Than drink medicine to not harm


Than drink medicine to not harmIt is clear that this is not a celebrating question. As a doctor and patient, it is important to know which drink not only does not destroy the composition of the drug, but also will help its speedy and full suction and impact on the body.

When we drink a medicine with milk or juice, morning tea or even coffee, giving tribute to your punctuality and accuracy, we are sure that the treatment is in full swing, without at all thinking about what fell into the body and, most importantly, it remains.

There is a whole list of drugs, the action of which directly depends on when and in which sequence they are accepted than the diet on the reception days should look and how the diet should look.

Who pays attention to the fact that many products or drinks weaken or even contribute to the rapid removal of the drug from the body? The diet and the quality of drinks significantly affect the absorption of some drugs. For example, oily foods weakens almost all drugs, acidic juices slow down the absorption of beneficial substances, milk and vegetables contribute to the rapid removal of many drugs from the body.

Medications need to drink water!

So it usually sounds the recommendation of a doctor or a provision, but rarely followed by clarification, why so, not otherwise. Now, if everyone knew and understood that the violation of such, it would seem, a simple and accessible rule could lead to sad consequences, hardly began to drink tablets tea, coffee or juice.

In the interaction of beverages and the active component of the drug, the active substance is neutralized. This is the easiest and harmless consequence of an inattentive attitude to the recommendations of the doctor. It has been proven that in fact no treatment occurs and the effect does not occur if calcium preparations are made of carbonated water. They just lose their properties, and they can be drunk to infinity. Such is the same reaction if you drink them with milk.

Not always useful fruit juices

Juice is particularly easy to change the properties of drugs. And in this matter is noticed very popular and «Medical» grapefruit juice. This juice is possible for longer than necessary to delay the active medicinal substances in the body, not allowing them to withdraw. Grapefruit juice is able to strengthen the effect of some components at times, thereby provoking an overdose that, of course, is completely undesirable and very dangerous.

The interaction of grapefruit juice and juices in general with heartbreaks, immunosuppressants, means to reduce cholesterol, antibiotics, oral contraceptives, hormonal and antitumor drugs are sometimes unpredictable.

For those who take medicines that reduce blood clotting, it is advisable to learn by heart: no juice, the more cranberry! In this case, juices can become gastric bleeding provocateurs. Sour fruit or vegetable juices adversely affect the effectiveness of some antibiotics, strengthen the activity of aspirin. Fruit juices inactivate the effect of receiving antacid drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

Tea, coffee, herbal decoctions — not now

Than drink medicine to not harmUnexpected action for some medicines have tea and coffee. For example, the interaction of caffeine or tannin with soothing means, antidepressants lead to the appearance of an absolutely opposite effect. The patient continues to be in the state of excitement, and the effect of the drug does not occur. It is observed: if you drink oral tea contraceptives, there is a decrease in their contraceptive ability, which often becomes the cause of unplanned pregnancy.

Very often, in order to enhance the effect, patients prefer to drink medicines with scales or tincture of herbs, naively believing that they enhance the activity of some drugs. In fact, everything happens to «Accuracy to the opposite». It is necessary to understand and remember: it is impossible to drink medicines herbal decoctions! For example, the usefulness of the Nasty of the Hypericum significantly reduces the properties of contraceptives and antidepressants.

Mineral water and milk — Only by testimony

At the same time, there is a whole list of drugs that should be sized not just water, but alkaline mineral water, for example «Erythromycin», Aspirin, sulfonamides, analgin. It is proved that it is mineral water that enhances their suction from the gastrointestinal tract.

There are medicines to drink milk, these are the drugs of iodine, «Reserpine», «Indomethacin», fat-soluble vitamins. It should be remembered that the milk reduces the activity of antibiotics from the Tetracycline group.

Special attention and conversation deserves the reception of drugs for «Solemn» Table. Medicine has repeatedly come across examples when sedatives, painkillers or antibiotics were driving strong alcoholic drinks or wine right at the festive table. It is in such situations that the risk of unwanted and side effects increases in tens of times, right up to death.

Lovers of sweet carbonated drinks should be taken into account: None of them is suitable for receiving medicines.

Useful tips: What to drink and how to drink

  • Tip № 1: Listen to the doctor's recommendations and follow them strictly.
  • Tip № 2: Carefully read the instructions for the use of drugs.
  • Tip № 3: Guide common sense. If you do not know how to accept this or that medicine, feel free to ask the pharmacist in the pharmacy.

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