Why some medications need to be taken before eating, and some after? Is it possible to depend on this? It turns out yes.

Before each person. It would seem difficult to properly drink pills.
However, according to statistics, only 20% of patients competently take medicines appointed
doctor. Almost every second patient, coming out of the doctor's office, absolutely
forgets the recommendations received, at best — Remembers the name of the drug.
At the same time, the question «when and how
Adjust the medicine correctly», Far not idle, because from this
The result and effectiveness of treatment depends a lot.
Here are some rules for taking drugs.
Observe the multiplicity of reception drug.Remember that prescribing medicine 2 times
per day under the word «day» The doctor implies not a light part of the day, and all 24
hours. It means to drink correctly
Tablets twice — after 12 hours, and in most cases it is not so important,
What time is it time, you plan the first medication. Exception is made,
For example, sleeping pills, taken closer to sleep, cardiac and
Antiostmatic tools that are recommended to drink closer to midnight preparations
against ulcers whose action is most expected in the morning clock.
How to accept emergency medication? The answer is simple:
at the moment when this help is needed.
How to drink tablets:
«before meals», «while eating», «after meal» or in general, regardless of the reception
Food? It is very important to comply with the recommendations of the doctor, because drugs — This is chemical
Substances that enter into interaction with the media and tissues of the body. TO
An example, acetylsalicylic acid irritates the gastric mucosa, antibiotics of the macrolide groups are destroyed by gastric juice. Alone medicines such as
Cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmics, sulfonamides do not tolerate neighborhood with food,
she prevents their suction, others, on the contrary, need it and move on
digestive tract together with food lump, for example, enzyme
Take medicine
«on empty shop» — This means 30-40 minutes before breakfast, when there is no more in the stomach
digestive enzymes. And before taking tablets you can not drink anything,
even tea with candy.
Drink tablets «before meals»
means that before taking medication you should not have anything within 30-40
minutes and the same time you will not eat after drinking
his. However, in some cases it is assumed that during this time you
be sure to eat, and therefore specify how to properly take medicine from your doctor.
Reception of medication «while eating» more often does not cause questions. But it is worth keeping in mind,
What a word «food» It should not necessarily mean meals from three dishes. If
Receiving tablets coincides with breakfast, lunch or dinner — good and if not — It is enough will be tea with a cracker or a glass of milk.
Consider also the irritant stomach
medications, for example, aspirin, should not be mixed with acute and acidic food,
Antidepressants are not combined with products rich tiramine, for example, with
cheese, fish caviar, soy sauce, otherwise — Day drowsiness to you
How to drink tablets «after
food»? Here you need to figure it out. Immediately «after meal» Usually accepted
Drugs, irritating stomach, and 2 hours after meals, funds
Lowering the acidity of the stomach.
from food» Most often antibiotics, hypotensive and drugs against diarrhea, antacids are taken.
If the doctor did not specify the order of reception of the tablets, and the instructions there are no indications how to make a medicine,
it means that the drug should be made up 30 minutes before meals. By the way, this recommendation
belongs to most drugs.
should be littered with simple water, If there are no other recommendations. This is not tea,
not juice, not compote, namely non-carbonated drinking water. -
How to drink tablets
or capsuated drugs? Remember, all that is dressed in the shell or
the capsule should not be chewed or supper. Only «naked» Tablets can be
grind it accelerates their suction. Chewing pills are recommended
cheerfully chew — sink. The form of the drug
not selected for beauty and not even for the convenience of the patient, but on the basis of
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug. -
Combine incompatible! Ideally, all medicines should be accepted
apart. But how to correct
drink tablets if their number exceeds 2-3 pieces and withstand
Intervals of 30 minutes between drug intake fails. Council simple — Consult
At the doctor or pharmacist.
Never complement yourself
Appointments of the doctor «Useful» In your opinion medicines «Strengthening
immunity», «Protecting liver», «Accelerating recovery from cold» Herbal
Charges. Always express your wishes to the doctor and agree with him all
innovations. For the same reason, the doctor should know about all your diseases and
appointments of other specialists.
Hold down
Recommended drug intake. Most often, drugs are prescribed on
long term per cumulative effect or for fixing
The result obtained. There is no other way to defeat the disease, otherwise how it is right and long enough
take medication. -
Do not skip the reception time.
Lay out tablets for a prominent place, and in the case of your forgetfulness, let them be needed
Drinking a tablet will remind the alarm clock.
If the medication is intimidated, then after 1-2
an hour is not too late to drink a tablet, but if more time has passed, wait
next reception, but do not double the dose of the drug. Hormonal contraceptives and antibiotics require clear observance
Graphics Reception.
Follow the rules
Tablet reception! Only then the adopted medicines will have the necessary action and
will not cause unwanted side effects.