Life is our full stress. Experiences for loved ones, conflicts at work, in transport, lack of finance, exams at the child ... many take events close to heart. Then headaches begin, pressing pressure, difficulties arise with falling asleep. To calmly calm down, you can resort to the tincture of Valerians. In this article, you will find information about what cases this means are used, what is its pharmacological properties, dosage. Make this soothing liquid from the roots and rhizomes of Valerian medicinal, let us dwell in more detail in busy information about this plant.

Interesting about Valeriane
Medicine from ancient times uses the healing properties of Valerian. Sheelli Dioscord, Avicenna, good opinion about her was Pliny senior. It was believed that the plant was calm, the most grateful, consent. It is believed that the name was given by the plant from the Latin verb, sounding like «Valera», Meaning «to be healthy». Rhizomes and roots are characterized by a special specific aroma. Therefore, in ancient times, the plant was also called Nardos, Nardi or Nard, which translates as «Aroma». Other names were added for a thousand years - Cat Grass, Moon, Maun, Forest or Earth Ladan, Shake grass, pain. The modern name she got from Charles Linneya - Valeriana Officinalis. There are more than 200 types of Valeria. Some species take leaves for making salad, Americans add raw materials in liqueles, Cubans are placed in cigars as a fragment. It turns out that not only inside you can drink fragrant drops, but also inhale through the nose. First you need to take a breath of one nozzles, closing another. Enough 4-5 inhales, and then the same thing is the other nozzles. And such aromatherapy is better to carry out before bedtime. If you do everything for 30 days, the general condition of the body will improve, the nervous system will strengthen. And another option to use roots - sew a linen bag of small size and put raw materials in it. Place the bag in the headboard bed, then harmony and strong sleep will come. Valeriana's roots prepare different dosage forms. In the pharmacy you can buy a packaging in which gridden rhizome and roots are packaged, or in a box you will find filter bags with raw materials. Also known to all small yellow pills containing Valerian extract. On the shop window, near the tincture of Valerians, there are vials of combined drugs, which also includes a feline root: Lrangee-Valerian drops, Corvalol, Valokormide, Valokordin, Cardiovalen, Drops of Zelenina, Dental Drops. Dry raw materials are included in the composition of soothing, gastric, wind chances.

General information about Valeria's tincture
The tincture is a red-brown liquid having a characteristic, all recognizable aroma and sweet-bitter taste. When stored in the light, the tincture becomes more dark. For cooking in factory conditions, this ratio is used: 200 grams of grinding rhizomes and roots will need to take 1000 ml of ethyl alcohol 70% (it acts as an extractor of active substances).
In bottles, different manufacturers are packaged by the finished tincture of 15, 25, 30 and 50 ml. And now let's see what substances make the tincture of therapeutic.
Valerian chemical composition
A large number of essential oils, among them are isovalarianic acid, pinen, borneol, bornalizer, sesquiterpene, tanning substances, valpotriates, triterpene glycosides, valeposids, free amines, organic acids, alkaloids (among them Hatinin), some ketones. Such a large combination of components in a certain concentration is very beneficial affected by the body, especially on the nervous system.
Pharmacological properties of tincture
The main effect, which is expected when admitting tincture, Valerian - sedative, that is, soothing. And everything is happening due to the presence of essential oil rhizomes, the weight of which is the ester of isovalarianic acid and borneol. The alkaloids represented by Hachinin and Valerine, and Valpotriatrias also endowed the sedative effect. Valerian medicinal facilitates the offensive of the process of natural falling asleep. Sedative effect does not occur instantly, but quite stable. In addition, Valepotriats and Valerian Acid also have an antispasmodic effect. The choleretic effect is noted, the strengthening of the secretory activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). I will give other positive properties of Valerians:
- Expansion of coronary vessels, slowing down the heart rhythm at fast «Beating» a heart. Hearts adjustment occurs through the mechanisms of neuroregulation and direct impact on conductivity, cardiac muscle automatism. Such a therapeutic effect on the heart tincture has been using its long-term courses in accordance with the appointments of the cardiologist.
- Weak molytic action, relaxation of smooth muscles.
- A small hypotensive effect.
- Enhances effects Snow Macons, soothing and antispasmodic preparations with joint appointment with them.
Application in medicine
I would like to note the following testimony for the use of Valerian tinctures:
- states of excitation, overvoltage, nervous breakdowns, stressful situations, irritability, neurasthenia, hysteria, epilepsy;
- Floor disorders associated with increased emotionality and excitation;
- headaches, migraines associated with vegetual vascular disorders;
- Functional violations of the activities of the cardiovascular system (abbreviated CSS), such as neurocirculatory dystonia, tachycardia, arrhythmia;
- Stages Hypertension or angina;
- Spasms in the intestine;
- Hyperthyroidism, climacteric disorders.
Of course, readers our site will have a question - how to apply this tool? Adult Man Doctor usually prescribes from 15 to 30 droplets in a small amount of water. The amount of receptions is three or four per day. Everything is individually depends on the state of the person. Children who have reached 12 years, dose are calculated as follows: 1 drop for every year of life. When well-being improved and stabilizes, that is, positive dynamics are achieved, then the tincture is canceled.
Although the drug is this vegetable origin, but sometimes unwanted phenomena during overdose or very long-term admission:
- general weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, depression;
- headaches, dizziness;
- nausea, Pain in the abdomen;
- disorders of visual and auditory perception;
- In rare cases, there are signs of individual intolerances that are manifested as Allergic reactions, rash, itching, leather edema.
This dosage form is not appointed to reception to children who have not yet reached 12 years of age, pregnant women and those who feed their baby breasts. Do not use the tincture of those who have individual intolerance to alcohol, components of the composition, addiction to alcoholism and in depressive states. The instruction attached to the drug advises to refrain during the course reception from driving a car, management of complex mechanisms of work, which requires special attention and speed of reactions.
Keep valerian drops in a dark place inaccessible for children and homemade fluffy pets. Blocker necessarily tightly screw the lid.
If it is necessary to calm down, with the confidence that you do not have serious nerve diseases requiring a visit to the doctor, you can resort to a natural sedative preparation, which is Valerian tincture. The tool is tested on several generations of our ancestors. And the wish from our website: be calm, patient, restrained and healthy.