
Climax is a physiological process occurring in the body of each woman at a certain age. In all, he comes at different ages, while leaks with absolutely different symptoms. And if you cook the body to the occurrence of Klimaks in advance, then you can easily ease the syndromes and easily transfer it.

Climax is a physiological process occurring in the body of each woman at a certain age. In all, he comes at different ages, while leaks with absolutely different symptoms. There are methods that help it easier to survive.

What is Climax

In the body of a woman comes a period of rational, age changes occur in the body. For some women, the climacteric syndrome passes unnoticed, while others feel it hard on themselves: blood tides to face and neck, insomnia, Inner concern and as a result of all this - increased nervousness.

Beginning of Klimaks

Most often, the climax begins in women in 45-55 years and lasts one and a half - two years. But there are cases when this period comes before or later and lasts longer. Early Climax, up to 40 years, often comes after conducting gynecological operations or use of drugs overwhelming hormone levels.

For the age in which the climax comes, has a great influence of the hereditary factor. So do not hesitate to ask mom (and, if possible, her relatives), when this period came and how.

The beginning of the menopacteric period is evidenced by changes in the menstrual cycle: menstruation go irregularly, becoming more scanty and over time they completely disappear.

Stages of Klimaksa

The menopausal period is divided into three stages. Initially, there is a prempenoise when the monthly takes the irregular character. 60% of women at this time there is a lengthening of interruptions between the monthly, and they become more scarce. Acyclic, that is, going with a cycle impaired, uterine bleeding are observed in 30% of women. And 10% of women menstruation stopped suddenly.

After the monthly does not allow themselves to know throughout the year, the second stage comes - menopause. During this period, the level of progesterone, the hormone responsible for the menstrual cycle, decreases to zero.

Then the third stage comes - postmenopause, which lasts from three to 15 years after the end of the last menstruation.

Despite the fact that during the climax, the hormonal background is not sufficient for conception, so it can still happen, as it is not uniform and temporary jumps may occur, for which conception is possible, so to forget about methods of contraception Before Postmenpause is not worth.

Different period of period

A significant role on the course of Clemaks has the physique of a woman. If she is reduced by weight, then the manifestations of osteoporosis are not excluded, Disorders of the psyche and emotional background. In women who have overweight, headaches are marked, an increase in blood pressure. It is difficult to sit down with those who have previously faced the impairment of the menstrual cycle.

If the level of estrogen in the body of a woman decreases slowly, it may not even notice the changes occurring in the body. And, on the contrary, with a sharp reduction of hormones, more vivid symptoms are celebrated. This tempo is due to genetic features. In order to compensate for the reduction in the level of hormones in the body and thereby contribute to the smooth flow of the climax, hormonal therapy is recommended. Her meaning is in the reception Hormonal drugs At low concentrations, which are sufficient to meet the needs of the body, but catastrophically, it is catastrophically to preserve the critical functions.

Regular physical activity

Regular physical activity
You need to try every day to give a few minutes with exercise, at first it will be not easy, but over time it will be in habit. Walking, cycling, aerobics and other exercise improves mood and well-being. In addition, they will help to avoid the manifestations of osteoporosis. Exercise will not only bring health to the woman, but also beneficial on the state of her skin.

Do not stay for a long time to stay at the computer or in front of the TV. These classes take a lot of emotions and do not give the body to rest.

Balanced diet

Women after 40 years old should eat several times a day, breaking the daytime diet for small portions. It is advisable to make food at the same time. It is worth noting that the number of cyocalorium consumed should not exceed 2000-2500 per day.

The presence in the diet of a large number of plant food and fruit will give the body of vitamins and fiber. Vitamins do not always have enough, so it will be necessary to take additional Vitamin Mineral Complexes.

Fish strengthens the cardiovascular system, and also helps to reduce cholesterol, so it is necessary to introduce it into the diet several times a week. Meat should choose non-fat varieties, and cook it for a couple.

The following products should be limited in the diet: sausages, smoked, meat semi-finished products, sweets, tea, coffee. Do not abuse salt and seasonings.

Beauty forever

Beauty forever
Climax has an impact not only on the health of the woman, but also on the condition of her skin. During this period, elasticity, humidity and skin tone are reduced, it begins to sagging, and the sensitivity of the skin rises. To improve the skin condition, it is worth following certain rules: smaller is in the open sun, to spend more time in the shade, refuse nicotine and limit alcohol consumption.

As a result of reducing the number of estrogen, the hair on the head becomes weak, their number decreases. For this reason, during the climax, women are desirable not to use electric and thermal articles, hot hairdryer. Combs of comb shares should be soft, with rounded ends.

In the pharmacy network there are a number of medical drugs capable of supporting a female organism during this period. To determine what it is better to take, you need to consult with a gynecologist, which will select the optimal option.

Our site shakes the attention of readers on the fact that if you prepare the body to prepare the body to the onset of Klimaks, then you can easily ease the syndromes and easily transfer it. That is, to lead an active lifestyle, to engage in physical education, stick to a healthy, balanced diet, is observed by a doctor and, if necessary, take treatment appointed by it.

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