Phyto-gaskets in different periods of life


  • Nature took care of health
  • Critical days
  • What to advise daughter
  • Pregnancy
  • Healthy Mom
  • Menopause period

  • Nature took care of health

    Phyto-gaskets in different periods of lifeNature itself took care of the health of the intimate part of the female organism, providing for the natural allocations between the monthly - a kind of system for the protection of these bodies from the ingress of infections from the outside. The nature and abundance of such discharge is very individual and depends on the set of factors - the hormonal background of the woman, the day of the cycle, its temperament and health status. How comfortable you will feel, and how the use of pads will affect your health, depends on the form, design and material, of which these hygiene products are produced.

    The female sex ecosystem contains a large number of microorganisms that support the acidic medium, destructive for most pathogenic bacteria. This fragile balance provided for by nature is not disturbed only with the soft effects of plant substances. Daily phyto-gaskets due to plant components maintain the individual ratio of microorganisms in the vagina and the required level of pH, create favorable conditions for the development of useful microflora. This is especially important for women who often have any inflammation: thrush, bacterial vaginosis. After all, the plant extract is made from plants, has long been used in Korean medicine in the treatment of female diseases.

    Critical days

    It is no secret that many diseases of the intimate area are exacerbated in the period of menstruation. Menstrual Blood is an ideal environment for habitat bacteria that easily penetrate internal organs through the open neck of the uterus. In addition, bacteria that actively multiply during menstruation, in contact with oxygen, is not the most pleasant smell. Therefore, it is very important that the gaskets do not simply absorb the selection, but also blocked the reproduction of bacteria.

    For critical days in a series of phyto-gaskets, day and night. Soft super-thin phyto-gaskets block the reproduction of bacteria and prevent the appearance of unwanted smell. Plant components increase the absorbent properties of phyto-gaskets, due to which the biological fluid is instantly absorbed, is distributed and held inside without spreading. Due to the anatomical form and the materials of the phyto-gaskets are securely attached to the linen and invisible even under the tight clothing.

    What to advise daughter

    Daughters at any age use Mother's Council. And to whom, as not your mom, know about the importance of the right hygiene of the daughter at the beginning of puberty and even more so - at the very beginning of sex life. At this time, the likelihood of the development of inflammatory processes is especially large, the cause of which is the activation of the conditionally pathogenic microflora due to the violation of the balance sheet of useful and harmful microorganisms. It can manifest itself discomfort, itching, burning, the appearance of white. Phyto-gaskets support the necessary acid reaction of the medium of the mucous membrane of the intimate area, have anti-inflammatory effects and therefore recommended by each girl.


    Happy months of expectations of the kid are often dying with inflammatory processes due to the decline in local immunity. Pregnancy is a special state of the female organism. For example, since the 17th week, the future mother increases the vaginal secretion, and at the same time, as a result of the pressure of a growing uterine on the bladder, a woman is increasingly visiting the ladies. All these changes are physiological and absolutely normal for the period of tooling the baby, but if a woman is not prepared for them, she begins to be nervous, fearing for the purity of his clothes and the image. However, nature offers a safe and effective way of daily care. The phyto-composition of daily phyto-gaskets will reduce the likelihood of many troubles during pregnancy (such as thrush, bacterial vaginosis) and will ensure exceptional comfort during each new day of happy waiting.

    Healthy Mom

    In the first days after the birth of the uterus of a young mother «comes in my senses», Restoring your inner surface, drilled vessels and fabrics. In this regard, a woman has vaginal discharges similar to menstrual. As the inner surface of the uterus heals, they decrease, change the consistency and color. Since postpartum discharge can be quite abundant, after delivery, it is recommended to use night phyto-gaskets with high absorbability. The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect of the coast of the yellow, the Torilis of Japanese, which are part of the phyto-gasket, normalizes the microflora of the mucous membrane of the intimate zone and prevents the development of postpartum endometritis.

    Menopause period

    Due to the termination of the ovarian work during the period of menopause in the body of a woman, the estrogen hormone level is sharply reduced, which leads to the thinning of the mucous. The amount of lactic acid bacteria is also directly dependent on the level of estrogen, so the normal microflora of the intimate zone mucosa is disturbed by the lack of this hormone. During the period of menopause, it is strongly recommended to use daily phyto-gaskets, the antiseptic effect of the phyto-insert and a soft cotton inner surface support a healthy microflora.

    Most women use hygienic gaskets daily, and it is very important that this gasket is comfortable and safe for any health condition and at any age. All this corresponds to soft super-thin phyto-gaskets of convenient anatomical shape, which are tightly adjacent to the linen, repeating the contours of the body. Increased comfort when used, also achieved due to the natural cotton inner surface of the phyto-gasket and the effective effect of plant components.

    Healing plants support a healthy state of the female intimate area, provide its additional protection. Special phyto-composition inside the gasket:

    • prevents the appearance of unwanted odor for 12 hours;
    • prevents the reproduction of harmful microorganisms;
    • normalizes the microflora of the mucous membrane of the intimate zone
    • protects against irritation and vulvar ferry;
    • Strengthens the local immunity of the intimate zone mucosa.

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