Disseminated intravascular blood coagulation syndrome - the most dangerous condition of the human body capable of leading to death. Just about the complex - DVS syndrome - read this article.

Despite the subtlety of the regulation of blood coagulation processes in the human body, sometimes there are situations where the entire complex mechanism for the formation of thrombus only in the places of damage to vessels almost completely comes out of control. As a result, a real catastrophe begins, which can lead to a deadly outcome. It is about the so-called disseminated intravascular blood coagulation syndrome (DVS syndrome). Word «Dissemination» Comes from Latin Disseminare - dispel, distribute.
Thus, speaking of the DVS syndrome, doctors mean the spread of the thrombosis process to the entire bloodstream system: the thrombus begin to form in various places of bloodstream. Kidney, heart, lungs, liver, brain, stomach, intestines, which doctors do not accidentally call shock organs.
About the consequences It is not difficult to guess. Such a deadly disturbance of the regulation of thrombosis can begin in critical situations with which the human body faces, to put it mildly, infrequently. For example, the DVS syndrome is often a consequence of heavy bleeding after abortion, severe injuries and many other shock conditions. It may also be due to the decay of blood cells under the influence of poisons or the development of a powerful infection (blood infection).
The logic of the circulatory system in the cases described above, is generally understood.
The body receives information about the intense, threatening life of blood loss and «Rugs behind the lever» Emergency. As a result, the process of generalized thrombosis is launched - the so-called hypercoagulation. Yes, this measure itself is dangerous for life, but it does not have to choose a more sparing way.
The many thrombus vessels that appeared in vessels do not only interfere with blood circulation. They start the reverse process. The blood clots begin to collapse intensively, the process of hypocoagulation begins. He often acquires such an intensity that blood stops coating at all. Figuratively speaking, the condition of the circulatory system at the engine is reminiscent of the pendulum, which is swinging with a threatening amplitude. It throws it into one, then in the other direction.
Hangoagulation is easy to detect in fast-growing bruises in the fields of injections and even just pressure on the skin.
For example, a conventional cuff used to measure pressure can leave the sinister track below the hand compression site. In patients, the sinusiness of the mucous membranes (cyanosis) appears, urine acquires a pink color due to the kidney problems that are starting to skip the red blood cells, breathing makes it difficult. Not in vain in reference books on medicine they write that «DVS syndrome - a heavy catastrophe of the body, putting it on the line between life and death».
Withdraw a person from such a state difficult, but still possible. To save his life, doctors are often injected into the bloodstream at the beginning of the development of heparin syndrome - a substance that is a natural anticoagulant (T.E. prevents the formation of blood clots). For the first time this substance was allocated from the liver, hence the name (Greek. Hepar - liver), although it is formed not only in this organ, but also in some cells located on the walls of blood vessels.