Why chest hurts


Why chest hurts
Complaints of the pain in the chest are common among girls
and women under the age of klimaks. Pains may occur in one or
both milk glasses, wearing a permanent or parietal character. If
You are borrowed by pain in the chest area, consult
mammologist or gynecologist. The main reasons for the appearance of breast pain in women

  • violation of hormonal balance;
  • pregnancy;
  • menses;
  • mechanical damage to the chest;
  • infectious infection of the breast;
  • cancer breast disease;
  • excessive ultraviolet radiation;
  • excess weight;
  • unsuccessfully selected underwear.

The most common cause of pain in
Breast is a hormonal failure (insufficient amount of progesterone and iodine,
For example). Violation of hormonal balance is characteristic during pregnancy and
breastfeeding, premenophasis, under premenstrual syndrome and
Use of contraceptives.

The feeling of pain in the chest can talk about
Benign dysplasia and breast inflammation, mastopathy,
chest hypertrophy and uncertain formations. If, in addition to breast pain,
There are bleeding from a nipple and a change in its shape, sealing
either skin deepening over a tumor and an increase in lymph nodes (axillary, under-
and percussion), then we can talk about breast cancer.

Sore chest before, during and after menstruation

Why chest hurts
Hormonal changes are connected with menstruation,
Therefore, monthly pain — norm. Before ovulation occurs
Proliferation: the growth of the epithelium in the ducts and slices of the breast and
Enhancing breast blood supply. As a result, the chest swells and increases in
volume, which is one of the reasons for the feeling of pain and discomfort. Growth
Iron fabric with the same consequences is observed during menstruation.
At the end of this period disappear and painful sensations. It is considered,
that the feeling of discomfort is the norm if the week occurs a week before the monthly.
It is important that such pains are not sharp and relatively easily tolerated. At
The appearance of strong or prolonged pain needs to contact the gynecologist
or mammologist: it can be a manifestation of a serious disease.

Mastalgia after menstruation is not the norm,
Therefore, it is advisable to contact a specialist (mammologist, gynecologist, oncologist,
Endocrinologist). In such cases, unpleasant feelings in the field of chest can be
associated with a large cluster of fluid in the tissues of the mammary glands, hormonal
Disorders, pregnancy in early terms, disruption of the balance of fatty acids,
development of mastopathy and oncological diseases.

in breasts during pregnancy

Chest pain — one of the first signs
Pregnancy. This is due to the work of hormone hCG (chorionic gonadotropin
a person), as a result of which the breast begins to increase and cause
the discomfort. The feeling of pain is individually and can be of different intensity. IN
Pregnancy period discomfort in the chest area is the norm, so
We'll have to suffer.

To reduce breast soreness during
pregnancy, you need to competently pick up underwear: wearing bras exclusively
From natural fabrics, with wide straps and bones. There is specially
Developed complex of physical exercises for breast muscles, as well as procedures
(wipes and air baths) aimed at improving lymph outflows and
Elimination of discomfort. If the pain is only enhanced, it is necessary
Contact your gynecologist or mammologist to clarify the situation.

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