Stenzard: Risk Factors and Treatment


  • Angina, risk factors disease
  • Treatment of angina

  • Angina, risk factors disease

    Angina - clinical syndrome, manifested by
    sternum, in consequence of myocardial ischemia, i.e. blood supply disorders
    some kind of heart muscle. Since blood outflow is disturbed from
    myocardium, the accumulation of unsophisticated metabolites is accumulated as
    is the cause of pain.

    Stenzardia is considered one of the manifestations of ischemic heart disease
    (IBS). Therefore, it is necessary to consider the causes of IBS. The main ones are:
    Atherosclerosis of coronary arteries, various diseases of coronary
    arteries (for example, arteries, bundle of aortic and others), congenital
    Defects, embolism of coronary arteries, etc.

    The following risk factors are distinguished:
    • heredity
    • diabetes
    • smoking
    • Hyperholesterolemia (elevated cholesterol content in the blood)
    • hypertension
    • obesity
    • hypodynamine (sedentary lifestyle)
    This clinical syndrome is called
    more «chest toas». This second name arose on the basis of complaints,
    Patients presented. During an attack, a man feels strong
    Breastache, which wears the pressure, compressing. Lasts
    It is usually 15-20 minutes. The attack can be provoked by physical
    Load or some emotional experiences. Sometimes appearance
    Pain contributes to the street in the cold season. During
    An attack of a person is experiencing a sense of fear of death, pale, on the forehead
    Speakers cold Spirin. At the same time he always strives
    stop, frozen in a fixed pose (so angina called
    more «Survey diseases showcases»). In addition, pain can
    spread to the left shoulder, hand, lower jaw, shovel. Same
    A shortness of breath may appear, the feeling of heartbeat, the feeling of interruptions in
    Heart work. Pain attack passes in 2-5 minutes after reception
    Nitroglycerin tablets under the tongue.

    Angina diagnosis is made on
    the basis of the patient's complaints, as well as the results of laboratory and
    Tool Research. Patients are directed to blood test
    (lipid spectrum), to establish the ratio of various groups
    Lipoprotein. It is necessary to make an electrocardiogram (ECG),
    Conduct echocardiographical research, sometimes coronary
    arteriography (to establish the degree of sclerosis of the coronary arteries).

    Treatment of angina

    Treatment of angina - is primarily the treatment of IBS. Begin it
    With the establishment of factors contributing to the development of IBS. Then
    It is necessary to eliminate them - the appointment of a low fat diet,
    Cholesterol, loss of body weight, rejection of bad habits (smoking,
    alcohol consumption.), strict control over arterial
    pressure and other events.

    Stenzard: Risk Factors and Treatment
    Major drug therapy in
    Time of the attack of angina is the reception of nitrates. Main preparation
    This group is nitroglycerin. Sucking in blood, it contributes
    extending vessels, in particular coronary, which contributes
    restoration of blood circulation in myocardium, and therefore occurs
    Purchase syndrome. There are various forms of nitrates.
    The most common is sublingual pills. After them
    Applications under the tongue, painful syndrome disappears after 2-5 minutes. Also there is
    Transdermal ointment, plasters. These are the so-called prolonged
    Forms of nitrates. They are used with the preventive purpose. Patient
    sticks the plaster from which the gradual release takes place
    nitroglycerin and its blood concentration is supported on
    Certain level. Thus, pain is prevented
    Attach. But taking nitrates, a person must remember the side
    Actions of these drugs. The main one is a headache,
    Dizziness, arterial hypotension, which is due
    vasodilatory effect of these drugs. It should be noted that
    long-term therapy nitrates causes the development of tolerance, that is
    Reducing the susceptibility of the body to the drug. Therefore, to take
    drugs group of nitrates are necessary under the control of the doctor.

    In addition to nitrates, the patient is appointed
    Beta blockers that reduce heart rate (Atenolol,
    Bisoprolol, metaprolol, sotalol, etc.).

    Acetylsalicylic acid is prescribed for prophylactic blood coagulation with subsequent thrombosis.

    Calcium channel blockers are also prescribed (Nifedegin, Verapamil,
    Diltiaze and DR.). These drugs reduce the reduction of the heart, reduce
    blood pressure prevent spasm coronary vessels.

    If the patient has an increase
    cholesterol levels in blood, then hypocholesterometer
    Preparations. Statins (Simvastatin, Fluuvastatin), and
    Also Fibrats.

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