Gravitational blood surgery


  • Unnecessary - to withdraw
  • «Washing» blood
  • «Tuning» blood

  • Classifieds like «Purification of blood» You can find both in medical institutions of all levels and profiles or the Internet and in your own mailbox. What does this mysterious phrase mean, more like a magic spell than the name of the medical procedure.

    Unnecessary - to withdraw

    There is a lot of extracorporeal, that is «outside organismen» Therapy methods. These are the most popular three groups: hemosorption, plasmapheresis and hemocorrection – in order of increasing complexity and, accordingly, efficiency.

    Gravitational blood surgeryIn hemosorption, the patient has blood from the vein, they pass it through the filter and then purified blood is introduced back to the patient. This method is based on the fact that many harmful substances contained in the blood remain on the sorbent, which, as a rule, is activated carbon. Obviously, activated coal and other similar sorbents are not very disassembled which substances absorb. Therefore, according to Professor Vadim Cranes, the chief doctor of the clinic of gravitational blood surgery, today all over the world doctors extremely rarely use this method: «Normal hemosorption is too coarse method with many side effects and, moreover, ineffective compared to other methods». In our country, however, hemosorption is actively used in many private centers and public clinics.

    There is, however, a more modern version of hemosorption, much more efficient and less harmful – This is immunosorption. The principle here is the same, only as a filter is used by a column with an immunosorben, which binds only a single certain substance that must be removed from the blood. This method has the highest specificity, and therefore blood returns in the same form, it only does not have a certain malicious factor. The most widely of this method is used to treat atherosclerosis. It is known that the main reason for this disease is the elevated blood level of cholesterol and complex complexes – «Lipoproteins of low density» (LDL). Obviously, to deal with atherosclerosis, first of all it is necessary to reduce the level of these substances in the blood. With the help of medicines, this is not always possible and, moreover, they have a number of side effects. Therefore, the most efficient and popular all over the world by cleaning blood from excess cholesterol and LDL is the immunosorption. In Russia, this method is used, for example, at the Cardheology Institute. BUT.L. Myasnikova, in the Central Clinical Hospital, however, this method is widely used in Russia yet. Nikolay Kalinin, Professor, Head of the Department of Extracorporeal Purification of the Hematology Scientific Center, RAMS: «The problem is that not every patient is on the pocket. Main tool - speaker for immunosorption – There is about $ 3 thousand in Russia., At the same time, for the domestic technique, each patient needs two such columns. And although they can be used more than once, their shelf life is no more than two years». By the way, in the West, this procedure is an order of magnitude more expensive: the price of the column there reaches $ 15 thousand., and use them several times there is not accepted.

    «Washing» blood

    Another, significantly more popular way of influencing blood – Medical plasmferis. In the first approximation, this process looks like this: the patient's blood is divided into cells and plasma, after which the cells are returned back to blood, and instead of a remote plasma, a saline enriched with the necessary proteins is introduced. Over the next week, all plasma components are restored again. This may remove a different amount of plasma.

    Gravitational blood surgeryThe very medical effect is based on the fact that, together with plasma, harmful factors are removed from the body, but the body does not experience serious losses, because the cell mass is completely returned. Many experts consider this method universal. However, as in the case of hemisorption, some specialists, guided by the principle «There will be no superfluous», strongly recommend the placapheresis to all people as a prophylactic cleansing of the body. The idea of ​​supporters of this approach is simple: because thousands of poisonous substances fall into the body of a modern person, natural protection systems do not cope with this stream, and therefore the body is necessary «clean». However, this idea is very doubtful for several reasons. First, Plasmapheresis – this is a radical intervention, and without visible reasons for him, like any other operation, should not be carried out. In addition, it is obvious that many compounds are not accumulated in blood, but in tissues and organs, and even total «Blood washing» No way promotes cleansing. And finally, thirdly, most diseases proceed on very difficult mechanisms, and clean the blood flow by method «Avgiye stables», at least useless.

    The cost of these procedures, depending on the technology and the equipment used, varies widely. One procedure of simple gravitational plasmapheresis using the centrifuge is worth it, on average, about 1 thousand. rubles. This procedure is partially done manually, therefore the danger of the human factor is excluded. Simply put, the inattentive laboratory can not keep the technology or, God forbid, confuse your bag with blood with a stranger. With hardware technology, all stages of plasmapheresis are carried out automatically using sterile equipment. But the cost of such a procedure is significantly higher, on average, from 2 thousand. rubles up to $ 250.

    «Tuning» blood

    In fact, in progressive Western medicine, all of the above methods are not so often applied. Western doctors came to the conclusion that it just doesn't always make sense to simply extract certain blood components. As we have already said, many systemic and chronic diseases inherently with the help of these methods to treat, to put it mildly, not effective. Meanwhile, today there are many manipulations with blood that change its properties.

    For example, when photomets, the patient's blood is irradiated with ultraviolet or laser radiation. Other technology – Cryprecipitation - based on the property of some blood proteins fall into precipitate at low temperatures. That is, the plasma obtained by conventional plasmapheresis is cooled, the pathological components fall into the precipitate, after which the purified modified plasma is returned to the bloodstream. Reverse procedure – Thermal precipitation - was developed at the center of gravitational blood surgery and, according to its creators, effective, for example, in stroke combat.

    As practice shows, thermocipation is also very effective for patients with acute myocardial infarction. When the vessel is burned, part of the heart muscle, which he feeds, dies. In itself, this is not so dangerous, but the products of the destruction of these cells are disliked about the surrounding tissue, and as a result of the infarction zone, many times. Therefore, the main task – limit the infarction breakdown area. This can be done if immediately after the education of the infarction remove the products of the decay of cells. It is known that the heart attack is not dangerous by itself, but by their complications – Cardiac disorders and repeated infarction. The thermal precipitation is based on the property of some pathological proteins fall into precipitate at high temperatures. Therefore, we heat the patient's blood plasma to 400-560 degrees Celsius, we remove the fallen out of it «malicious» Proteins.

    Another direction in modern hemocorrection - extracorporeal drug therapy. Its meaning is that the medicine is not just in the body, but is left directly to the surface or inside the blood cells. According to Professor Cranenes: «Drug medication can be concluded in blood cells. Different blood cells capture different drugs. So, for example, it is known that white blood cells – Leukocytes are able to absorb various molecules if they give an incentive. We highlight leukocytes, stimulate them, and then add a drug that leukocytes and absorb. With the help of this technique, the minimum concentration of the drug accumulates exactly where they are needed».

    As assumed apologists of extracorporeal hemocorrection, these methods are much more efficient than drug therapy. Therefore, the main indication for them is complex systemic diseases that are poorly amenable to conservative therapy. However, from the point of view of modern evidence-based medicine, these, like any other efferent methods, are not verified. But it is almost impossible to check the objective efficacy of these methods, since this requires a complex technical base and qualified personnel. And since the cost of one such procedure can reach $ 1 thousand., Obviously, extensive studies on this topic cannot be carried out.

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