More and more people in their lexicon people use such words like «stress», «Slaxation of the body», «Dysbacteriosis», «Sibalance B Exchange of substances», «weak immunity». These states differ, but they have a common causal factor - a modern style and lifestyle, in which, among the worries, fuss, trouble and alarms, people do not cut free time to engage in their health. The rapid pace and rhythm of life worsens our health. The body tries to give us signals so that we pay attention to ourselves. To such first «Anxious bells» can be attributed Dysbacteriosis. It also leads to other problems - allergies, skin diseases, violation of the chair and the process of digestion. So how to cope with dysbacteriosis so that the intestines function correctly? Drugs currently created a lot. One of them is a lactiform. Today, our site readers will learn more about it - how to apply what is part of whether there is a side effect and what it differs from other drugs.

Composition and description of the drug
Lactofilm (LAT. Lactofiltrum) refers to a group of sorbents having plant origins. These funds are used for disinfectants with different poisoning, allergy treatment and creating proper microflora in the intestine. Produces this tool Russian company OJSC «Avva Rus» in the city Kirov. Tablets have a capsule, two-way form with risk in the middle. They have brown color, you can notice white or grayish splashes. Packaging is 30 or 60 described tablets.
Name 2 main components of the composition - lactulose (prebiotic) and lignin hydrolysis (sorbent). Auxiliary substances: magnesium stearate, sodium croskarmellosis.
Pharmacological properties
Let's deal with how the dosage form has the action?
Lignin is an organic compound resulting from wood hydrolysis. It is capable of penetrating into the intestine, attract all negative, bind, to neutralize and hold toxins, salts and compounds of heavy metals, allergens, alcohol, pathogenic microorganisms, drugs, products of rotting, harmful substances that have eating foods, cholesterol molecules, bilirubin, Histamine, urea, serotonin - that is, components considered the main perpetrators of endogenous toxicosis developing in the body. The blood lignin is not absorbed into the blood, it does not have toxicity and is safely excreted from the body for approximately 24 hours, making its positive work. At the same time, no effect on secretion and motor function turns out. In the bound form, lignin displays all allergens from the intestines that caused the symptoms of allergy from the patient. And one more positive fact. Some people note that after the course of treatment with the drug, they looted a bit. Explanation Simple - there was a removal «Heavy» Fat and slags accumulated in the digestive tract.
And now we will talk about what we need our intestines Prebiotics, In particular - lactulose. It creates a synthetic way, contains the remains of fructose and galactose. Finding into the body, lactulose is in a constant form passes through the stomach, the delicious intestine and turns out to be in the thick intestine. There it will perform the functions of the nutrient medium so that normal microflora (bifidobacterium and lactobacilllam) can comfortably exist and multiply in the right amount. During the hydrolysis of lactulose, important organic acids are formed, such as dairy, acetic and formic, actively overwhelming reproduction and activity of pathogenic microorganisms, preventing nitrogen-containing toxins. All this is very beneficial for good peristalsis and intestinal motility, chairs normalization.
Although there are no living bacteria in the drug, but it remarksably restores microbiocenosis on the fat intestinal mucosa. It is normalized gradually fatty, carbohydrate and protein (protein) exchanges. The absorption of vitamins, trace elements. The phenomena characteristic of intoxication and allergies disappear.
Gradually increases general immunity.
Indications for use
- Dysbacteriosis, microflora disorders due to different causes (antibiotic therapy, improper power, after the intestinal operations);
- flatulence, rumbling Prappings or diarrhea, the so-called irritable bowel syndrome;
- manifestations of allergies on the skin - dermatosis, eczema, urticaria, neurodermatitis;
- Food poisoning (salmonellosis, dysentery);
- endogenous intoxication, in which the body poisoning occurs during cirrhosis, hepatitis, CPN (chronic renal failure) products formed during the metabolism;
- To raise immunity in front of seasonal outbreaks of influenza and acto;
- Integrated approach to the elimination of cosmetic problems - acne, hair loss, skin peeling.
Mode of application

Tablets are used inside an hour before eating or receiving other drugs. It is allowed to grind if it is necessary. The medicine is injected with water. Adults and children after 12 years have enough to take 2 or 3 tablets three times per day. If the child is from 8 to 12 years old, then he needs to give one or two pills three times a day. At the age of 3-7 years old, three receptions on the tablet. If the baby is from a year to three - it is supposed to give half a tablet also three times. The course of treatment is usually two or even three weeks, it determines the doctor. If the child does not want to swallow pills, then they can be replaced with lactofilm eco in pastels or sachets. Sasha is powders that need to be mixed with water so that there is a homogeneous suspension having a peach taste.
It is impossible to use lactofilm with gastric or intestinal bleeding, intestinal obstruction, galactosemia or in case of individual intolerance. In atony or exacerbations of peptic processes, the drug is not prescribed at all.
Side effects
There are rarely, but still our site warns readers about them: meteorism, diarrhea (diarrhea) or, on the contrary, constipation, allergic reactions.
Overdose and special instructions
The appearance of pain in the abdomen or constipation may indicate an overdose, then the drug is terminated.
Often lactofilters are prescribed with complex treatment of diseases along with other drugs. In such cases, the principle of separate reception is used, that is, the lactofilter use in an hour or even two to or after other medications appointed by the doctor. Sufficient data on the safety of the use of the means during the nipping of the child or lactation. Therefore, only the doctor decides on the feasibility of prescribing to women of this drug into these periods of their life. Special storage conditions lactofilm is not required, only the place should be inaccessible for small kids.
Now our site readers are understandable how lactiform acts. Its feature is that it creates a favorable conditions in the intestines so that its own useful microorganisms grew in it. Gradually their number is restored and supported. Take care of your health and, if necessary, consult your experienced doctor.