Renelization, wandering kidney


  • Nephroptosis
  • Causes of kidney omission
  • Manifestation of kidney omission
  • Complication of nephropotosis
  • Treatment of kidney omission
  • Complex of exercises for nephroptosis
  • NephropoToz prevention

  • Nephroptosis

    Nephroptosis (kidney omission, wandering kidney, mobile kidney) — Urological pathology, characterized by excessive mobility of the kidney with a displacement of its book in a vertical body position. More often found in women. With nephroptosis of the kidney from the lumbar region, it can be shifted in the stomach and pelvis.

    Causes of kidney omission

    Renelization, wandering kidneyThe reasons for the kidney omission are the factors leading to the stretching of the kidney ligament apparatus (wearing weights, jumping), a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall (pregnancy), the loss of the scale of retroperhane fatty tissue, as well as injuries, accompanied by an extracting or gap of the kidney lifting apparatus (sharp weight lifting , drop from a height and t. D.).

    Kidneys, like most human body organs, are in relative mobility, although they have a clear place in the body. Such physiological oscillations are necessary for normal urine release. Nephroptosis can lead to a violation of blood flow and urine passage over ureter.

    Hobbies by mobile sports in adolescence and not always dosage loads can lead to stretching of the kidney ligament. Uncontrolled sports, power exercises, sports games associated with sharp changes in body position and «Jump» intra-paint pressure (basketball, volleyball, football, light athletics) stretch and tear the kidney binder, and as a result, the kidney becomes overly movable.

    Adults are more likely to suffer because of the harm of the selected employment: when it is connected with the shared ride and vibration (vehicle drivers), with physical voltage, with long finding in a vertical position.

    Sharp weight loss, in our time passion to the girl model standards appearance, and as a result — The exhaustion of fatty fiber around the kidneys also lead to nephroptosis. Giving birth women — Another risk group for nephroptosis. After delivery there is a sharp drop in intra-painted pressure, which weakens the fixing apparatus of the kidney. The development of nephropotosis is more likely to have those women who have more belly during pregnancy. The more childbirth, the greater the risk and more degree of omit. After pregnancy or sharp weight, nephroptosis is more often developing on the right side than with the left.

    Manifestation of kidney omission

    The most frequent manifestation of kidney omission — pain pulling, buttering, less often. At the beginning of the disease, pain is not sharply pronounced, quickly disappear. As the disease progresses, pains become more intense, constant, exhausting. At first, pain occurs after some physical tension, lifting gravity, intense cough or at the end of the working day. They decrease in the position on the back or on the sick side.

    Sometimes pain in nephroptosis are very intense — by type of renal colic. They may appear suddenly after strong voltage or change of body position from lying to vertical and continue from a few minutes to several hours — then weakening, then fat. The sufferers are moving, moan, take different positions. Pains are often given in the inguinal region, in the genitals. Sometimes such an attack is accompanied by nausea and vomit. The patient is pale, covered with cold later, the temperature can increase.

    Pain — not the only symptom of nephropotosis. Many mobile kidneys are manifested by loss of appetite, nausea, feeling of gravity in the opposite region, constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea. In the future, functional disorders of the nervous system in the form of increased excitability, neurasthenia. Such patients are overly irritable, incredulous to the conclusions and advice of the doctor, change. They are easily tired, suffer from dizziness, heartbeat, insomnia.

    Complication of nephropotosis

    Complications can join nephropt. At the time of a significant shift of the kidney, more often the book, the ureter bends, twisted, the passage of urine finds it difficult. Urine delay occurs, its stagnation in the cup-making structures of the kidney. Urine all arrives, and the outflow is difficult, kidney pellets expand that over time can lead to hydronephortic transformation, and this is already a new hard disease.

    The most frequent complication of nephropotosis is pyelonephritis — Inflammation of cup-making kidney structures. This is the first, the earliest complication of nephropotosis. In the stretched and twisted vascular leg, the kidneys also pass in veins, and lymphatic vessels, which also suffer from what is manifested by Veno- and lymphostasis. Less often, nephroptosis is complicated by urolithiasis and urination with blood admixture (hematuria). Renal artery stretches, sometimes it is lengthened by half, naturally narrowing at the same time. The kidney lacks blood, nutrients and oxygen, resulting in an increase in blood pressure and even hypertensive crises.

