How to cope with pain without drugs


Such a different pain

How to cope with pain without drugsTwo people with the same migraine: one calmly continues to be engaged in ordinary affairs, only noting that he has a headache, the other is writhing in suffering and dreams of a guillotine, not knowing how to cope with the headache. Obviously, we all react differently to pain. And not the last role in the perception of pain our psychological plants play.

Only masochists get pleasure from pain. Normal man pain does not like and try to avoid her. But still almost daily meets. And well, if this is an ordinary injury or small scratch. And if the pain is caused by a chronic disease or a disease in the acute stage? And if drug painkillers do not help?

We suggest you learn to raise the pain threshold. Not to feel pain, we will not teach you, but tell me how to cope with pain in any situation using brain resources.

What is pain

Pain occurs when irritating the nervous endings. In places where they are more than in other places, pain barely remove — Such, for example, toothache. But pain is not detail. The one that is localized point, wears the name of the epicritical, it is not very strong and it can be completely survived. It applies to it, for example, pain when bruised. Second type of pain — Protopatic — is the main subject of our attention. This is a pain that is born in a certain place, but felt on a large body. Such is the headache, which, intensifying, is perceived by a person as literally flusted skull.

How to cope with pain with... Pain

Knowing that localized pain is experiencing easier, you can use it to distract attention from protopathic. For example, if you have a monstrously sore tooth, and you have not yet got into the hands of a dentist with saving anesthesia, you can pour yourself, squeeze your fingers strongly, twist your wrist. You do not harm any harm in this way, however, you can dare to distract from exhausting toothache and live to a dental chair. Even a banal batch of lips can significantly alleviate the impossible tooth or eye pain.

Pain and her meaning

Considerable significance in how hard we carry pain, plays and cultural attitude to pain. If you know that treat teeth — It hurts, you will be tune in to pain and begin to suffer even in the most modern dental office. If you never thought that migraine — This is a nightmare that in migraine I want to drink poison to stop these inconceivable torments, you will feel the whole range of pain. A person who is familiar with the usual headache, meeting with migraine, of course, does not rejoice, but also does not consider himself a martyr. But it is worth finding that his headache — Migraine, from which there is no salvation, how he begins to regret himself very much, and his suffering increases.

In this principle, the placebo effect was built. Believing the fact that the tablet will help you, you hopefully expect pain relief, your body produces an increased amount of natural painkillers and endorphins, and you feel the pain passes.

Pain and emotions

How to facilitate and how to cope with the headache?By the way, the emotional relief of pain is built on similar effects. If you were on the verge of death (for example, we experienced a complex and dangerous operation), and before that long ago suffered from pain and feared death, multi-week rehabilitation pains will seem to you with happiness. Otherwise, there will be a person who never stood on the verge of death: he will seem to be a curse, and he will suffer from it very much.

If, while it hurts you, there is a close man next to you, who keeps your hand, strokes on my head, smiles, — you easier to experience any pain. Feeling loved — Powerful painkiller based on the same human emotions.


How to cope with the headache if you are far from pharmacies or you no longer help potent analgesics? Change focus of attention. If a day when you got a head of my head, you need blood out of the nose to hand over an important and at the same time an interesting project, you will suffer much less than if the pain will overtake you in the weekend against the background of total idleness. It also works meditation, any mantra, even invented immediately, on the knee: «I'm in great shape, my head fresh and clear, there is no pain». Whatever you do if you displaced attention from pain for anything, you feel less pain.

Will you know at least one of the pain suppressing tools listed by us? What non-drug ways to cope with pain you have?

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