Atheroma: diagnosis and treatment


  • What is atheroma
  • Diagnostics atheroma
  • Treatment atheroma

  • What is atheroma

    Atheroma: diagnosis and treatment
    Atheroma - Slicing Skin Slices - a benign tumor arising from its blockage. The appearance of atheroma provoke the following factors: bad conditions external
    Environments, including an unfavorable environmental situation as well
    exchange breaches in the very body manifested in
    blockage of ducts, hyperhydrosis, increased tissue energization, hormonal disorders, which, in turn, weaken the excretory function of the skin.
    Direct cause of benign tumors
    lies in the blockage of output ducts of the sebaceous glands of thickening
    Separated. Accordingly, such neoplasms are always localized
    on those skin sites on which the amount of hair and
    Song glands: on the scalp, face (especially chin),
    skin back, neck, in the field of genital organs and t.D.
    Atheroma is a small
    Smooth formation of rounded shape, with clear boundaries. Tumor
    Movable, usually painless and has a tight-tight consistency. IN
    The center of it is sometimes noticeable increased withdrawal grazing.
    The contents of the tumor is a casczyce mass of white
    colors. Education can be multiple. In some cases they
    begin to increase and achieve large sizes - up to 4-5 cm in
    diameter, it causes a cosmetic defect and may cause
    psychological discomfort in the patient.
    With a long existence of atteroma
    Or under adverse conditions, complication can develop - it
    Emptying with the formation of subcutaneous abscess. Inflammatory process
    At the same time, accompanied by the following clinical symptoms: pain in
    Tumor fields, redness and skin swelling, the deterioration of the general
    Patient states, increasing body temperature. maybe
    Independent opening of the inflamed tumor, while from it
    It is released by pussy with salo-shaped content.

    Diagnostics atheroma

    The diagnosis of atheroma is carried out on the basis of a clinical picture,
    It takes into account the localization of the tumor, the presence of a specific
    symptoms (in its center visible shared duct, which is not observed
    With other types of tumors). Differential diagnosis is carried out with others
    tumor processes: fibromy, lipoma.

    Treatment atheroma

    Atheroma together with the shell must be susceptible to surgical
    removal in order to avoid the development of complications. Most effective method
    Removal ather is considered to be removable by
    Radiosurgical apparatus. While tissue is cut
    contactless way of high-frequency radio waves. Thanks to
    Applying radio waves Deleting a tumor occurs with minimal
    skin injuries, blood loss, which is accompanied by minor
    discomfort. After removal by the radiosurgical method of wounds quickly
    heal, do not leave scars on the skin, moreover, so surgical
    intervention does not cause complications. When the atheroma is supposedly shown, only its autopsy is shown and eliminating the outwards of purulent contents.

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