    Diagnosis «Out of kidney» put on the basis of complaints, inspection of the patient and palpation (provenation) kidneys, laboratory and instrumental examinations. Most informative kidney examinations — Panoramic X-ray of the urinary system, as well as excretory urography — X-ray method of research, combined with the introduction of a contrast agent in the Vienna of the Patient. Pictures are made in the standing position and lying.

    Treatment of kidney omission

    Nephroptosis is usually treated with conservative methods. These methods include orthopedic treatment: a special bandage in the morning, before getting out of bed, put on a deep exhale on the stomach, being in a horizontal position, and remove in the evening. There are many different bandages, belts, corsets, but they must be made individually for each specific patient. Almost the kidney fixed in a new location is served by contraindication for orthopedic treatment. In all other cases, it is shown.

    At the first stage of nephroptosis, sanatorium-resort treatment, abdomen massage, therapeutic gymnastics, aimed at strengthening the abdominal press muscles and back, providing normal intra-abradulous pressure and limiting kidney displaceability.

    Drugs impossible to put the kidney into place. However, they treat the complications of nephropotosis. Say, pyelonephritis is amenable to treating antibiotics courses, Wrospectics. Increased blood pressure in renal arterial hypertension is somewhat reduced by hypotensive drugs (atenolol, verapamil). Usually prescribed antispasmodic, painkillers, anti-inflammatory means. It is necessary to limit heavy physical exertion.

    Complex of exercises for nephroptosis

    Renelization, wandering kidneyWe offer a set of exercises that should be engaged in patients suffering from nephroptosis, for 20-30 minutes daily, better in the morning hours:

    • Lying on his back, slightly bent the legs in the knees, inflated the belly during the breath, delay the breath and draw during the exhalation. Repeat 5-10 times.
    • Starting position — Former. On the breath — Raise stretched legs vertically up, breathing — Return legs at home. Repeat exercise 5-10 times.
    • Lying on the back, lift legs, knees together. Feet Divide — Inhalation, legs to crush — exhalation. Repeat 5-10 times.
    • Starting position — On the back with a roller under the lower back a height of 10-15 cm (a folded pillow is possible). On the breath — bend the right leg to exhale — Return the leg in start. On the breath — bend left leg — at home. Repeat several times.
    • Starting position — on the back with a roller under the back. On the breath — Raise the right leg up, out — Return the leg in start. On the breath — Raise left leg up, out — Return the leg in start. Repeat several times.

    From Surgical treatment Nephroptosis as such a currently refused almost all urologists in the world. In complications caused by significant impaired impairment of hemodynamics of the kidneys, urodynamics of the upper urinary tract, significant pains, the development of pyelonephritis, hypertension shows operational treatment.

    In the later stages of nephropotosis, when the kidney is already in a small pelvis and does not return to the lumbar region independently, with violations of hemodynamics of the kidneys, urodynamics of the upper urinary tract, significant pains, the development of pyelonephritis, hypertension shows operational treatment — Nephropsychia (kidney fixation to neighboring anatomical formations). On this operation, the urologist returns the kidney into its ordinary bed in the lumbar region and strengthens it there. In the postoperative period, it is necessary to comply with the beddown for 2 weeks so that the kidney is securely secured in its bed. In a timely manner, the operation usually gives good results. There are more than 300 techniques for this operation. Only the doctor decides which one to give preference in each case. Operation is offered at the 2-3rd stage of nephropotosis. Transient arterial hypertension, as a rule, leaves, and blood pressure is normalized. But the belated operation does not always give a positive effect if there are complications such as chronic pyelonephritis and hydronephrosis.

    NephropoToz prevention

    Prevent nephroptosis is easier than to treat. To do this, it is necessary:

    • Since childhood, follow your posture, prevent her violations and deformation of the spine. The necessary measures include: rational equipment of the workplace of the schoolchildren, the right posture at the table, uniform distribution of the load on the right and left hands, hardening children.
    • In the asthenic physique, power exercises should be eliminated.
    • When choosing a profession, take into account the danger of constant hard physical labor, forced position, vibration, long standing in one place.
    • Women in pregnancy — Wear antenatal bandage. After pregnancy, you need to pay attention to your health, from time to time performing light exercise, especially paying attention to the development of the muscles of the abdominal press.
    • Do not allow sharp weight loss or depletion, with asthenia - right, fully and calorie.
    • Take care of injury.
    • Ate you will have drawing back pain when you stand, which disappear when you go to bed, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

    And remember: the kidney, which walks by itself, delivers much more trouble than the same self-cat.

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