Popular in club youth smoking mixtures SPICE and their analogs contain in their composition drugs and have a similar marijuana. About how spice affects the human body, in which the danger of this legal drug - in the article.
Hawaiian rose, sage predictors, blue lotus — All this is the beautiful names of the dangerous components that are part of the smoking mixtures announced in April 2009 outside the law of Rospotrebnadzor. The analysis of spice smoking mixtures of smoking mixes of Spice and their analogues conducted on behalf of this organization, revealed drug substances in their composition with a psychotropic effect similar to Marijuana. But, unfortunately, the procession of the drug in Russia has not ended with this decree. Other, few studied varieties of mixtures for smoking are still available, and therefore, every minute, someone exposes his health and life.
«Fute» grass
Spice, translated — «Acute spice», «spice» — The name of one of the trading brands of smoking mixtures sold in Europe, including in Russia since 2006. Product name changes on Smoke, Jan Rush, Pulse, Chillin do not change its essence. According to manufacturers, it is a mixture of vegetable components containing various biologically active substances that have a drinking and relaxing effect on the human body. It would seem that there is nothing dangerous in them, everything is better than tobacco or alcohol, and must be said, such an opinion existed for 2-3 years since the presentation of the product. However, in 2008-2009, during research, scientists found that the composition of smoking lesions include synthetic substances similar on the action of cannabinoids contained in marijuana (hemp).
No matter how darkened traders to hide the drug by adding ballast substances to a smoking mixture and even vitamins, the truth saw the light, and today in most European countries, the species of spice and its analogues are announced outside the law.
Than dangerous smoking mixtures?
Acquiring in the hope of getting unforgettable impressions small, slightly more match box package containing only 3 g of grass, a person is unlikely to think about how much harm can he hurt himself and his loved ones. Moreover, even scientists and doctors do not know until the end. The effect of synthetic cannabinoids on the body has been studied yet. However, what is known today is already enough to say: the back of the spice smokers may not be. Equivalent to narcotic substances, smoking mixtures cause mental and physical dependence in humans, lead to degradation of personality, even faster than marijuana.
The action of spice on the human body can be decomposed on the shelves.
Local reactions are manifested in the form of irritation of the mucous respiratory tract and the eye, which is similar to that inhalation of tobacco smoke. Smoking of the mixtures leads to the appearance of cough, voices, tear, due to the development of chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheite, bronchitis and pneumonia. Globally smoking mixtures, like tobacco, lead to lungs, larynx and pharynx cancer.
- The effect of spice on the central nervous system is expressed in the emergence of the feeling of euphoria, hysterics, impaired coordination of movements, auditory and visual hallucinations, loss of control over themselves. There have been cases when being influenced by Spice, people went «take a walk» From the last floor of the building, dived into the ice burger, carried injury and their loved ones. Cases of paranoia, psychosis, dissociative and other mental disorders are described. Long-term forecasts look more terrible: mental addiction, irreversible changes in the brain, leading to a deterioration in memory, mental activity, depression with suicidal inclinations.
- Smoking Spice causes strongest intoxication, in other words, organism poisoning: nausea, vomiting, heartbeat, dizziness, enhancement of blood pressure, cramps, fainting, to whom. The passion for aromatic grass, as the spice and its analogues of drug dealers, negatively affects the work of the liver, cardiovascular — Vascular, respiratory and sexual system. Smokers Men often have problems with potency and suffer from infertility, women — Menstrual disorders and hormonally dependent genital diseases.
- Systematic use of spice leads to a physical dependence, the appearance of an abstineent syndrome in the form of breaks inherent in drug addicts.
Spice out of law
Synthetic cannabinoids, which were found in Spice smoking mixtures, are prohibited in many European countries: in Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Estonia, Luxembourg, Poland, France, Sweden, in Russia and other CIS countries. True, they have not yet been made to international lists of controlled substances provided for by the Unified Convention on Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances, which makes it difficult to combat the spread of smoking mixtures.
Any sensible man sincerely wishes that the law has had its own effect and legal drugs have stopped their deadly procession on the planet. We hope that the information provided by us will save someone's life.