

  • First menstruation
  • Cycle
  • Hygiene
  • Hygienic - Tampons
  • When the belly hurts

  • MenarcheSevere two phases of the period of puberty (puberty). The first is prepubertate (before puberty) - is characterized by a growth jump, the appearance of secondary sexual signs (mammary glands and sexual silence) and ends with menarche - first menstruation. In the second phase, the formation of secondary sexual signs is completed and regular menstrual cycle is installed.

    Later or early onset of period of puberty is not always associated with the pathological process and with a thorough survey it is often revealed that the mother or grandmother menstruation also appeared earlier or later compared to their peers. If it bothers the girl or her mother, then you need to consult a children's (teenage) gynecologist.

    Acceleration of growth rates are noted at the age of 9 - 11 years, an increase in the mammary glands - at 10 to 11 years, sexual exhaust - from 11 to 12 years. Menarh (first menstruation) is usually observed in 12 - 13 years, and the regular menstrual cycle is established within 1.5 - 2 years from the first menstruation. During this time, the break between menstruation can be up to 1 - 3 or more months. And a regular ovulatory cycle (the process of the ripening egg from the ovary in the abdominal cavity occurs every month) appears in girls five years after the first menstruation.

    First menstruation

    The first menstruation is one of the signs of the organism's maturity, which symbolizes the transition from childhood to the formation of an adult woman. However, the growth and development of the girl with the onset of menarche is not yet finished, and therefore the pregnancy is still unlikely, but it is possible - during the first year after Menarche, ovulatory cycles have 25% of girls. Even less likely to endure and give birth to a healthy child, in particular, due to the anatomical structure of small pelvis, which are not yet formed, and the girl's body is not yet ready for hacking pregnancy.

    The first menstruation occurs, as a rule, after two or three years after the start of the period of puberty. In this regard, it must be said about the so-called premature and belated sexual maturation. In the first case, such signs like an increase in the mammary glands, sexual shatter appears in girls before eight years, and the appearance of menstruation up to 9 years. As a rule, it speaks of early enhancing the activities of the ovaries, pituitary gland and hypothalamus and can be both the norm (for example, a consequence of genetic susceptibility) and medical pathology. In the case of premature puberty, it is recommended to consult a doctor, a children's gynecologist, an endocrinologist to eliminate any pathological process.

    In belated sexual maturation are those cases when, by 14 years, the girl has not yet begun to develop the dairy glands, and there was no overeating, and the menstruation did not appear. Most often it is a signal of any deviation in the development of sexual and endocrine system. In this situation, the sooner an appeal to the doctor will occur, the easier it will determine the cause of the violation and the treatment is scheduled timely.

    Parents Experts Gynecologists and Endocrinologists recommend not to neglect preventive inspections. After all, your girl is a future woman, mother, so any pathology is better to reveal immediately and prevent their development.


    MenarcheAccording to the encyclopedic definition, menstruation is cyclic rejection of the thickened layer of endometrial (uterus mucosa) and the separation of blood from the uterus occurring monthly in women of reproductive age.

    Menstruation come monthly - a very conditional concept. The normal duration of the menstrual cycle (the period from the first day of one menstruation until the first day of the next) ranges from 21 to 35 days. Healthy women and girls with the established menstrual cycle of deviations in its duration almost never happen or they do not exceed 3-4 days. If the cycle duration is more than 35 days or less than 21 - this is a reason to appeal to a gynecologist to clarify the causes and appointment of treatment. However, often with climate change, in the spring months, in stress (for example, passing exams, especially graduation and introductory), the duration of the menstrual cycle can significantly change. To the doctor should be referred to when menstruation delay for three months and more.

    All processes in the life of a woman flow cyclically, that is, with certain periodicity, menstruation is the brightest manifestation of the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. And it suggests that the fertilization of the egg did not happen and the reproductive system begins a new cycle of the body's body preparation for pregnancy.


