Biopsy cervixa


Biopsy cervixaThe cervical biopsy is called the procedure that is held in suspected precancerous and other abnormal education in the uterus. The study is carried out in laboratory conditions and gives accurate results based on the diagnosis and treatment is appointed. Biopsy cervixa — It is a histological study of a sample of tissue from the surface of the cervix, during which it is determined or the diagnosis is set. Indications for its conduct is the detection in the field of the cervix pathologies requiring confirmation on the tissue or cellular level. It is assigned and in cases where ordinary visual inspections and the analysis of smears do not give enough information to form an accurate diagnosis. Based on the results of the biopsy, diseases such as leukoplakia, kondyloma, endocervicitis, carcinoma, siege epithelium dysplasia and a number of other. Contraindications to the procedure are disorders of blood clotting and acute inflammatory diseases.

Preparation for the procedure

Biopsy is surgical intervention, therefore, before its holding, a woman is examined for the absence of infectious diseases of any type of sexual system. An analysis of the smear on the presence of pathological flora is made, and if the result is negative, the procedure is assigned in the near future. When the pathological microflora is detected, the infection is preliminarily cured, and only after that biopsy is held.
Bioptat takes immediately after the end of menstruation, so that the restoration of the wound surface will have time to occur until the next month. The healing time is approximately 10-14 days. Before conducting the procedure, the patient gives written consent to the study. Anesthesia for biopsy is not necessarily, because there are no nerve endings in the cervix. But to calm the woman and removal of muscle stresses and the associated feelings can be made by a spraying of lidocaine.


Fabric sample process

Biopsy cervixa
Before taking the material for analysis, the cervix is ​​pre-treated with acetic acid, and then painted with a solution of Lugol. This allows you to distinguish healthy fabrics that are freely exposed to staining, from areas subjected to pathology. Next, the process is possible in several scenarios, depending on how the tool is conducted procedure. In most cases, with the help of special tweezers, a piece of cloth depth to three and a width of up to five millimeters is separated. After which the cervical treatment is carried out with a special solution. Another variant — Use for laser operation. Pre-treatment is carried out the same as under the usual version, but the advantage of the method is the moment that under the influence of the beam there is a peculiar seating of blood vessels and no bleeding occurs.

Types of biopsy

In medicine there are several types of biopsy. In the course of some of them, a sample of fabrics for analysis is taken, but also abnormal sections are completely removed.
The most common types of research:

  • Trepardobiopia — fence is taken pieces of fabric from one or more sites;
  • Conization of the cervix — With the help of a scalpel or laser, a cone-shaped piece of fabric for analyzes is removed;
  • Endocerswix scraping — The procedure is a type of operation at which mucus is taken with endocervix using Cyundie.
    The amount of tissue taken on the type of biopsy depends.

Possible complications

In most cases, the only complication after a biopsy is bleeding from cervical vessels. But with non-compliance with the recommended personal hygiene rules, the wound site is infected. In this case, painful sensations appear at the bottom of the abdomen, purulent discharge from the vagina with blood clots is observed, it is possible to increase body temperature. Treatment is appointed by a doctor after examining the patient.

Recommendations of specialists

After the biopsy, in order to avoid different kinds of complications, you should adhere to a few simple recommendations. Before tightening the wound surface, it is forbidden to live sex life (usually two weeks), raise any gravity over three kilograms, visit the baths and saunas and take baths. After surgery, it should not be taken aspirin, which contributes to the blood dilution.

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