Myths about a healthy lifestyle


  • Myth number 1. Late dinner leads to excess weight
  • Myth number 2. Without exercise, the muscles turn into fat
  • Myth number 3. The smaller we sleep - the more actively losing weight
  • Myth number 4. The best shampoo - based on vegetable extracts
  • Myth number 5. Waxing no better razor
  • Myth number 6. Moisturizing or nourishing cream - Panacea against wrinkles
  • Myth number 7. Reading with bad lighting worsens vision
  • Myth number 8. Glasses and contact lenses are addictive
  • Myth number 9. Men's fertility decreases due to narrow underwear, laptops and hot baths
  • Myth number 10. Chocolate is harmful to health
  • Myth number 11. The ability to openly commend or revenge can remove stress

    Myth number 1. Late dinner leads to excess weight

    Each fourth resident of any major city is working late or in a night shift, that by itself suggests. But nutritionists believe that it does not affect the figure, unless not exceed the daily calorie rate and if the late dinner is not your only meal per day. The fact that we eat at night. Sometimes people save the most delicious evening, believing that after the working day they deserve a special treat. Basically, these are calorie sweets in the form of ice cream or chips with beer. So, the main thing is not when, and how much and what!

    Myth number 2. Without exercise, the muscles turn into fat

    Those who sweat on simulators in sports halls 3-4 times a week, fear that after the cessation of reinforced training, their muscles will begin to reborn into fat deposits. Fortunately, this does not happen: the muscles are one fabric, more dense and compact in its structure, and fat is completely different. But the fact that after the cessation of muscle training becomes flabby and sluggish - this is a fact. By the way, the reverse process too, alas, it is impossible. That is, fat does not turn into muscle tissue even with large loads. According to instructors, such enhanced workouts contribute to only the pumping of muscles and more active fat burning.

    Myths about a healthy lifestyleMyth number 3. The smaller we sleep - the more actively losing weight

    It looks quite logical. After all, in a dream, our metabolism is slowed down and the energy is consumed less. It means if less sleep - fat will disappear faster. Alas, everything is just the opposite. If you think that the calorie counting and exercise on the background of the lack of sleep are able to force unnecessary kilograms, then you obviously mistaken. Scientists believe that a full sleep is the absolutely necessary component of the slimming program. Researchers from the University of Chicago examined the health of people, devoid of normal sleep, and came to the conclusion that even if we spend an hour less than we were supposed, then one can lead to hormonal imbalance. In this case, the level of hormone leptin (Leptin), which signals the brain on the saturation of the stomach, is reduced, and the Ghrelin hormone level (Ghrelin), which tells us about hunger, the opposite rises. The conclusion is quite obvious: the more we sleep, the less weigh!

    Myth number 4. The best shampoo - based on vegetable extracts

    Natural vegetable ingredients, about which the packaging of almost any cosmetics, and not only shampoos, alas, do not have any special miraculous properties. You will be surprised, but not these nicely sounding natural ingredients are able to make our head cleaner, and the hair is softer, the volume and fluffy. Main «Heroes of the invisible front» - These are chemicals. But it is very difficult to sell clean «Chemistry», Even if they are packed in the best and attractive bottle. Here are the manufacturers and are sophisticated, playing our confidence with you that «Natural means the best».

    Myth number 5. Waxing no better razor

    Hair removal on body with a razor and wax has a long history. Of course, the razor is more convenient - this is a fact, but the shaving efficiency is much lower. At depilation wax there are explicit advantages: hair is removed with the root, so new people appear only after 3-4 weeks. When using a razor, new hair makes itself felt after a couple of days: a sharp cut edge begins to be protected, causing some discomfort. And with constant use of wax, or rather with a sharp jerk, the hair follicles are damaged so much that the growth of new hair slows down.

    Myth number 6. Moisturizing or nourishing cream - Panacea against wrinkles

    Cosmetic companies advertise their creams as a means that can not only saturate the skin moisture, but also to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. In fact, it is not. Maximum that can make such a cream - it is to smooth out minor wrinkles and improve the condition of the skin in general. Otherwise, such funds would allow us to look all over twenty years at least. And even the most expensive remedy in this sense is not so superior to cheaper representatives of the level cosmetics «Mass Market». In order to prevent aging, scientists recommend not to spend millions on cosmetics, but first of all throw smoking, and also take care of your skin from the Sun, even if we are not talking about the beach, but just about the exit to the street.

    Myth number 7. Reading with bad lighting worsens vision

    My childhood, I remember how parents inspired to us that read during twilight lighting, and even more so under a blanket with a flashlight, very harmful to the eyes. It turns out that such a statement is an absolute not true: it is like saying that the whisper is harmful to the ears! According to ophthalmologists from New York University, even reading from a computer screen or viewing a TV with a close distance in no way affects the functioning of our eyes. Eye muscles are strained, so we feel fatigue. But no more.

    Myth number 8. Glasses and contact lenses are addictive

    In fact, myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism are a consequence of a special anatomical eye shape and necessarily require correction. If you all confuse all these adaptations to improve vision, you can make a laser operation and look at the world with your own eyes. But still, scientists recognize the loyalty of one parent council: carrots, as well as other yellow, orange and red vegetables and fruits that are antioxidants and contain beta carotene, really very useful for sight.

    Myth number 9. Men's fertility decreases due to narrow underwear, laptops and hot baths

    None of these statements found accurate scientific confirmation. Perhaps, from all of the above, scientists have the greatest suspicion of hot baths, which can increase the temperature in the field of paha. Anatomically men's genital organs are located outside, as a result of which their temperature is slightly lower than that of the whole body. If they are heated, there is a decrease in sperm production (approximately for 2 months). And to restore its normal amount required from 4 to 6 months. Although no indisputable evidence of the harmful effects is found, it is still better to abandon the hot bath and not to keep a laptop (which is known, heats up) on the knees.

    Myths about a healthy lifestyleMyth number 10. Chocolate is harmful to health

    Yes, scientists recognize that it is difficult to call chocolate difficult to call. Still, a large amount of sugar and fat is harmful to both the figure and the body as a whole. Nevertheless, studies have shown that cocoa beans contain in large numbers of special substances - Flavonol (Flavonol), which can improve the work of the heart and blood vessels. Thanks to these substances, blood pressure and blood coagulation decreases, inflammatory processes. The effect resembles the action of aspirin. So to give up this dessert in favor of a figure or for some other reasons scientists do not recommend. Enough drink bitter chocolate or eat a small tile once a day.

    Myth number 11. The ability to openly commend or revenge can remove stress

    We are all reading books or watch movies (from the classics to «Kill Bill»), where the heroes make a lot of effort and make incredible actions for the sake of one single goal - to take revenge at any cost! But scientists argue, despite the sweetness of revenge, forgiveness is still sweeter. The desire to answer the offender makes us nervous, fall into depression, testing a lot of negative emotions. And this is all immediately reflected in the state of our health: the risk of getting a heart attack increases. Alas, there are situations (for example, a betrayal of a friend or killing a loved one), which impossible to delete from memory. And in order to survive with such a cargo of memories without big losses, avoid despair and despair, it is still trying to forgive to forgive: the revenge can make you happy only for a moment, while forgiveness will cure and give a long life.

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