Interesting and available on the effect of ascorbic acid to the work of the human body. Communication Rules for Vitamin C.
Vitamin C, or «Ascorbinka», — it's vitamin familiar
from childhood. Maybe therefore many are not perceived seriously his important
Medical properties. Ascorbic acid is important for a growing organism, since
The disadvantage of this vitamin in childhood can provoke the appearance
Changes in the skeletal structure (Meller-Barlow illness) and Zing. With age
The need for vitamin C is not reduced, but even increasing. Adult patients
It is important to know that smoking and alcohol use reduce the reserves of this vitamin
and accelerate its destruction, and our body can not accumulate vitamin C
on one's own.
Spectrum of action ascorbinova
Ascorbic acid is of great importance for full-fledged
the vital activity of the body, as it regulates
Redox processes, is an antioxidant, participates in
Regulation of carbohydrate exchange, blood coagulation, affects the work of capillaries
and increases resistance to infections. Thanks to the shared with amino acids
Development of dopamine hormones, adrenaline and norepinephrine vitamin with positive
affects mental state and mental performance. So,
Ascorbic acid strengthens not only immunity, but also a psyche, helping
cope with stress.
Significant influence of ascorbic acid has
to work liver and pancreas. Vitamin C activates respiratory
Enzymes in the liver and increases its ability to detoxify and educate protein.
«Ascorbinka» promotes prolrombin synthesis.
Vitamin C does not allow cholesterol sediments to clog
Blood vessel walls. When solving problems associated with cholesterol,
Ascorbic acid shows itself well in integrated therapy aimed at
on the normalization of cholesterol in blood.
Diversity of the form of the drug «Ascorbic
acid» makes it convenient in use: vitamin C is used inside — for
Prevention of deficit states, as well as intramuscularly, intravenously and intravaginal
— To normalize the vaginal microflora.
Competent use of ascorbinova
Use vitamin C is competent. So instead
a positive result not to earn new health problems, you need
Remember the feeling of measure and contraindications and cautions:
Ascorbic acid can penetrate a placental barrier, so
take vitamin C in elevated doses. During lactation of dose
Vitamin consumption either should not exceed the norm.- Uroochenna
Disease, diabetes, hemochromatosis, thalassemia, leukemia and a number of others
Diseases automatically imply restrictions on the use of ascorbic
acid, so in such cases it is necessary to consult with the attending
doctor and adjust the dose. Partly, this is due to the fact that Vitamin C
Increases the absorption of iron. - At
hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, thrombophlebitis and candidial
Vulvivaginate the use of vitamin C contraindicated. - Intravenous
Introduction Vitamin C. When intravenous administration of ascorbic acid, it is important
remember that the drug cannot be missed. - Laboratory
Tests. If you need to pass tests, then you need to remember that ascorbic
acid due to its redox properties can «replace»
Results of research and tests will be incorrect. - Oncology.
Oncology and vitamins — The topic is quite contradictory. With accuracy can be said,
that progressive oncological disease implies careful
Association of ascorbic acid. - Connection
Vitamin C with Vitamins B1, B2, A, E, Folic and Pantothenic Acid:
Ascorbic acid increases their stability and, accordingly, reduces them