    One of the main points in menstrual bleeding is the elementary observance of personal hygiene rules. It is necessary to lie at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, and even better with each change of laying or a tampon, since menstrual blood from contact with air acquires an unpleasant smell. In addition, it is the perfect environment for bacteria. Change tampons or gaskets as impregnation, but not less often than every four hours. The reason for such a frequent shift is written in always in the liner of packaging with tampons: toxic shock syndrome (STS). That it is already time to change, you can guess for easy sensing sensation.

    Hygienic - Tampons

    What kind of hygiene to use when menstruation, gaskets or tampons, Wolne woman solve itself, but for the girl there will be an explanation of mom and conversation with a gynecologist.

    Tampons can be used since the start of menstruation provided:

    • the right choice of the size and absorbency of the tampon;
    • properly introducing a tampon;
    • If the girl has no certain medical contraindications.

    Girls who do not have a violation of the virgin can use tampons specifically for this designed. If you fail to enter a tampon even after several attempts, you must consult a gynecologist. Perhaps the virgin pole (hymen) is too small and does not allow you to enter a tampon. At least 2% of adolescence girls have difficulties with the introduction of a tampon for this reason. In such cases, gynecologists are recommended to use other hygienic agents.

    In the last days of menstruation, when a woman begins to conduct a more active lifestyle compared to the first days of menstruation, much more convenient to use tampon. At night, it is better to prefer the laying, especially since there are special - «Night», longer and wide. In general, there are no strict rules for choosing hygienic tools, it largely depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's life and lifestyle.

    During menstruation, it is not recommended to take a bath. Best restrict ourselves to the warm shower and arms. You should refuse bathing in the pool, rivers, sea, natural water bodies.

    An important point during menstruation is nutrition. During this period, it is necessary to provide the body with all the necessary elements: vitamins, minerals, calcium, magnesium, fiber. It is also necessary to balance the combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is worth limiting the girl in the use of sweet, salted and overly sharp seasoning.

    Many girls complain that during the period preceding menstruation, their skin is covered with small acne. To blame for this sex hormone. Do not worry, they will disappear with the end of critical days. But if they do not pass on their own, then you can seek advice from an endocrinologist or a gynecologist to eliminate serious violations in the body, and, desirable, to a dermatologist who will prescribe an outdoor preparations aimed at improving skin condition. At home, you can recommend using light antibacterial masks and, of course, comply with a non-strict diet.

    In addition, during menstruation, it is better to avoid sports competitions, lifting weights, hypothermia, follow the timely emptying of the bladder.

    I have a stomachache

    MenarcheIn healthy girls, menstruation, as a rule, regular, for them, a disturbance of the menstrual cycle - the phenomenon is quite rare. Such violations are manifested by a reduction or lengthening of the period of time between menstruation, an increase in the duration of the menstruation itself, the amount of lost blood and pain.

    Diemenorrhea is pain before and during menstruation arising from the contractions of the uterus under the influence of prostaglandins. The high level of prostaglandins leads to the strengthening of the contractile activity of the uterus, spasm of vessels, ischemia, which causes painful sensations. Such a mechanism of action of prostaglandin is launched and during childbirth. Therefore, girls suffering from a severe dysmenorrhea need serious attention, as they go through mini-childbirth during menstruation.

    In some cases, dysmenorrhea occurs when the uterine is incorrect when the cervical canal is formed. In this case, the muscle of the uterus for the expulsion of the contents of the cavity has to produce strong cuts to push blood. Other reasons of dysmenorrhea may be inflammatory diseases of the small pelvic organs, endometriosis, uterine myoma. Therefore, with dysmanifier, you should consult a doctor, which will allow you to establish the true cause of this suffering and eliminate it.

    By the way, there is an opinion that a few decades ago, women flew out of pain at the bottom of the belly… washing the floor with a rag in hands, without a mop…

    During puberty, the girl should regularly pass a physical examination to learn more about the reproductive health of the woman in the trust atmosphere and prepare for the first menstruation.

    Maintaining menstruation diary will help identify a menstrual cycle violation or female health problems.

    Now puberty in girls comes before. If our grandmothers menstruation began in 15-16 years, now the option is the norm - starting from 12 years.

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