Hypogonadism: diagnosis and treatment


  • Diagnosis of hypogonadism
  • Treatment of hypogonadism

  • Diagnosis of hypogonadism

    In the diagnosis of age hypogonadism first
    need to be focused on the presence of certain clinical
    Symptoms. To facilitate the diagnostic procedure exist
    various questionnaires that make it possible to identify with a lot of probability
    Men for further surveys and treatment.

    The age hypogonadism of the man can be suspected when:

    The presence of one of the manifestations:

    • Reducing sexual attraction
    • Reducing the strength or intensity of erection

    At least three and more manifestations below:

    • Reduced energetic
    • reduction of force and endurance
    • Reduced growth
    • reducing curiosity and striving for pleasure
    • Feeling of guilt or sorrow
    • Reduced sports endurance and activity
    • Afternoon drowsiness
    • Reduced career disability

    There are also indirect manifestations of age hypogonadism:

    • Increase prostate gland
    • Reduced content in prostatic citric acid juice
    • The crystallization of the secret is losing the structure characteristic of healthy men
    • Reducing the level of fructose in seed fluid

    In order to clarify the diagnosis of age hypogonadism, it is necessary to determine the level of genital hormones.

    In this case, the main hormone is Testosterone. At
    Diagnosis confirmation should consult a doctor who will appoint
    Need treatment.

    Treatment of hypogonadism

    The basis of the treatment of age hypogonadism is normalization
    Testosterone level in serum. Perhaps holding
    replacement therapy testosterone-containing drugs and conduct
    stimulating therapy aimed at stimulating the synthesis of own

    Hypogonadism: diagnosis and treatment
    The main drugs for conducting androgen-accomplished
    Men's therapy are drugs of natural testosterone. W
    Testosterone replacement therapy (CTT) There are several
    modifications in the form of oral, injection and transdermal
    Applications. Decision on the form of treatment, about its duration and dosages
    Accepted by an experienced doctor, taking into account the characteristics of a particular patient,
    His age, as well as clinical symptoms.

    An adequate mode of dosing of testosterone drugs in the form of injections is intramuscular Introduction 1 time in 3-4 weeks.

    A microcapsulated form of the drug is 3-4
    month from which testosterone is gradually allocated after injection.

    Testosterone can be used as crystalline
    implants introduced under the skin that provide uniform
    Hormone allocation for 6 months.

    Preparations for transdermal applications include gels
    Testosterone and Dihydrotestosterone, as well as plasters. Plockers
    There are two types - for daily gluing on the skin of the body or on
    Skin scrotum.

    Testosterone preparation in the form of gel is applied to the skin. Daily
    Dose is calculated individually and depends on endogenous products

    Thus, a specific tactic and scheme
    Androgen-accomplished therapy is selected individually for each
    Patient and depend on the clinical manifestations of age hypogonadism,
    Testosterone level, as well as the targets of therapy and possible
    Side Effects.

    Absolute contraindications for appropriate
    Androgen therapies are breast cancer and prostate. TO
    Relative contraindications include sleep disorders in the form of apnea,
    Dyslipidemia, obstructive bronchopulmonary diseases, intense
    Normalization of testosterone level returns man self-confidence,
    desire and the ability to continue to lead an active lifestyle, move away
    The process of physical and mental extinction.

    The earlier you refer to the Andrologist's doctor, the faster
    It will be possible to solve many problems caused by age

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