will break a wonderful result. However, it is worth thinking how much it is still better to save your beauty and youth - healthy eating, regular exercise, healthy lifestyle or surgeon knife.

Not always plastic surgery has such chic results as in the case of the famous Cher. Quite often it turns out that the desire to have, let's say, more plump lips and big eyes lead to such a comic combination, like Masha Malinovskaya.

Our site wishes you to always look wonderful and live in harmony with yourself!

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