Anesthetic preparations have a mass of side effects and in most cases of their use can be avoided. But there are also natural remedies that will help defeat pain.
No on the earth of a man who would not know what pain. Periodic or constant, acute or chronic, statistics says that it is it that it is the most common cause of access to a doctor and a reason for the reception of drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, paracetamol, analgin and others. Nevertheless, analgesics, so-called painkillers, are far enough for the human body. They have a mass of side effects, negatively affect the work of all organs and systems, therefore it is impossible to abuse them. Moreover, not always the pain is so strong that it requires the admission of a synthetic drug, in most cases can cope with it by natural means.
The history of the use of analgesics goes far away in the past. In ancient times, trying to ease pain, people used alcohol, opium, scopolamine, hemp and even used gross power to turn off at the time of human consciousness. Folk Healers, Disclaimers to facilitate the sufferings of patients widely used Ciru White Willow, later scientists found that it contains a natural analogue known to all acetylsalicylic acid, which has an painful and anti-inflammatory effect. Attempts to search for natural analgesics continue, and today quite a lot of ways to remove pain without drugs.
- Perhaps the first place to put acupuncture, who came to us from the traditional Chinese medicine, considering pain as local stagnation of vital energy «Q». Acting on special points with the help of fingers or needles, it is possible to eliminate the block and restore the movement of energy, and at the same time eliminate pain. Acupuncture is effective with non-aging pains, in psychogenic pains, in spastic pains and other variants of pain not related to injury and inflammation.
- Massage — Ancient and fairly effective remedy for pain. In the process of massage, the largest organ of the human body is affected, richly equipped with nerve endings. Impact on skin receptors contributes to relaxation, eliminating spasms, normalization of blood circulation and lymphotok. Finally, the massage normalizes the mental state, brings pleasure, and therefore contributes to the development of internal analgesics, endorphins and an increase in the threshold of pain sensitivity.
- Bark Belaya Willow Contains natural acetylsalicylic acid, which blocks the release of mediators of inflammation, prostaglandins, reduces blood flow, swelling and pain. Cora Willow helps to cope with pain of inflammatory origin, for example, with dental, articular pain, back pain. It enters many biologically active additives, recommended as an antipyretic agent. Contraindication for its frequent use are diseases of the stomach — gastritis and ulcerative disease.
- Boswellia, From which the rod is obtained by fragrant resin — Indian Ladan. Ladan long used in worship and Ayurvedic medicine as an anti-inflammatory remedy for rheumatism, fever, biliary and intestinal pains. They say incense is very effective in chronic pain, which is explained by the content of some valuable amino acid content and the peaceful effect on a person.
- Hemp as a medicinal plant has been described for a long time. Its analgesic effect is inextricably linked with a psychotropic effect. In 1961, the Unified Convention on the Narcotic Drugs of the UN assisted the plant to the discharge of drug-containing, calling for everywhere to control its cultivation. However, the medical use of cannabis is still permitted in 16 states of the United States and some European countries.
- Chilean Pepper Contains capsaicin, annoying language receptors and stimulating the production of natural analgesics — endorphins with action similar morphine. In the US, dried pepper powder instead of synthetic electrical equipment can be found in the first-aid kit of many lovers. By the way, all sharp spices and seasonings, horseradish, Vasabi, mustard are very effective against dentiff possess an anesthetic effect.
Cinnamon Capably significantly reduce joint pain, exerting anti-inflammatory, anti-purpose action. You need to mix 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon with 2 teaspoons of honey and the resulting mixture to be applied to the area of affected joint.
- Kurkumin, contained in turmeric, can reduce the synthesis of prostaglandins, thereby reducing inflammation and take pain.
- Red Fish: Salmon, salmon, trout, contains omega-3 eikosandienic, decogexane polyunsaturated fatty acids that block mediators of inflammation of cytokine and leukotrienes. A total of 3 g fish oil per day can noticeably reduce joint pain in rheumatism and arthrosis.
- Anesthetic effect olive oil associated with the oleokantal present in it. It is believed that the action of 50 g of olive oil is similar by the strength of 10% of the same healing dose of ibuprofen.
- Ginger — This fragrant root contains enzymes, blocking inflammation and with it pain. In case of acute pain, it is recommended to take 2 g of dry ginger, with chronic pain — 1 g root per day.
- Natural essential oils: mint, camphor, eucalyptus, almond, juniper, thyme helps to cope with pain during internal use and in the form of compresses.
When you can use natural painkillers?
- With bumps, cuts, burns, stretching, that is, in injuries that do not require medical care.
- With muscular pain arising after physical overvoltage.
- In diseases of the articular apparatus, especially in chronic forms.
- Dental pain as a temporary means.
- When migraine, especially headache.
- With any chronic pain with a reasonable reason.
Vegetable analgesics need to be taken inside with caution in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases and biliary systems.
Attention! Natural painkillers are contraindicated, if the pain has an unclear origin. In this case, you need to immediately seek help for a doctor.