Star Disease - Varicose


  • What is varicose veins?
  • Modern methods of treatment of varicose

  • What is varicose veins?

    According to statistics, almost every second woman suffers from varicose. Varicose disease is a disease in which the wall of the subcutaneous veins loses its elasticity, as a result of which the vessels are stretched, noded expansions are formed (VARIX in translation from Latin means «WStar Disease - Varicosebeer»).

    If you find on your feet «Mesh» or «asterisk» reddish blue, then do not belong to them frivolous. This is the first alarming signal that you should alert, and if you do not take the necessary measures, as prevention, wearing compression knitwear and reception of vetonics, then the disease will also develop varicose «Stars» turns into ugly varicose veins and nodes. Swells, evening fatigue feet is a sign of a serious illness, which is called varicose veins or varicose veins.

    However, one should not despair and think that varicose veins is an incurable disease. You can defeat not only the disease, but also to completely remove all its manifestations, including «Vascular stars». Russian doctors and scientists from the center of Phlebology have developed unique techniques for the treatment of varicose veins, allowing to stop the disease in the early period of its development.

    Varicose is manifested at any time of the year, but especially in summer this disease turns into a serious problem, gives the greatest number of complications. Hot weather alone lowers the vein tone, ultraviolet relaxes and destroys the venous wall, contributing to the appearance of new varicose vessels (tan does not hide «Vascular stars»).

    In addition, the higher the air temperature, the greater the load on the venous system. Therefore, treatment of varicose varicoses Phlebologists recommend closer to the summer so that in warm summer days to forget about cosmetic shortcomings, as well as about pain and edema.

    Modern methods of treatment of varicose

    The emerging stars can be quickly and practically painlessly remove with the help of the modern method of microthermocoagulation. The essence of the method consists in seating the capillary by a high-frequency pulse with the thinner electrode with a gold or teflon coating.

    Here is the main tool of the phlebologist - a thin needle electrode with a special coating, through which the high frequency current is passed. This microelectrode is introduced into the area of ​​the extended vessel, the instantaneous current pulses are fed - heat instantly acts on the capillary, without damaging the skin, and the capillary simply disappears. Treatment sessions are held 1 time in 5-7 days. Depending on the area of ​​lesion, the procedure continues on average 10-20 minutes.

    Microtermocoagulation allows you to remove vascular stars with a diameter of less than 0.3 millimeters. The procedure is absolutely safe and practically painless. Treatment passes without the use of medical preparations, and therefore there is no threat of side effects in the form of allergic or toxic reactions.

    The use of the thinnest electrodes whose diameter is much less than the diameter of the needles used for microsclerotherapy, as well as the procedure under the control of magnifying equipment makes it possible to obtain excellent medical and cosmetic results.

    After the procedure at the site of the capillaries, redness is preserved for some time, which completely disappears within 3-4 days. In this sense, microtermocoagulation significantly exceeds the laser and therapy, the main disadvantage of which is the appearance of depigmentation sites in the process of depreciation, having an inesthetical appearance and remaining for many years.

    If, when inspection, phlebologist will find not only «Vascular stars», but also varicose veins, then the best method of treatment for you is the method of microsclerotherapy, or Sclerotherapy method using Foam-Form technique. It is this method of treatment that allows you to quickly and reliably get rid of varicose veins, even large, and get a good long-term healing effect.

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