About what age maculodystrophy is, what kind of types, symptoms, as well as there are ways to prevent this ailment, you will learn by reading this article.

When maculyodistrophia in the middle of the field of view, a blind spot may appear, increasing in size, if the maculodystrophy is progressing. This can deprive you of the ability to perform daily work, requiring visual concentration, such as reading, sewing, driving a car, and just to recognize persons (peripheral vision does not change).
Makulyodistrophia The most adversely affects the central vision, but the lateral sight is saved. Patients even with the most difficult form of age maculyodistrophy retain the ability to navigate in space, however, the maculodystrophia can significantly limit their eyesight and deprive you of a full life.
Makulyodistrophia - the most common cause of blindness in people over 55 years.
With age, the process progresses. For example, more than 13 million Americans have signs of maculodystrophy, and 5% of people over 65 are experiencing impairment of vision due to her. Since maculodystrophy does not affect peripheral vision, patients rarely lose sight.
Macouting treatment is usually a comprehensive therapy. The treatment regimen defines only the doctor depending on the results of the survey.
Distinguish dry and wet maculodystrophia.
Although the symptoms of this disease are very diverse, the following initial manifestations are observed:
- Bulk view;
- Difficulties when reading and recognizing persons.
Fear these symptoms and with the slightest suspicion consult a doctor. Dry age-related maculyodistrophy does not cause any pain! But you can notice a blind spot in the center of the optic field. Over time, it may increase and lead to the bold of the whole field of view. However, if the age maculodystrophy is developing only on one eye, you can not notice the impairment of vision for a long time, since compensation compensation occurs due to a healthy eye.
Take a very careful symptoms of wet maculodistrophy, and when one or several of them immediately consult a doctor.
Symptoms of wet maculodistrophy:
- Straight lines begin to seem wavy, and items look deformed or the image center looks more vague than the rest (these are the early symptoms of wet maculodystrophy, caused by numerous hemorrhages, leading to a change in the position and subsequent destruction of the yellow retinal stain);
- blurred vision;
- faded paints;
- difficulty reading (this symptom may disappear, if improving lighting);
- difficulty in recognizing persons;
- first a small but gradually growing dark or colorless stain in the center of the visual field.
Wet maculyodistrophy also flows painlessly, patients do not have symptoms like redness, irritation and tears.
Since there is still no one hundred percent effective method of treatment of maculyodistrophy, you can only take some measures that will delay the disease or facilitate it. Since smoking adversely affects health, throwing smoking, you will make a very important preventive step. Wear a hat and sunglasses to penetrate your eyes as few ultraviolet rays, because it is assumed that sunlight provokes the development of maculodyfias.
Studies prove the effectiveness of the use of some food to prevent maculodyfias (NMD). Middle and older people helps a diet rich in fresh fruits and green leaf vegetables, such as spinach and a cabbage sheet. Additions of antioxidants - vitamins - can also help (be careful: too much dose of some vitamins can be dangerous for health; before starting receiving patented vitaminized additives, consult your doctor).
There are also research proving that food rich in fats may increase the risk of disease. Although it has not yet been fully proven, but the reduction of concentrated fat in your diet will allow you to avoid some ailments. The most obvious effect of diets from fresh fruits and leaf vegetables.